Front view
Groudskeeper Willie
- Artist:
- Matt Groening
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Series:
- Simpsons
- Mini series:
- Simpsons Series 2
- Ratio:
- 2/20
- Size:
- 3
- Color:
- Orange
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2010
Where to buy?
- chicomalo,
- steve,
- kupooinc,
- mclars,
- Draculaz77,
- FetusBacon,
- Erok,
- robbieXeff,
- zro_toys,
- magicman,
- superchan,
- 0mie,
- Quig,
- johnnygringo,
- Slayerono,
- jrdillgc,
- mediafavorites,
- Coleman811,
- evo5555,
- Jmrxray,
- kingkong21,
- HelloKatie,
- jpidgeon,
- inspire,
- lisacoats,
- csm,
- turbobert,
- Empire,
- deathman,
- Eric2dimensions,
- vinyladdict,
- daddy,
- HAC2494,
- mrphresh,
- xbtran,
- playahaterelminator,
- tooldrmn,
- designertoyz,
- bluefrogworld,
- KillUrDate,
- drew,
- Dingus,
- kyleturner,
- OscarLomax,
- BigLonDog,
- NuTTzO,
- lacmo,
- Memsumarbe,
- all_weather,
- Metz27,
- riespieces,
- bengasali,
- ungdynasty,
- chinarot,
- wappersha,
- Grimace_N_Barrett,
- yomingo,
- juanmazuera,
- mindwurkz,
- ToyPunkJan,
- nickfisher,
- StonecutterjeffJeff,
- danimaniac,
- Liam,
- YoHenYo,
- Tempored,
- phr33r2000,
- Popmonster,
- jackmtr,
- tibash,
- hari_d,
- edge323,
- ElectricSunshowers,
- ashleyac,
- LiamRoberts1817,
- jfacta,
- Takingbacktyler,
- leucotome,
- kopiwriter,
- kingjgar,
- CainCamacho,
- Stormsls,
- juanperezx,
- randocalrissian.
13 17 11
13 years ago
Selling one for $9.95. Or looking to trade for stuff on my want list. Message me.
45 7 4
12 years ago
I have an Otto to trade you for Willie if you want to trade.