Front view
- Artist:
- Matt Groening
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Mini series:
- Futurama Series 1
- Ratio:
- 2/16
- Size:
- 3.0
- Color:
- Purple
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2009
Where to buy?
- Marcuzilla,
- doc18,
- akn220,
- robotbacon,
- Danimal,
- Erok,
- Alphakitty,
- jonpaulkaiser,
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- Geesus,
- Hellosundae,
- BigRed,
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- hannaconda,
- pyrogrl,
- VinylBeagle,
- NoriToys,
- ummm33,
- Isilme,
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- MeSmithy,
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- VinylFaun,
- Shadoedelgado,
- NRG_energy,
- J_Walrus,
- Lucca,
- lavr,
- fractures,
- Empire,
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- allthethings,
- aviator7,
- Angelicdreamz.
66 9 9
13 years ago
I have 1 for trade/sell.