He is from Canada
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- Comments 17
10 years ago
@davidtsh - try ebay if you're still looking for this
10 years ago
@CAZM I can't find it :(
10 years ago
try BS007. At some point he had many dupes of these
*disclaimer: he takes a while to get back to people
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13 years ago
Sorry for the crap photo...I don't have it so I can't shoot it. No one else had made the add yet, so....
13 years ago
If you're who I think you are, it's on its way :) Had no idea it was 1/120.
13 years ago
um...not sure about that? clarify? I did just receive, but not from you, my good fellow!
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
OK_DOMO, now that you have it, could you perhaps shoot a better pic for us please? :)
13 years ago
as soon as I can get to it, I will improve this abomination, yes ;)
13 years ago
hmm...not super happy with this pic, but my limited photo and imaging chops were foiled with the surprising degree of reflectiveness that this guy puts off. He's like a little mirror! I ended up covering my camera with a sheet of tissue paper, and then pointing the lens directly at the right eye to disguise it. There is an artifact above the left eye..I think that's where the paper stops, hehe. Anyhow, you get the idea, doncha?
8 years ago
Willing to pay cash money for this one...hit me up if you are willing to deal!
8 years ago
I don't know if this comment is addressed to me personally, but regrettably I have just one, which took a considerable amount of scrounging and begging to get, and that was 4 years ago.
The S1 chasers are crazy hard to find, but somewhere out there, there are still people sitting on these...good luck! -
8 years ago
Nope, not directed to anyone in particular, but thank you for responding. New to this site, so still figuring out how it works!
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13 years ago
Is anyone selling this, or know where to get it?
9 years ago
I need this one - if anyone is selling or trading dupes, please contact me. Also lost the Luche Libre somehow... might have given it away. Don't remember. Only need this one, and Mystery, and the Luche for a complete set. Offering $65 shipped in collectors condition. Box/Bag not mandatory. I have many UO boxes....
9 years ago
May want to check with BS007..I think he had a bunch at some point
6 years ago
Not sure how to reach him. Haven't updated my toy list in a while, why does time fly...
Guess I have a bunch of updating to do. -
6 years ago
Yes, still want this and offer still stands. Memme can be reached at emM Ohh Dee Bee Ohh whY at GizzleMailizzle. Coms for serious verifiable sellers...
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14 years ago
Rainbow Domo!! :D I hope I get this one very soon~ :3
14 years ago
Oh and if anyone has any extras of these please let me know! I would definitely buy it if you are selling! :D
14 years ago
I have a best friend who is getting me "my" domo, the cloud one, and I promised her I'd try to get her "hers". I will nuy if u are selling but im not a millionaire and I'm not sure what the average price is so plz dnt rip me off
13 years ago
Someone got an extra one, hit me up.
Please ^_^ -
12 years ago
If anyone has this domo, let me know. I would pay up to 30$ for this domo
12 years ago
respectfully, I think you are probably going to need to cough up a lot more than that, and that's IF you find someone willing to sell. Good luck!
10 years ago
I have one in excellent condition to swap for Series 1 Silver/Chrome if anyone is interested? I also have the wood 1/120 to swap instead.
10 years ago
Scratch last comment, I've now found the s1 chrome. Im still looking for series 3 clear circuit board or flame chaser in mint condition if anyone wants to swap.
7 years ago
Regret selling mine a few years back. Please send a message if you are willing to sell.
6 years ago
I know this is probably a long shot, but I am looking buy any Domo Qees that a collector may be willing to part with. Message me if you are interested. Thanks!
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13 years ago
Quite honestly, I personally get a fair amount of stuff on Ebay, especially if you are after commons. There was a round of S1 plain colors that sold last week, I am sure the brown was one of them.
I guess other than keeping an eye there, you could try the Kidrobot forums, which sometimes yields results. There also is a similar site to this called Trampt, they are supposed to have a trading feature at some point in the future...
As for the guy who has a sale link on this page, I have dealt with him.... you can try as well, but I will wish you good luck! ;p
If you are not looking for this exact one, there are almost a hundred different variations at this point, in 2, 4 and 7" iterations, so it won't be hard! -
13 years ago
I'm pretty sure I have this one somewhere, and loads more.
13 years ago
I know Dan, remember me when you sort them, I need yellow, pink, red and a rainbow.
13 years ago
Cool, I'll sort though these at the weekend. @sai has first dibs on brown, @jenX has first dibs on yellow, pink and red. I don't have the rainbow though, I know that for sure. Cheers.
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198 12 17
11 years ago