full spinning image & (non rude) box shots here: http://www.notcot.com/archive... /> I also added all the releases as series :Kidrobot Black so we can see them all together
This is the first one of the Kidrobot Black releases that I like.
Lilitu is really statue-like and the whole "rising from water" idea of the base is more than great. As a whole its at the same time really mesmerizing and creepy.
If I would have the money I surely would buy this. It really is a great piece of art.
It says big fat SOLD OUT in orange on KR-BLACK to me and not even the pic of Lilitu is up their page.... i don't know if it is just shown as sold out, because it is not for sale, yet or if something happened over the last few hours and they are all gone.... hmmm :(
sooooo....since you guys all have the buy button up, i thought, i refresh the page a few times and after the 3. try or so...tadaaaaaaaaaa, there was the pic and the buy option avaiable! @TOY: seems like KR changed their mind :P
I have to comment here about the KR's newest "improvement".
They shut down the Kidrobot.eu site "to make things better" for the international folks and now the main site Kidrobot.com works for both the US and international customers.
Just checked that one certain t-shirt costs 18.48 euros and the shipping costs for it? 19.94 euros. For * sake. The whole thing went just from bad to worse and this is their idea of taking better care of their international customers?
185 83 831
13 years ago
full spinning image & (non rude) box shots here: http://www.notcot.com/archive... />
I also added all the releases as series :Kidrobot Black so we can see them all together
51 9 368
13 years ago
This is the first one of the Kidrobot Black releases that I like.
Lilitu is really statue-like and the whole "rising from water" idea of the base is more than great. As a whole its at the same time really mesmerizing and creepy.
If I would have the money I surely would buy this. It really is a great piece of art.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Good work as usual Quichester, and agreed Mr. Walrus, this is a must have!
also boobs.
1 172 2
13 years ago
Where to buy?
499 646 2538
13 years ago
185 83 831
13 years ago
ha, just noticed 'should not be purchased by minors' !!!! boobs indeed
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Easy Jan, I only put it there as its not actually released yet.
185 83 831
13 years ago
i added a where to buy, sorry didnt think earlier, no idea when it will b for sale though
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
a patch of red down there ;)
fantastic sculpt, clearly the best of the KR Black bunch.
I don't have 250$, and Uncle Six Eyes is finally getting released so not for me. Wouldn't fit in my collection anyway :P
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
full view here:
432 4 822
13 years ago
KR Black with all the hotties. First the Doze Green Goddess, now this.
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
SOLD OUT! WTF? or is it still just not available?
i am a bit confused at this point...
51 9 368
13 years ago
For me it doesn't show as sold out?
Just keeps redirecting to Kidrobot EU, but not soldout.
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
It says big fat SOLD OUT in orange on KR-BLACK to me and not even the pic of Lilitu is up their page.... i don't know if it is just shown as sold out, because it is not for sale, yet or if something happened over the last few hours and they are all gone.... hmmm :(
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
nope, says "buy" when I click the link
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
that is fucked up!!!!!!!!!
900 1011 36
13 years ago
Says "buy" on my end as well.
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
-You're probably just banned, Sil ;)
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
sooooo....since you guys all have the buy button up, i thought, i refresh the page a few times and after the 3. try or so...tadaaaaaaaaaa, there was the pic and the buy option avaiable!
@TOY: seems like KR changed their mind :P
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
did you get one, Silly?
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Got Mine :) Can't wait to touch her shiny nipples ;)
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
@Lord: Mmmmmhhhh :D
i want to pet her muff...
388 689 743
13 years ago
Still says BUY. I'm so freakin' tempted.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
do it, your wallet/purse compels you.....
388 689 743
13 years ago
How much will I get stung for customs fees?
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Dunno with you UK pervs, but here it's like 40 bucks! :(
388 689 743
13 years ago
I don't think I can do it. I'm still jobless :/
151 10 2
13 years ago
Trying to buy, but receive following message when I click on "BUY":
The full quantity you requested is not available. The maximum quantity allowed has been added to your cart.
Seems to be sold out :(
144 100 4
13 years ago
Yeah, sold out...damn!
151 10 2
13 years ago
Damn indeed! :(
If anyone wants to part with one, I am looking to buy!
1217 471 28
13 years ago
hairs not quite 'shocking red' enough for me, looking back at the original artwork ;]
hey, I'm not ginge'ist, just sayin.....!
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
link can be removed. congrats to all who got one :)
41 297 15
13 years ago
such an AWESOME toy… *smile*
51 9 368
13 years ago
Congrats to all who got it! :)
154 1426 1657
13 years ago
the "water" is a translucent gray, she has shiny, polished nipples and mouth and appears so elegant!
you really should see "lilitu" in person! she is a stunner!
499 646 2538
13 years ago
From now on, I'm only interested in girls with glossy nipples.
109 5 384
13 years ago
This is just *expletive deleted* awesome!!! =)
109 5 384
13 years ago
She looks quite a bit like the ghost out of the Ring or the Grudge movies, except her hair and eyes are a russet colour...
51 9 368
13 years ago
You who have this, take good pics and post them here :)
Would be great to see other pics than just the official ones.
51 9 368
13 years ago
I have to comment here about the KR's newest "improvement".
They shut down the Kidrobot.eu site "to make things better" for the international folks and now the main site Kidrobot.com works for both the US and international customers.
Just checked that one certain t-shirt costs 18.48 euros and the shipping costs for it? 19.94 euros. For * sake. The whole thing went just from bad to worse and this is their idea of taking better care of their international customers?
I'm starting to be done with KR for good.
61 93 254
10 years ago
I agree SillyK or maybe Shellie, could you post some photos of Lilitu?, i mean now that we can add more photos, it´s almost a duty. ;)
61 93 254
10 years ago
BTW any wanna sell? :)
154 1426 1657
10 years ago
@sugoi: i'm happy to take pics of this hottie first thing tomorrow when the sun is out :)
61 93 254
10 years ago
XD cant wait!
61 93 254
10 years ago
;) SillyK
212 444 33
6 years ago
anyone selling??? $$$ aero.zachritz@gmail
522 28 126
5 years ago
Long shot, I know, but anyone selling one of these?
7 4 6
5 years ago
Is anyone down to sell this to me?
7 4 6
5 years ago
curetz@outlook.com if you're down to sell. thanks x,