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Sugoi Sugoi

Vomit Kid
  • Ral


    16 67 34

    10 years ago

    I got the name. Thanks Toysrevil for helping out.

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Nice!, is there a serie ? or is just this figure? where do i buy it?

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    10 years ago

    It was made for an exhibition of three Korean artists called Division2013.

    Here's the show photos: />

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    THank you!

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Embarassed in Love Cap’n Cornstarch - POPaganda Exclusive
  • quinntheboss


    734 487 437

    10 years ago

    Yes. Just bought this.

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago


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Baby Inc - Bitter, WF 2014
  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    platform: baby inc

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N.N.A. (Negative Never Again)
  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    I want to hear Thoughts !! I personally think this is an amazing figure !

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    I feel like I should really like it, but I don't. Something just doesn't seem proportionally correct. Maybe ill like it in one of the guaranteed 15 colour ways ;)

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago


  • AlPred angel


    396 106 218

    10 years ago

    Don't like it to be honest.. skull, helmet, white gloves: for the win,
    but i'm just tired of all these components..
    Or maybe i just don't feel this guy.

  • MelancholySpawn


    143 2057 263

    10 years ago

    it's the bandana/scarf that kills it's for me... bit too hipster for my taste :P Sad really, as I DO love the skull and boots.

  • vinylcoholic angel


    162 43 56

    10 years ago

    For me this is the 3d equivalent of stenciled spray can DEJA VU...

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    For me the palette of colors is just awful, maybe the next color, perhaps GID :)

  • MrLongbaugh


    131 392 100

    10 years ago

    I love Yosuke Ueno's art and this painting so after I saw the computer generated model was preparing myself to get one. But when i saw the final piece i changed my mind... it's too average. A glossy white one perhaps and i'd change my mind.

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Muckey (ムッキー) - Crazy Chocolate
  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago


  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    where is the "mega-want" button!!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    you going to be stocking mr. minty?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    yes sir :) previous edition of muckeyt will be coming soon aswell

  • Yardarm51


    90 175 160

    10 years ago

    I like the brown better than the previous blue and the coloured teeth are a cool idea but I almost see them more as a collar than teeth.

  • scott_savage


    341 168 14

    10 years ago

    Any hints for cleaning the flocked belly? I have the blue 1st colour way and it attracts any and all air bourn stuff. Unfortunately I don't have a cabinet or protective box or the like.

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    there are 6 variations of this brown edition, all have a different color nose expected arrival is later this month / early march :)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    pretty excited for these, make sure I don't miss the drop Mr. Minty :)

    Will we need an entry for each nose colour/version?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    will you also be doing open blinds for the new labbit mini series? I need one of the standing up godzilla ones, super cute! I presume they are a chase?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    jazzy, no problem, drop me an email and i'm sure i can hold on for you :)

    regardign new mini labbits, yes, we will open a few cases and will be offered online ! there are 3 editions if i remember correctly, we'll see the ratios once we get the boxes :)

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    I'm in the lottery for a direct purchase from Instinctoy... always nice to have a backup plan.

  • wflourance


    34 60 19

    10 years ago

    Hey Mintyfresh, you stocking anymore blue muckey's?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    Blue is gone and not coming back :( we still have a few open spots for brown and white so no rush :)

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    Awwww yeah... heading home to me. I will resist my urge to lick it.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    yo yo yo minty fresh, how much do I need to spend to get free UK shipping again? x

  • scott_savage


    341 168 14

    10 years ago

    @plaStig cool thanks, will give it a go!

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Quantity: 108

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Sold out at Mintyfresh C:

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Mr. Mintyfresh, when is the relase date of the Mintyfresh x INSTINCTOY Inc? C:

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    We will have a limtied amount available at Toycon UK next week. If there are leftovers they will end up in a lottery which you can enter after toycon. We will then also have another variation edition just for online also very small edition !

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Great!, thank you Mr MintyFresh!

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Mr. Mintyfresh,any leftovers of the MIntyFresh INC for the rotocasted users? :D

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    Is the Mintyfrest x Instinctoy a Muckey or an Inc?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    Yes we have leftovers :D, probably ernough to give every person that entered the leftover lottery at least a piece :)

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    OK, i didnt know about that, and will you sell some at your store? :D

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    10 years ago

    they Flocked edition will be via lottery and the GID edition will be free-for-all in the wbeshop :)

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Sweet! C:

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    When is gonna be on sale the GID edition? Calculating the punch to my wallet.

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    Still a bit confused here. Are we talking about a Muckey flocked edition and GID editon? Or is this a conversation about the Inc?

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    Anyone know?

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    The chat is about the Inc Mintyfrest x Instinctoy , as far as i know there is no flocked Muckey aside the 3 last issues. :)

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    Thank you, that is kind of what I thought. What confused me was that it was all here, on the Muckey page. So I just wasn't sure. Had it been a Muckey, I would have needed it!

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Mr Minty Fresh, When is gonna be on sale the GID edition? i noticed that the flocked edition is already on sale on your site, but the GID editon when?, btw do you think you could sell some Vicent from Instinctoy? :D

  • maskara11


    282 15 33

    8 years ago

    Want one of these. So cute.

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Tri Kami

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Pink P
  • MelancholySpawn


    143 2057 263

    10 years ago

    Interesting toy.... anyone know where I might find one?

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    for 1 minute it seems to me that the yellow studs were the panther teeth:/ jeje

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    10 years ago

    I'm pretty sure it's a one-off, so I guess it won't be that cheap and it's been made over a month ago, so no idea if it's still available. You could contact him through though.

  • MelancholySpawn


    143 2057 263

    10 years ago

    ahh yeah based on what i saw yesterday, I think you might be right. So yeah, more then likely WAY beyond my price range right now.

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Playmobil - The Blue Indian
  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Wonder, when this little fellas gonna show up. :)

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Well, not so little :D

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Bambi - Fancy Edition
  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    the paint on mine is kinda sloppy. Specially the black.:/

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Mood Palmer - Noir - Hand Painted
  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Can you place it upside down? It seems so. :)

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