He is from Wönderfül Cöpenhägen, Denmärk
- Photos
- Collection 1881
- Wishlist 1896
- Comments 2109
- angel
1881 1896 2109
10 years ago
Wonder if these beauties will show up at Lulu's. Totally missed out on the first one. Gah!
I don't suppose that Hiramoto speaks English or that it's possible to order internationally directly from his site.?!
I know that Angel Andy has painted some recently, but I like Hiramoto's color palette way better. -
10 years ago
They were actually offered internationally when they were available a few weeks ago, but could only be pre-ordered for one day. Lulubell have got a few unpainted pieces left, if you're interested.
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- angel
1881 1896 2109
10 years ago
- angel
353 1738 67
10 years ago
Woaw! Tears of a clown is an odd choice though. I've been told a few times i should visit Taipei. This could convince me...
- angel
1881 1896 2109
10 years ago
Yep, agree, Tears of a clown spoils it a bit, but it's super awesome to have a little glimpse of how T9G looks. He looks pretty darn cool if you ask me.
Sergey, you WILL have to interview T9G for the Rotomagazine sooner or later.
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1881 1896 2109
10 years ago
Marmit, Bearmodel and M1go are all my dope lately. Gotta get me more of those awesome art pieces.
522 28 126
10 years ago
Anyone have one of thees they are willing to part with? I am prepared to pay a ridciulous price to finish off my mothman collection. Or make an incredibly amazing trade. I need this guy,