She is from KS
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- Comments 35
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
So, every new toy company starting with JLED toy?
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Mr. Bunny effect is long gone :)
14 years ago
didn't they also release another jled toy last year?
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
14 years ago
I love this, the sitting on the tail effect is great.
Wasn't last years analog playset release a one off custom? -
14 years ago
^ yup! This is their first official release.
14 years ago
my bad :)
I like the dino but hate the bee in this set, guess i will give this a miss -
14 years ago
Yeah the Bees tail looks nowhere near as nice as the dino's.
14 years ago
The bees butt does look like a turd. Hopefully this set is reasonably priced.
353 606 632
14 years ago
$99,-... so who's still gonna get this ?
14 years ago
oh my starz... NINEY NINE DOLLAS???
13 years ago
Hahaha way too much. Maybe if the bee looked better. Sad though, I really like Wrecks : (
13 years ago
Wrecks is cool but I'd rather save my $99 and put it towards getting a Pico & Wilshire (which I still need--the price tag is just sooooo much).
13 years ago
I'm in, that Dino is awesome!! Not gonna rush though, as they are doing a run of 700, should be available for quite a while, so I will wait till I have a few pennies to drop.
13 years ago
talked with caswunn about this one earlier... 100 $ is a bit too expensive for me, as well and i really don't like the hornet at all... if they would sell only the dino, i'd buy it.
353 606 632
13 years ago
got request for customer so >> available as pre-order now >>
12 years ago
Just saying, this toy is much cooler for Motion City Soundtrack fans than just toy collectors. I only spent the money because MCS is my favorite band.
11 years ago
Anyone have the Ledbetter print that was for sale along with this piece they'd sell?
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13 years ago
I think this is a dupe. -
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
13 years ago
It took me a bit to catch your meaning. I see it now. I didn't notice this one was asleep; I blame the picture being at an angle.
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14 years ago
This is awesome a custom but too rich for my blood. =(
432 4 822
14 years ago
Half the price gets donated to charity. When you have to skip groceries next week, it won't hurt so much because you know you helped cure cancer!
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14 years ago
Yeah, there were a few in the store that had bad painting, but luckily there was one there that was good.
14 years ago
Here's a link to a picture that's more uniform with the others I just uploaded.
Also, the year on this should be 2010. -
12 years ago
I saw you posted this on another forum.. are you still looking to part ways with The Penguin and The Riddler? Sorry if this isn't the appropriate venue to ask.
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353 606 632
13 years ago
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh tempting !!!
556 952 193
13 years ago
It's F*ing HUGE.
13 years ago
It's F*ing AWESOME.
13 years ago
WOW! Wish I had the money! But I just spent my toy allowance with a life size Squire...
13 years ago
I wonder if my bank would do a small loan to but this toy....
212 36 12
11 years ago
I bought this off ebay and when it got to me the head had brokoff,so had to send it back,sucked
9 years ago
Still can't believe this is vinyl!
I know their heads sink if they get warm so no lights for me.
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14 years ago
The Best toys Money Can Buy
14 years ago
Mutant is misspelled in the name.
14 years ago
And is this set really taller than the other two sets?
13 years ago
sculpted by the four horsemen
13 years ago
Currently $49.99 at Amazon + $5.49 shipping. -
13 years ago
these are ridiculously posable. and the accessories are beautifully crafted. so great for any TMNT fan.
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14 years ago
I love looking at other people's collections. You run across fun little toys like this.
1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
I totally agree with that one. It's super fun to check out other's collections. Always wonder who these people are, how they arrange the toys etc. Are they as madly obsessed with collecting as I am? Probably! How they manage to put in 500+ toys in their homes. What does their wife say? My man is starting getting a tad grumpy. Our flat's beginning to look like a toy store, and I still want more! (It's like a drug!)
Help! -
14 years ago
Haha, you don't need help, you just maybe have to start thinking about getting a bigger place to live ;)
14 years ago
I got a bigger place and I'm already having to make more room for toys. I like buying toys. It's exciting when they arrive. They're fun to pick up and repose. My only hindrance is money to buy more toys.
1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
At the same time I'm feeling so decadent now. The world is flipping totally out at the moment. Earthquake, Nuclear pollution, Wars in Afghanistan, Libya you name it!
And all I can think about is; Where the hell am I gonna put all these toys I buy? -
14 years ago
At least it takes your mind off of things. =)
1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
Crazyfox, you're just as mad as me! :)
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804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Drinky Crow is my hero.
14 years ago
i wish his bottle would stay in!
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
I somehow balanced mine.
14 years ago
Mine stays in.
14 years ago
Mine came like that so I just redid the label with some masking tape and a Sharpie. You don't see the wire mark anymore...
The bottle stays in his mouth on mine. -
14 years ago
Once I get a drunk frog in bear suit, I'm going to need a drinky crow to keep him company.
1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
There's actually two versions of Drinky Crow. Look at the x eyes on this one:
14 years ago
Yes there are. The eyes are interchangeable.
14 years ago
I think it's one version, with changeable eyes...
1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
Sure! But check the x. It's much thinner!
14 years ago
I have a feeling that the photo may be taken from an early prototype, rather than the final object. I'm sure Drinky only had one run. I may be wrong.
1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
You might be right! ;)
14 years ago
Every now and again it happens.
14 years ago
i dont know but he's sweet and we love him yes his eyes r interchangable
went to store he was there
came back to buy gone so i had store order for me came in time for xmas for the wifey -
14 years ago
awww what a great gift. your wife is lucky.
14 years ago
I almost bought one of these on ebay last week for like $30 (after shipping). I just searched the interwebs and found it for sale from Things from Another World for only $17.99. Just thought I'd share in case anyone else is interested!
12 years ago
I just ordered mine off AMAZON for $11.99... Same company..
12 years ago
i need this in my life! i will have to get one soon.
9 years ago
damn, this came up on ebay as a set with the uncle gabby figure too and i just lost in the last three seconds of the someone who wasn't even participating. so rude. (i don't mind getting sniped if it turns out to be someone who bid first or was bidding all along...just feels extra bad when some random person snipes it from all of us, haha.) oh well, maybe i'll get another chance someday...
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229 351 35
14 years ago
I've never seen these little guys before. They're pretty cute!