He is from Irvine, CA
- Photos
- Collection 246
- Wishlist 193
- Comments 24
12 years ago
Thanks :) x
12 years ago
Hm. Too nude...
11 years ago
Finally arrived!
10 years ago
anyone willing to sell just the omen from this set. email scottkatler@gmail.com
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12 years ago
pre-order lottery here we go!
12 years ago
Gokunick, you get it?
12 years ago
sadly no, though my wallet did give a big sigh of relief.
11 years ago
So... what's up with this one?
11 years ago
he is either trying to suck his weewee and since he is half man, half donkey, he might even succeed...
or second option is, he really enjoys sniffing his own farts...
it's obvious, isn't it?! ;) -
11 years ago
I wasn't talking about the piece itself :D I was referring to the long waiting time of this one :D
But no problem, in the meantime we've had our good shares of updates on this guy ;-)
But thank you for your awesome personal and very literal interpretation of this piece :D -
11 years ago
wanna buy this guy
11 years ago
@plaStig , @chrissiv
I have this one up for sale.!! (: -
11 years ago
Don't sell it!!! You'll regret it later on! :-)
11 years ago
Now comes with a free matching Omen, nice!!
Killer shipping though!! ouch!! -
11 years ago
ANYONE INTERESTED?? still up for sale coming soon..
11 years ago
Really? :-S
So you are trying to make a profit of 600$ on a piece you don't even have in hand or haven't seen in person? -
11 years ago
11 years ago
I was hoing to keep it originally.I have someone interested. And yes I am trying to make a profit obviously..it would be $500 profit or less. We know it wasn't a piece everyone could have ordered. I have many pieces I have never been disappointed I don't need to see it in person.
11 years ago
11 years ago
@We know it wasn't a piece everyone could have ordered@
Yeah, we know that.. because of you and other people who trying to make money this way) Get a normal job) -
11 years ago
It's cool when you can sell an item years down the track for a profit but to buy a piece with the intention to sell it right away for a profit is just not cool in my book.
11 years ago
Look no one is telling you to buy it and pay more. This is the first piece I have to sell I did not buy it with intent to sell it. I am now selling it and trying to make a profit for personal reasons. How about you get a life instead of insulting people.
11 years ago
If you are buying this piece, you must be well aware that that people have a negative view of flippers. Your response is perfectly valid and it's a shame you have to sell such a piece. Yet, is that last line really necessary?
11 years ago
In a close community as the Coarse collectors, you can't really hope that people would appreciate this sale. You, feeling proud enough to say you're "obviously" making profit isn't gonna help it neither...
It's a shame that people like you even have the chance to get such a piece. I say this as a collector and no personal offense intended, but I really hope that they will find out who you are, that your pre-order gets cancelled and the toy will go to a real collector who loves this art as art, not as a money machine...
And we're not insulting people, we're "protecting our grounds" as collectors against flippers... -
11 years ago
I love my coarse pieces and am to attached to the ones I have. Like I've said before there is unfortunate personal reasons that I am having to flip this toy. It is the one I chose to flip because there is no attachment yet. I have never flipped a piece but I just put 1200 be ause others have sold there's at that or less. The buyer and I actually agreed to a much lesser price(since everyone is so bothered by my flip I am sharing that).I am not proud what so ever to be flipping it I said "obviously" because I was being sarcastic in replying to a comment. I love my collection and its sad that so many fellow collectors feel the need to bash me and calling it protecting.
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12 years ago
How big is this?
12 years ago
about 2.5 inches
12 years ago
Thats what she said!!
12 years ago
353 1738 67
12 years ago
Bearbricks love this chair!
12 years ago
All of these chairs are great for bearbricks and kubricks. But I feel so gay arranging my toys in little chairs, like its a fudging little girls tea party or something ;)
1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
I'm SOOO getting them. Brings back sweet memories when I was a young gay, 5 or 6 years old, re-arranging all the furnitures in my big sister's doll house! :)
12 years ago
Anyone know where I can find this exact chair for 1/6 figures?
432 4 822
12 years ago
They should do a really big version of these.
12 years ago
@shankweather, I see what you did there!
353 1738 67
12 years ago
@ToyPunkJan Actually, i have another one with a black interior, and they're very handy when my little plastic friends discuss their outfits before attending the Secret Gay Roto Pride.
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14 years ago
Where can I get this?????
14 years ago
i just added the link to the Dissizit webstore
14 years ago
sold out
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
I've tried for two weeks now, buying this toy from 3D retro, but their web page sucks BIG TIME. It's not possible ordering internationally because their payment page is 'ghosted'. Tried emailing them twice. No response! Screw 'em! :(
13 years ago
Should have bought it when I went to SDCC'10 ):
13 years ago
@Jan: a lot of people (including US buyers, not only international) complained about 3D Retro customer service and poor communication. you better find it somewhere else
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Totally! But where?
13 years ago
here ->
13 years ago
they have the black ones as well, I hope they'll ship internationally
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Perfect, Vera. We can always rely on you :)
And they DO ship internationally, $ 30. -
13 years ago
The shipping added another +$30...
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
13 years ago
well, it has no legs/feet :-P
13 years ago
selling both white and black versions for 55 usd shipped email me at laurenlevy6@aol.com
11 years ago
Looking for this! send me a message to ph7labs at the g mail. Paying top dolla! ;)
11 years ago
DeKorner has a gold edition of this for sale: https://www.facebook.com/deko...
11 years ago
Want these, anyone selling?
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12 years ago
Lemme know if anyone is interested in buying.
11 years ago
I might be interested, for a reasonable price
10 years ago
Email me at choi.hyunseok@gmail.com if you're still interested.
Sorry about the late reply.
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14 years ago
KR's credit machine broke, they were of course accepting cards when it was up and running.
14 years ago
Just got mine last weekend at SDCC, might want to trade or sell
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
how much was it at SDCC?
14 years ago
It was $45
14 years ago
Must have!! Anyone wanna sell/trade this?
14 years ago
I could sell, throw me an offer - SOLD
14 years ago
Sold & shipped
14 years ago
looking for one too :)
my favorite! -
14 years ago
Please advise who still has this dunny and how to make an offer.
thank you :) -
353 606 632
14 years ago
anyone has one for sale ?
13 years ago
i have this sket one mustard dunny.
13 years ago
can i buy?
12 years ago
Any chance anyone wants to sell their Mustard dunny? Looking to buy. Preferably to buy the ketchup, mayo and mustard all together.
162 43 56
11 years ago
Hi I'm looking to buy one of these
353 606 632
11 years ago
I'm looking for this aswell, just email me at info@mintyfresh.eu :)
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246 193 24
11 years ago
Definitely grabbing this one!
75 0 121
11 years ago
I think it'll be hard to top this release in 2014!
Awesome set!
405 0 504
11 years ago
Releases like this make me want to buy Coarse again - Stunning!
499 646 2538
11 years ago
you could have just 1 Coarse Release? ;)
75 0 121
11 years ago
Zombiekel! We miss you! Come back :D
405 0 504
11 years ago
No can do sorry brother. I'm done!
499 646 2538
11 years ago
come on man, we have cookies!........
499 646 2538
11 years ago
they have chocolate chips.....
405 0 504
11 years ago
Not even Chocolate chip cookies can make me cross back over. ;)