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Red Pyramid Thing
  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    NNNNNNGGGHHHH I need this in my life. The decorative figures are way out of my price range, but I can easily cough up $40 for a poseable Pyramid Head. :D

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Muckey (ムッキー) The Monster
  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Looks zombie-esque! Love it!

  • misterbear04


    110 35 41

    10 years ago

    This series is so cute! My fave is probably still the rainbow one though

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    Blue one is my favorite, this one sure looks awesome too.

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    I don't think I can pick a favorite. The original probably just because of the wow factor I felt when I got it in my hands, the others I knew what to expect ;) Fingers crossed in this lottery.

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    I did not win the lottery. Desperate for this one. Anyone who did and who will sell him?

  • serifofnottingham


    197 615 17

    10 years ago

    Did they send out emails about the lottery yet? Do they send them even if you didn't win? I haven't heard a thing, but this is the first lottery I've ever entered, so I don't really know what to expect.

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    I was told they were sent already, only to the winners. So if you did not receive anything, then you did not win. I went through my entire spam folder for the last few days, really hopeful, but nothing....

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    I have never won a single lottery I entered, toy or otherwise.

  • serifofnottingham


    197 615 17

    10 years ago

    Super bummer. :(

    Then I guess add me to the list of people looking to purchase this toy! I really, really wanted this.

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    yeah, me too. This one is my favorite so far and I really want all of them. Love this sculpt very much.

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    Add me to the disappointed list :(

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Keronga (ケロンガ) 2.
  • supercooperberella


    544 1250 58

    10 years ago

    Wow! I love this.

  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Me too, I wasn't too crazy about the previous green release, but this is just gorgeous.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    10 years ago

    He's a poisoned beauty. Just ordered. Hoping he won't sell out before they answer my email.

    EDIT: Kiss me, my prince!

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Jungle Fever - Fog
  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    So dang adorable and expressive.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    10 years ago

    stunning sculpt! beautifully done, which makes me really appreciate this piece

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  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Anyone know if this is a one-off or a run?

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Polluted Earth Wolf
  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago


  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    Another new Earth Wolf! Is this one available anywhere?

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    10 years ago

    Please don't say SDCC. I will have TWO toys I want desperately now that I cannot get. Anyone who can help me if this IS SDCC?


  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Yep, SDCC exclusive. $95

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    10 years ago

    So far this is the most beautiful SDCC figure I've seen. Look at those colors against the sculpted details.

    -What was the other one you had in mind, Cindy?

  • quinntheboss


    734 487 437

    10 years ago

    I got all my SDCC super7 stuff already. I passed in this guy though... He is really cool

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Suited Birdies - Heart Edition
  • amavevera angel


    329 75 1144

    10 years ago

    to be released at 3D Retro Grand Opening (June 21).

  • RICO


    208 34 127

    10 years ago

    Can anyone help me land this?

  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago


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  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Can someone please confirm that Seagool comes in different sizes? Some say 9 inches, some say 5, some say 4.5.

  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Just got confirmation from someone that this is 4.5 inches tall, not 9. Can someone fix?

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