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huaynoamargo huaynoamargo

He is from usa

Bio Mince Podima
  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    This toy is real amazing and fun to play with!!!!

  • Humanoid


    113 38 36

    11 years ago

    Yes! This neck and head are very original. You can pose him in multiple different ways and te paint is fantastic.

  • Acolorfulmonster


    7 22 1

    9 years ago

    So who exactly sculpted this? was it someone with Fly Over? They are like a clothing company right?

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skullHevi (the hydroDevil) - Japan version
  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    The colours to come... Pink, purple, grey glitter, GID swirl.... Flesh, marbled, turquoise, black......... Neon.

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    I just want any color cos this pushead rocks

  • J45067


    129 313 50

    11 years ago

    ^^^ Agreed, but the pink would be superb!

  • J45067


    129 313 50

    11 years ago

    Try your luck and pockets at Yahoo! Japan.

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Sideways OG
  • amavevera angel


    329 75 1144

    11 years ago

    I love this beauty! woke up at 5 a.m. to pre-order it, yay!

  • amavevera angel


    329 75 1144

    11 years ago

    based on an original sculpture from his solo show "joke's on me":

  • rcoconnell


    261 478 94

    11 years ago

    Pre-ordered. Finding out about stuff like this is my favorite aspect of Rotocasted. This is the coolest thing I've seen in quite awhile.

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    unfortunately 200 pieces is not easy to sell

  • rcoconnell


    261 478 94

    11 years ago

    I hadn't read about it before I saw it here. I read Plastic and Plush and occasionally LowBrownie. I still don't think the former has mentioned it, and the latter only mentioned it yesterday. Looks like it had popped up on Toys R Evil and Vinyl Pulse, but they're a bit too high-volume for me.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    It's a lovely piece but it just won't really fit in my collection.
    As I've run out of shelve space (and money) I start thinking about my collection as a whole - there might be some amazing toy/sculpture I love but I don't see how I can display it and can't justify spending the money. Unless I really fall in love :)

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    if he wasnt on the price-ier side ida picked him up, cool idea. dont usually dig wood pieces, but i can dig this guy!

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    Preordered mine. Expensive toy month for me.

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    does anybody know whe is this going to be shipped I can't wait!!!!

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    11 years ago

    They were supposed to ship this last week, but since they haven't, I suppose it will happen during the next few days.

  • pigeon


    64 496 18

    11 years ago

    Love the original sculpture and having a 'mini version' would be awesome. Wish I'd been able to pick this one up.

  • amavevera angel


    329 75 1144

    11 years ago

    they started shipping, I got my tracking number today

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    Terrible packaging, arrived with a damaged nose, anyone else have this problem?

  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    11 years ago

    Oh! Terrible news. I have not yet received, but already worried.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    Seems a few people on facebook have the same issue :(

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    damn, hope you get it squared away jazzy! maybe one day ill own one of these =)

  • hellscrape


    136 20 86

    11 years ago

    get it? squared away? yuk yuk yuk...

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    11 years ago

    Mine arrived too, I like it very much and it's actually a bit bigger than expected, but it does have a few scratches and some damage, as well as lines and even cracks on all 4 sides where I suppose the wood's glued together.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    Pretty poor QC on these LB. If you email them, they will replace. Good customer service.

  • Irit angel


    292 166 96

    11 years ago

    Mine also arrived broken. The poor chap has been decapitated. :-(

  • rcoconnell


    261 478 94

    11 years ago

    Mine is here, and in good shape. Very mild scuffing on the sides, doesn't detract from the *amazing* sculpt.

  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    11 years ago

    Got mine too. Only few attritions on the head. The figure is amazing!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    Surely they should arrive in impeccably perfect condition, as they are premium priced art toys?

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    even though it has a sarcastic tone to it.. i agree with dans statement. you spend that much money on a piece of 'art', i think it should be free of defects..

    does anyone know if they plan to make more of these? i might pick one up in a week or so, i wouldnt mind a couple more to stack!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    I should imagine there will be plenty of different releases for this piece, they are already on 3.

    Apologies for the sarcasm. I'm like that first thing in the morning.

  • Irit angel


    292 166 96

    11 years ago

    The packaging had no padding at all, which is strange for such a delicate figure, IMHO. I contacted MJ, and they will send me a new one. They're awesome.

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    lol, no worries dan. thanks for the info!

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    i wanted to do an exclsuive and told me they would limit to 3 editions total... so there should be not more coming

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    yeah, but they said they were done with the bad apple, and i know they made atleast 2-3 other colorways after that, and those two 'drippy' ones. weird.

  • streetflyz


    553 11 4

    11 years ago

    I was at the STGCC yesterday and I asked them if they had more colorways for the Bad apple and they said that they are done with it.

    Missed out on this one though :(

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Anyone want to sell me a broken one for cheap?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    @Shank I have one that is nearly perfect, just a bit of a ding on the nose. I'd be up for a trade or sale :)

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Send me an email, shankweather at shankweather dot com.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    emailing now, sorry for the delay, missed this somehow, thanks

  • das_mo angel


    146 14 162

    10 years ago

    I have a spare set of this one and the STGCC 2013 available, if anyone is interested.

  • jawa0377 angel


    0 4 1

    10 years ago

    If anyone has this figure for sale I would definitely be interested. Please email me at

  • rizza


    0 4 2

    9 years ago

    Im interested in purchasing this from someone if they have any extras, please let me know! My email is

  • superconductor


    212 444 33

    6 years ago

    anyone selling? $$$

  • das_mo angel


    146 14 162

    6 years ago

    Email sent.

  • whitefridaynight


    205 50 2

    5 years ago

    Anyone selling this little guy? Hit me up at

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  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    I found these toys in one of my fave nyc stores!!!! they are Shigeru Sugiura' s characters, he was an early manga artist from the 1930's 40's and 50's. Some of his characters are totallly surreal!!!! Does anybody else know or have more information on the name of the characters, quantity, the company who made them.

  • Yardarm51


    90 175 160

    11 years ago

    Gimme a bit of time to do some digging. His stuff is REALLY old school manga. I had no idea anyone had turned his designs into toys. In a quick Japanese google search I didn't find anything but I'll work on it a bit with my wife (she's Japanese) sometime in the next couple of days to see what we can dig up.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    that is awesome

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    Thanks Yardarm that is really great!!! I checked google and most of the stuff that I found were some pics on kaiju lab!!!! Nothing else!

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  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    I found these toys in one of my fave nyc stores!!!! they are Shigeru Sugiura' s characters, he was an early manga artist from the 1930's 40's and 50's. Some of his characters are totallly surreal!!!! Does anybody else know or have more information on the name of the characters, quantity, the company who made them.

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  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    I found these toys in one of my fave nyc stores!!!! they are Shigeru Sugiura' s characters, he was an early manga artist from the 1930's 40's and 50's. Some of his characters are totallly surreal!!!! Does anybody else know or have more information on the name of the characters, quantity, the company who made them.

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  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    I found these toys in one of my fave nyc stores!!!! they are Shigeru Sugiura' s characters, he was an early manga artist from the 1930's 40's and 50's. Some of his characters are totallly surreal!!!! Does anybody else know or have more information on the name of the characters, quantity, the company who made them?

  • MelancholySpawn


    143 2057 263

    11 years ago

    These toys were produced by Mangart

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    thank you so much

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  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    The Nauga

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    12 years ago

    Available only in Japan :(

  • kittenpotpie angel


    683 67 183

    12 years ago

    awww I want one!

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    12 years ago

    I want this what the hell !!! How can they only sell in Japan

  • doc18 angel


    1593 19 280

    12 years ago

    Managed to order internationally from Minority Rev for his show pieces (not this version) http://museumt9g.blog24.fc2.c.... Details are in Japanese but they replied to my English email />

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    12 years ago

    nice thank you

  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    12 years ago

    never heard back from them

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    11 years ago

    Hey, the yellow and gray PeaKY are available at Toy Art Gallery. ;-)

  • superpopstudio angel


    353 1738 67

    11 years ago

    Woaw! Thanks Just ordered the Yellow one! Yoohoo

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    Ditto! But international shipping was INSANE, so I had to buy both grey and yellow... uhmm... to save money!!!!
    Fingers crossed they don't get caught in customs.

    MINTY!!! Please get some T9G in your online shop for us Europeans!

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    Shipping turned me down. Gotta ask someone for store pickup.

  • superpopstudio angel


    353 1738 67

    11 years ago

    YUP! Insane is the word, i had to buy something else as well... B-)
    I second ToyPunkJan's motion... Europe is fucked enough right now! We need some fresh T9G toys supply to keep our spirits up.

    Grasshut in Portland are having a T9G x Koraters exhibition right now. Some nice T9G stuff. And shipping costs are reasonable!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    $45 shipping on a $45 toy which is already over priced, ouch TAG, ouch, why do you always disappoint me!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Geez. I could buy the toy and have it shipped to me, then ship it internationally, and pay total shipping of $22-$25. Why do they want so much?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    I'll be having the new T9G stock from now on, new figure coming soon !

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    viva la mintyfresh!!

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    You're on top of your game Joël!

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    yay joel!

  • superpopstudio angel


    353 1738 67

    11 years ago

    Minty, you're ze best!

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    Joël, our guy in the EU.

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  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    11 years ago

    why are ppl no into this toy is amazing!!!!

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Kotaro + Mask
  • huaynoamargo


    158 367 20

    12 years ago

    does anybody knows where to get to toy

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