Toys Library.
Ironclad Decimator - Mecha Rupture AP
Ironclad Decimator- Kidrobot AP
Ironclad Decimator - Chase Variant
Ironclad Decimator - Mecha Rupture Edition (select retailer exclusive)
Ironclad Decimator - Kidrobot Edition
Pac Gentleman
Chester Runcorn - Absinthe, SDCC '12
Ronson Travithik's Pet
Chester Runcorn - Mourning
Lugger (a Mechtorian)
Death From Below
Trevithick’s Wandering Puppet Theatre
Erasmus Swift and his Ornithoptor
The Wooden Boy - Marvel at the primitive machine boy made from timber
The Odorous Fish Man - Abhorrent Piscine Denizen of the Deep
The Hideous Pig Boy - Witness the Unruly Hog Beast! Wonder at his attempt at social niceties!
Hyde Munny
Mr. Gentleman
Rupture Girl
Search Engine
The Self Made Man
Crepuscular Ice Bat
Nosferatu Custom
Chester Runcorn - Port Edition
The Secret History of Video Games: Pac Gentleman
Humphrey Mooncalf - Leprechaun
Blavatski & Son's Automated Kismet Disseminator
The Entertainer - NYCC '11
Mr. Reilly
Artist Edition Yo-Yo #4
Bella Delamere - The Casino Affair (OG)
A Ruptured Cuppa!
Humphrey Mooncalf - Nocturnal
Humphrey Mooncalf - Dapper
Dumb Luck - Custom
Stephan PioneersPodd
Sentry Wheel - Verdigris
Mr. Head - Verdigris
Stephan LePodd - Verdigris
Scuttler the Butler - Verdigris
DJ Gramo Verdigris
Sir Shilling Copperpenny - Verdigris
G.N.O.M.E. Chase
Humphrey Mooncalf - Verdigris edition
Doktor A 1.5" coin
G.N.O.M.E. - 3DRetro DCon Exclusive
G.N.O.M.E. Prototype
Doktor A
Whistlecraft and Son’s Patented Self Stoking Engine
Sentry Wheel - Mourning
Mr. Head - Mourning
Scuttler the Butler - Mourning
Stephan Le Podd - Mourning
"Gentlemen's Club" - 3D Retro Exclusive
Stephan LePodd - Sunday Best (OG)
Stephan LePodd - First Day Release