Toys Library.
- Bubbles
- Gifted
- Candy Apple - Green Variant (Chase)
- Happy Lollipops - Yellow Variant
- Jacks
- Bubbles - Purple Variant
- Real Wonderland
- Candy Apple - Red Variant
- Red Scarf
- Squirrel Kid
- Yellow Raincoat
- Red Gear Bear
- Popcorn
- Obi Wan Kenobi
- Grand Moff Tarkin
- X-Wing Pilot
- Han Solo
- Luke Skywalker
- Princess Leia
- Mara
- Roger Rabbit
- Great Movie Ride’s Anubis
- Pirate's Helmsman
- Flick's Flyers
- Spectro Magic Mickey Mouse
- Tomorrow Land Suit
- The Incredibles
- Mine, Mine, Mine Birds
- Monkey
- Volleyball
- Piglet
- Winnie the Pooh
- Carnotaurus
- Mission Space
- Animation
- Carousel
- Gingerbread Man
- Turkey
- Melty the Snowman
- Jack O' Lantern
- Easter Egg Bunny
- Disney's Vinylmation UP
- Figmouse
- Astro Orbiter
- Elephant Bathing Pool
- Happy Lollipops
- Tiger Kid
- I Want S'more
- Donut Hole