Toys Library.
Tiger Mask (Lion Man) - Secret Hero Be@rbrick Series 27
Johnny Salami
Funko POP! CM Punk - Hot Topic Exclusive
Chaoslime Mini (カオスライムミニ) - Unpainted Flesh
Chaos Q Bean - Unpainted Flesh
Kinnikuman (Patched Blue Pants version/ 6th original color base)
Rebel Ink - Candy Ball Chase 'Flesh - Red GID'
Chucky Stylized Roto Figure
Zombie Pheyden
"Flesh" Zubora
Mountain Juice (おっか山)
Fortune Cat
Mini Chaos
Monoclon – American Cherry
Monoclon – Unpainted Flesh
Caveman Android
Hone Borg Boy
WWE - Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWE - CM Punk POP!
WWE - The Rock POP!
WWE - Sheamus POP!
WWE - John Cena POP!
Thundercats - Lion-O POP!
Zu Land Rising
Oki-Ni Lynx Toy
Ginger Bread Man
Army of Darkness - Ash POP!
Chiko O.G. WaoDog
Attack on Titan - Colossal Titan
The Sinner - Strawberry
Widowmaker, Kayin Kungaa and Sheldon Sabre (Wrestling Version)
Rotten Rexx - Unpainted Flesh
K3KO - J.P. Toys Exclusive
The Goonies - Sloth POP!
Devil Boogie-Man (デビル ブギーマン) - Keshi-Gom Flesh Color Ver., C3 Exclusive
Astro Boy - Soft Sit Atom (ソフビ おすわりアトム)
Sunguts - Strawberry
Sunguts - Strawberry
Sunguts - TV
Sunguts - TV
Disarticulators’ Ooze-Ball
The Viking Kid (ザ・バイキングキッド)
Buffaloman (バッファローマン) WF '13
Frank Kozik Dunny Evolved
POP! Heroes - Robin 1966
Batman 1966 - Robin Wacky Wobbler
9" POP! The Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon
Deadbeet - Birthday Suit (October Toys Exclusive)
Baby Deadbeet - Thrilla
Ishida Ho-Nyu
Ishida Ho-Nyu
Happy Cake
Happy Cake - Mint Frosting
The Paladin, Butters - South Park - The Stick of Truth
Flesh skullHevi
Cure Hellbox