Toys Library.
Kanser Kaniza - DIY
Boxfish Kaniza - DIY
Bax Bear - Kei Sawada
Chebaka - DIY
Buzz Lightyear Christmas Ver. Be@rbrick 100%
Snow White Pearl Body Ver. Be@rbrick 100%
The Demon - KISS x Hello Kitty - Cute Be@rbrick Series 25
GizaTokyo - Artist Be@rbrick Series 25
Kiss x Hello Kitty - The Demon - VCD No.206
Kiss x Hello Kitty - The Starchild - VCD No.207
Kiss x Hello Kitty - The Catman - VCD No.208
Kiss x Hello Kitty - The Spaceman - VCD No.209
The Demon - Kiss x Hello Kitty UDF Keychain
The Starchild - Kiss x Hello Kitty UDF Keychain
The Catman - Kiss x Hello Kitty UDF Keychain
The Spaceman - Kiss x Hello Kitty UDF Keychain
Gas Bawer - Mt. Fuji / Sakura Version
GhostFighter - White Day
GhostFighter - White Day, Subscriber Version
My Melody
501st Clone Trooper - Funko Force, SDCC 2009
MikuStars PUP - White Helmet
True Heart Bear
Clone Trooper
Princess Leia
Shiro Drake
Astrothulhu (Chase)
Storm Trooper - Funko Force
Micro Infection Monster (M.I.M.) z
Lucky Cat
Penguin No. 1 - VCD No.189
Penguin No. 2 - VCD No.190
Penguin No. 3 - VCD No.191
Jura - DIY
Party Owl - Red, White and Blue
Vs. Bones
Misfit Elephant
Astronaut Julius Trexi
Chaos Kong - White
Chaos Kong - DIY
The Thinker
Tomoko - Sanrio's 50th anniversary
Foster Imposter
Micci - Snow Attack
5" Unicorno DIY
Happy Pepopanda Plush
Ecstatic Pepopanda Plush
Pepopanda in Love Plush
Clumsy Pepopanda Plush
Classic Pepopanda Plush
Snowflake the Toilet Paper Plush
Cavey x Beast Brothers
Cavey x Angry Woebots
Dearest Dolly - White
Hello Kitty