Toys Library.
- Turquoise Moss Sprog B
- Turquoise Moss Sprog C
- Turquoise Moss Sprog D
- Turquoise Moss Sprog E
- Turquoise Moss Sprog F
- Turquoise Moss Sprog G
- Turquoise Moss Sprog H
- Turquoise Moss Sprog I
- Kitty
- Happy Happy Happy
- Higgledy-Piggledy
- Douce
- Best Friends
- My Girl
- Lucky
- Party Girl
- Neoboy Batti Chrome
- Neoboy Jason Chrome
- Neoboy Marcel Chrome
- Neoboy Tony Chrome
- Neoboy Marcel Hip-Hop
- Neoboy Jason Smoking Metal
- Neoboy Jason Hip-Hop
- Another Sunset Moon Fox
- Odino-Up
- Treature Erectus - Black
- Treature Erectus - Grey
- Treature Erectus
- Treature Erectus
- Treature Erectus - OG
- Clear Creecher with Blue Glitter
- Rosewater Creecher
- Amber Creecher
- Floating Darkness Creecher
- Mountain Dew Creecher
- Ice Creecher
- Nebulous Creecher
- Rangkor Creecher
- Dolly 9
- Dolly 8
- Dolly 7
- Miette no. 3
- Miette no. 4
- Miette no.5
- Important Art Critic - Glo Edition
- Important Art Critic
- Sucktrooper
- Patriot Buddha Fett
- Buddha Fett - Peppered Mango
- Buddha Fett - Pink Grapefruit
- Buddha Fett - Sliced Peaches
- The Bluest Buddha Fett
- Buddha Fett - Vanilla Sprinkles
- Buddha Fett - Berries and Slime
- Buddha Fett - Blackened Blues
- Buddha Fett - Dark Side of the Berry
- Buddha Fett - Denim Ice
- Buddha Fett - Frosted Concrete
- Buddha Fett - Frosted Wacky Fruit
- Buddha Fett - Fruit Plasma
- Buddha Fett - Fuzzed Avocado
- Buddha Fett - Green Crapple
- Buddha Fett - Heated Apple