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Its library contains photos and information on 52814 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

Toys Library.

Yegg - Jail Variant
  • EvarArts


    74 260 3

    10 years ago

    Have this guy for trade. Peep my wish list If interested.

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Bosco - Jail Variant
  • kaijuphotobooth


    65 12 2

    12 years ago

    would love to sell this guy.

  • EvarArts


    74 260 3

    10 years ago

    Have this for trade, if interested check my wish list.

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Cyanogeneon (Chase)
  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    Rubbish pic! :/

  • benginati513


    329 34 53

    13 years ago


  • Vadim angel


    777 516 471

    13 years ago

    pic updated

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    Wahey, now I can see it, I want it :)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    thats what she said ;)

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    Jazzydan, always lowering the tone.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    You better ask somebody!

  • mrpaul


    118 160 32

    13 years ago

    Such a disappointing chase. Some great figures in this series, but three clear designs is one too many.

  • kapros


    2 0 7

    13 years ago

    Got it, muhehe

  • deadzebra


    268 5 9

    13 years ago

    mrpaul this one was for the hardcore android fans, it has a meaning beyond it's simple design.

  • benginati513


    329 34 53

    13 years ago

    u can tell us we wont tell haha

  • mrpaul


    118 160 32

    13 years ago

    Though I've been following closely since buying the first phone, I have yet to find a single person who is aware of the meaning. Perhaps if you provided some insight, more people would enjoy it. =P

  • gimedos


    75 792 2

    13 years ago

    If it's what I'm thinking... Android's application programming language is Java. JADE = Java Agent DEvelopement Framework. These two were brought together sometime in 2008.

  • deadzebra


    268 5 9

    13 years ago

    nope... :)

  • EvarArts


    74 260 3

    10 years ago

    I have this for trade if anyone interested peep my wish list. :)

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Smiley Grin
  • krittakashi


    3 4 3

    11 years ago

    Do you still have? can you sale? thanks let me know

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    11 years ago

    Try the Popaganda online store.

  • krittakashi


    3 4 3

    11 years ago

    out of stock

  • krittakashi


    3 4 3

    11 years ago

    where i can buy?

  • Ya8sama


    240 144 22

    10 years ago

    I call it "Evolution of the human smile"))

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GID Virus Deadbeet

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Bootleg 5YL Companion
  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2514 1650

    13 years ago

    Do we need fake toys here?

  • doc18 angel


    1593 19 280

    13 years ago

    LOL interesting! Maybe it is useful to help people not to be fooled by bootleg figures? :P

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2514 1650

    13 years ago

    Let's make the Fake section then, this section might be huge :)
    But there should be no manufacturer listed, only artist name, ok?

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    Bootlegs are not good for anyone. :(

  • DMS


    75 34 104

    13 years ago

    I think bootlegs are great for everyone (who isn't bothered about having the original!). Bootlegs that are a parody of the original piece are cool IMO, bootlegs trying to pretend to be the originals are a different kettle of fish.

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    I have previously mentioned I don't like KAWS and I am not going to talk about KAWS as everyone has their own opinion about how original his creations are (I do consider them to be over priced pop art fyi)

    Bootlegging devalues everything for everyone. Justifying it's fine just because the original one is expensive or the artist has "sold out" doesn't make it valid.

    - Someone is making money off of someone's work.

    - Devalues the brand/design, (which is the WORST thing) by having it in all these dodgy bootleg stores/flooding the market/low quality/consumers not understanding the product. NOT only for KAWS but for all designer toys.

    - Someone may potentially be fooled. (Bootleg companies don't give a shit about their market) Just because you are "in the know" and it seems VERY clear its a bootleg, not everyone will.

    - Official prices rise (this is a common practice by official companies to set the bootlegers clearly apart for consumer) This may also sets a price range for other designer toys.

    Official re-productions are fine, just like posters of artwork. Yet most paintings are in the public domain anyway. Then again, paintings are a poor example as its not like someone is re-producing the brush strokes.

    Is there a tipping point for finding what is considered "ok" to bootleg? What if some company decided to bootleg Uamou?

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    I don't know how you can say I am missing the point? I said bootlegs are not good for anyone and you voiced other opinions, so I explained my stance. Devaluing through residual effects is very damaging.

    To say that everyone knows the price point is a bit off. I first saw KAWS in a music mag, many people buy various culture mags on a whim. People truly do not know the market price of various toys. People still are shocked at the designer toys around the 50-80 mark, they wouldn't expect something to be much more than that for a KAWS piece.

    People do not instantly understand the designer toy market; pricing and what artist is what. People are coming in from all directions and can easily be mislead.

    I am sure you have friends that don't collect but have found some of your pieces really cool without knowing the price point, official packaging or where to get it from. Or friends that are shocked when you say "you might not want to drop that as it cost $200"

    I am talking about bootlegs as a generalisation, it affects any market it touches. Companies pushing up market price point to distinguish it isn't a bootleg, is a common marketing strategy in other production fields.

    A company can still be affected by the residual effect of bootlegs, even if they are not making direct profit off of the limited release they did. They release the next variant and people don't buy it as they have already purchased the previous bootlegged version for example or they don't buy their products any more as they want a level of exclusivity.

    I agree with your stance on KR and their "limited' runs, yet its not a reason to bootleg them.

    Bootlegs are not good for anyone as the residual effects affect the designer toy market as a whole.

    - A legit store trying to sell official products can't compete vs the bootleg store down the street.

    Stores selling bootlegs may not know who designed them and/or know they are "designer toys". They would have just ordered them from one of their suppliers thinking it was cool and not have known it was a bootleg.

    - Suppliers don't sit back for hours doing research, they may be dealing with a whole seller that deals 10% in bootlegs without knowing it. Something slips through the cracks to store fronts with the belief that it is legit.

    - It won't stop at KAWS (and hasn't) for bootlegging and will continue on.

    - Bootlegs can get VERY close to the original and almost perfect quality. This can be easily witnessed with the bootleg anime toy scene.

    Bootleg suppliers have a HUGE market share in various places around the world. Even my small little china town is filled with various bootleg products of toys the general consumer wouldn't know was a "designer" piece. A bootleg manufacture might come across Uamou design take it up and flood the market with it.

    If someone buys a bootleg knowing it is a bootleg for the mentioned reasons above, good for them if they are happy. Yet it isn't good for the market at all and to believe otherwise is part of the problem with bootlegging.

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    Catch you next time <3

  • topqualitypro


    45 2 8

    13 years ago

    Nice you can see it but I know a lot of people who would mistake them for the original,good to know and identify the fakes and the authentic figures

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    What are the identifiers on this piece to know its not original?

  • hR


    72 77 44

    13 years ago

    They look cheap to me. The biggest difference between these and the real thing is that these are at least 5 or 6 inches shorter than the genuine Companions. It's not too difficult to spot that difference. Plus they look very shiny. The original Companions are matte.

  • larzor


    340 182 58

    13 years ago

    I don't really like the Kaws figures, but I would love to own something like this simply because it's a fake of something really exclusive. I think I may want it more than an original :)

  • larzor


    340 182 58

    12 years ago

    I now have these, but with matte surface. They're really nice

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    12 years ago

    The matte finish is actually fake.

  • TonyStark


    50 18 43

    11 years ago

    I think these are funny. I'd buy buy it just to put next to the original with his hand resting on his head.

  • Coelho_Marina


    920 1 18

    10 years ago

    WTF is this doing here? This is NOT a bootleg, it's counterfeit, shouldn't even be listed here.

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Creeping Dero
  • Coelho_Marina


    920 1 18

    10 years ago

    Awesome piece, glossy, impeccable finishing.

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Waver Mao Cat
  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    10 years ago

    Hey Auryn, I need your help. You once said that you speak a bit Japanese.

    What is it saying here? The RED BLINKING word. Can't copy paste it and take to Google translator :(

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    I think it means restocked (and the red blinking means this shit is hot buy fast ;) ). (my Kanji reading isn't great, I apologize Jan)

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    10 years ago

    Thanks Auryn :)

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Visionaire 50 Artist Toys
  • Irit angel


    292 166 96

    10 years ago

    Each one of these is a nesting doll that contains two other toys. Gorgeous indeed.

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Pain 1:3
  • ullar77


    114 20 104

    12 years ago


  • chrissiv


    93 998 15

    10 years ago

    wanna buy it

  • midnitezan


    23 0 1

    10 years ago

    anyone have one for sale?

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