is a service for toy collectors.
Its library contains photos and information on 52837 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

mikeythethumb mikeythethumb

He is from Euclid, OH

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Deathead - SDCC '12, DKE Toys Exclusive
  • RICO


    208 34 127

    12 years ago

    Anybody want to pick me one up????

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    I guess we need to start a muleing thread :P any rotocasters going to SDCC?

  • mikeythethumb


    92 230 2

    12 years ago

    Word. I want!!

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It's a small world (Chase)
  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    Something's wrong here. When I click 'Park #3' in the series tag, I return to the library!!!!!!!!!!

  • amavevera angel


    329 75 1144

    13 years ago

    seems like # sign is the cause. fixed

  • mikeythethumb


    92 230 2

    13 years ago

    Sorry about that - yeah, it seems like the # sign throws it off. I just changed it.

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