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pin-san pin-san

Rangeron Toycon UK
  • pin-san


    346 72 4

    8 years ago

    Mintyfresh got a few of them in stock now!

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Baby Byron - Vinyl Artist Gacha
  • RobotRedux


    24 11 5

    8 years ago

    These for sale anywhere? Or Japan only?

  • pin-san


    346 72 4

    8 years ago

    Collect Display is selling them.

  • AgentRavage


    404 139 55

    8 years ago

    Theoretically the usual US retailers will get them in. Some are just getting in the previous series now, so it'll be a little while I'd imagine

  • RobotRedux


    24 11 5

    8 years ago

    Ah, I see. Thanks for the info!

  • RobotRedux


    24 11 5

    8 years ago

    Got mine today! I managed to grab a set when they went up on myplasticheart. They're so cute!

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Injured Pity Boy
  • star_001


    118 2 3

    8 years ago

    Can someone help me find prices on the rolitoboys? I have almost a complete set of the 6in figs and I need to start thinking about selling.

  • pin-san


    346 72 4

    8 years ago

    I can’t help you finding prices on the Rolitoboys, on eBay their prices vary from 15 up to 100$.
    I’m still trying to complete my Rolito-collection. So if you are planning to sell your set, I’m definitely interested in one or two of your Rolitoboys.

  • deadpute angel


    336 14 83

    8 years ago

    the value of rolitoboys has decrease a lot since a few years. Even the rare one are now sold for less than 70$...
    if you look at this ebay auction you will have an idea about the price crash for this fig:

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Kid Onion - Mondotoyz Version
  • maskara11


    282 15 33

    9 years ago

    Anyone selling?

  • RJR33


    63 91 5

    8 years ago

    Do you still have your kid onion? Any chance you would sell it?

  • pin-san


    346 72 4

    8 years ago

    Mondotoys is still selling this one and the Regular Version for €25,-

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