is a service for toy collectors.
Its library contains photos and information on 52837 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

robotbacon robotbacon

He is from Putnam Valley NY / Philly

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    I really don't see this as a place for Lego. I mean, I'm not hating on it, but I think it's bad enough that so many things that don't conform to the 'designer toy' genre have already been uploaded.

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    13 years ago

    Digging LEGO, not digging the Collectavle mini series

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    I say upload them, they are designed to be collectable toys for display purposes.

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    13 years ago

    Me and my son collecting LEGO minifigs. There's a websites for Lego collectors — and

  • nilo


    62 76 2

    13 years ago

    Some general guidelines from the creators on what and how things should be uploaded would be appreciated.

  • PlasticPlanet angel


    2038 1057 90

    13 years ago

    I love them too - particularly this zombie.. Found one recently too: .

    I think this series particualr kindof has a place here, due to it's blind packaging and collectability - but it is the slippery slope into all the starwars lego... which would lead to starwars figs... etc... etc..

    Have you seen the Robot yet? - he's my fave!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    13 years ago

    If you allow Kubricks but not Legos then you're excluding toys based on their manufacturer instead of what they actually are.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    I'm down, love the lego mini figure blind packs. I can upload most of series 1 and 2.

    Not sure they are "designer", but definitely collectable.

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    13 years ago

    I like them so go ahead with the idea!

    I have gone through a LOT of bags of them at the stores, since we searched the whole Series 1 and Series 2 for my little brother with the codes - hard work :D

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    designed yes, better than most dunny's debatable. But they are awesome! :)

  • PlasticPlanet angel


    2038 1057 90

    13 years ago

    The pioneering zombie!

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    13 years ago

    So let's do this. Lego's cool! :)

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    13 years ago

    OK now let's talk about my McDonald's Happy Meal Furbies. I can have the whole set uploaded in ten minutes.

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    13 years ago

    Sure, but let's rename to first!

  • jenX


    280 25 634

    13 years ago

    I've got some Lego :) so I don't mind.

  • DMS


    75 34 104

    13 years ago

    Not sure why people don't like Lego being on here, thought it was all about toys - For the love of toys!

    Or should it be - For the love of elitist toys?!

    If has to be rotocasted, then anything solid has to go including my stuff! All seems a bit silly really :)

  • robotbacon


    136 122 1

    13 years ago

    Playmobil is also going to release blind-packaged toys. And does this mean that Minimates count too?

    I LOVE Legos, but I always saw this as a place for toys done as ART rather than product.

  • larzor


    340 182 58

    13 years ago

    Until someone can provide a useful definition of what a designer toy is exactly, I can't see a basis for excluding any toys that have been designed (which pretty much includes every single toy that can be bought for money) and even though I don't really like the look of these particular lego figures, some legos are amazingly aesthetic and cool. Had a combination of lego and star wars figures showed up as a custom or on Kidrobot before Lego made them (or even if Lego first made them for Kidrobot) I don't think there would have been any doubt that they belong here.
    Also, hasn't something made specifically for collecting/display seized in being a toy?

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    @fliphappy You said what I wanted to say, but I didn't manage to write it as bad-assly as you did.

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    13 years ago

    Sorry for keeping silence for some time, guys.
    Appearing of the Action figures, Legos and Ugly Art dolls at Roto doesn't mean we've lost our focus and aiming for every toy collectibles possible. As I said before, I'd like to split our database later this year and move character toys, action figures and 1/6s (threeA included) to another domain where you can keep track of your non-designer toys collections. Until then, please, don't fight :)

  • DMS


    75 34 104

    13 years ago

    @fliphappy I totally see your point that this is more a place for mass market or artistic intent, the old toys vs art debate!

    I have to admit I HATE mass produced pieces and to be honest Dunnys (and many more 'designer' toys) are far too mass produced and mass marketed for my tastes.

    I guess the real question is whether this site is catered towards toys or art piece. If a piece is for displayng and not playing with (which most of my own stuff is), is it a toy or art?!

    More importantly, does anybody care? :)

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    I really wish I remembered the pages where we have had long conversations about "what is a designer toy"! As by now, I beleive we would have compiled enough opinions to make a valid answer.

    I agree with fliphappy - "designed with message and artistic intent in mind"

    I initially said "they are designed to be collectable toys for display purposes" yet they are not intended as specially designed artistic LEGO pieces, if they were, that would rock more.

    Saying that, Lego is one of the most designed toys in the world. The amount of design stages between initial concept to production is insane!

    To make people understand the intent of a designer toy and what they are, I mention that they are like "modern day porcelain statues"

    Yet everything has a designer behind it, EVERYTHING in the world. What sets "designer toys" from toys that have been "designed" ?!

    I think all you need in a "check list" is this =

    1 - Is the designers name of the toy known?

    Any company releasing a piece without mention the designers name, isn't intending to release that piece as a "designer toy".
    They may be cashing in on it being a "designer toy" but it truly isn't a designer toy with the artistic intent behind the piece.

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    13 years ago

    Hunting Humans —

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    From now on all posts should be songs

  • jenX


    280 25 634

    13 years ago

    Some qees and be@rbricks haven't got a designer named but they've got a cool or fun design and I think that's what it's all about.
    I know the initial platforms are, but you get my drift.

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    A flaw in my plan

  • larzor


    340 182 58

    13 years ago

    Also, a lot of mass market toys are based on an original design by a known artist, for instance anime action figures. Sure it wasn't the original artist who turned his/her drawings into a toy design, but the same applies to, for instance the Heroes of Burgertown. Jon Burgerman only drew some original concepts (I'd assume) and then some one who's good at the technical aspects of designing turned them into toys.
    Personally I think the best approach is to provide the users with tools to exclude and include toys in what they can see on the site based on their personal definition, but allow pretty much anything to be added. Take it in to the house, but put it in the darkest corner of a cupboard.
    Like comus said, everything has had one or more designers (except for things in nature).

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