He is from boston
- Collection 92
- Wishlist 33
- Comments 17
13 years ago
Each Box MAY contain SOME of the following:
Silicone Mold Debris
Bum Castings
Off-color bootleg bits
Suckpeg reject parts
Actual garbage
Broken toys
Amazing weird shit
Intermediate Production models
Fragments that may give clues about upcoming projects
Disappointment -
13 years ago
Can people post links to photos of whats in their boxes, perhaps hints of figures to come :)
shot of inside 2 of the boxes -
13 years ago
Disappointment, LOVE IT!
13 years ago
yup, maybe that means one box is empty!!
13 years ago
That would make my day.
13 years ago
Well, i hope everyone who gets one posts pics, i think i would piss myself laughing at an empty box
13 years ago
you can remove the is sold out
13 years ago
done!, i saw his tweet! did anyone get one of these?
13 years ago
This was to much even for my sucklord lust, I bet theres secretly some cool stuff in the boxes though!
13 years ago
Awesome, let me know what its like, I'm very intrigued!
13 years ago
I wonder if Suckadelic got tired of being so popular and thought the only solution was to sell the worst bunches of crap imaginable. If that doesn't work, they can always sell actual crap. But that would go far beyond the ironic, quasi-legal, and nostalgic boundaries into the realm of blatant condescension. And no one is going to stand for that, right?
13 years ago
i think its more to offer an affordable item for people who dig his work
432 4 822
13 years ago
Stupid, self-indulgent.
13 years ago
How many of these were made?
13 years ago
Want the little turntable that came with the Sucklord 600!
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
Jan - I don't think it's a joke, or at least not a joke at the *expanse* of his collectors. I've had the opportunity to talk to him and visit his studio when I was in NY and I can tell you -
Sucklord is very aware of his persona and his charm and its all part of his artistic act. He's actually an artists with a lot of integrity who cares about the stuff he produces.
I bought a Dumny from him (which I have unfortunately lost in a bad NY night :( ) and when I gave him the money he said "asshole!" and added - "that's what you came for, you get the whole experience" :D -
13 years ago
^^ sick story lordsketch. Sucklord sounds like a really cool dude.
13 years ago
Sucklord is so hot right now he could take a crap, wrap it in tinfoil, put a couple fish hooks on it and sell it to Queen Elizabeth as earrings
432 4 822
13 years ago
I'm going to put X-eyes on a broken Suckpeg, sell it, and retire.
13 years ago
13 years ago
sucktoys also had 'im an asshole for making this' on them.
Glad i uploaded this, lots of discussion! and yup, 40 made and all sold at $45 a pop. And yeah, Sucklord on TV, should be funny, will they let him say F**K as much as we all know he likes! -
432 4 822
13 years ago
Kevlo's g̶a̶r̶b̶a̶g̶e̶ toys. -
13 years ago
cheers shank, think i'd be happy with that selection.
13 years ago
There is this part of me that really, really wants to see this as a commentary on blind boxes...but I just can't.
13 years ago
"when I gave him the money he said 'asshole!' and added - 'that's what you came for, you get the whole experience' :D"
Good to know he's a real person with real feelings and real wit about his image. Thanks for sharing, lordsketch. -
13 years ago
That Kevlo picture is a good score, seems like a fun bunch of trash
13 years ago
there was a full douchebot in my box, pink dumny body, unpainted suckshark and a beer cap amongst other delights. i think it was well worth it
432 4 822
13 years ago
I keep dogging Sucklord because I assume that part of the appeal of his work is that many people hate it. Just trying to do my part.
13 years ago
@shank hahaha nice, some people do love the haters!!
12 years ago
that is sad
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13 years ago
scored this chase today in a case of Marshalls
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
tee hee, it IS Kirby :P
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Question: Why do we have 'Inc.' after Squibbles Ink in the tags?
Everyone can see the manu is Squibbles Ink x Rotofugi !!! -
13 years ago
what are you talking about, Jan?!? ;-)
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Huh? I may have hallucinations! ;)
13 years ago
they are saying its Squibbles Ink and not Squibbles Inc
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13 years ago
looks minty!
13 years ago
and fresh ;)
13 years ago
hahaha, i was thinking looks kinda like a minty mashmallow!!
13 years ago
Mmmhhhhh minty mashmallows!! They should make such a flavor!
Lets put this toy on a stick and roast it golden brown over a little camp fire! I am sure, it will be all gewy and delucious -
13 years ago
Minty Marshall? thats the only marshmallow that could pull it off
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13 years ago
not feeling a single one of these shawn wigs customs
13 years ago
not really to my taste either, but hey, to each their own
13 years ago
Criticism and negativity ain't a same thing.
13 years ago
@NuTTzO please remember if you upload stuff there is the strong possibility it will be discussed & not everyone may have the same feeling about it as you. If you are not able to accept hearing other peoples opinions please don't upload them
13 years ago
ok but why must you personaly have to click on all my art i like and bust balls, dont like em, dont look, easy as that, nobody wants your 2 cents! i dont go to all your stuff and say is sucks do I
13 years ago
No-one is going to things you like on purpose and singling you out.
13 years ago
this troll does, how do you delete your account? cant find a link, i got othersites to post on i dont need these choads/trolls opinion on everything
13 years ago
man, not a troll, this is a review / comments section. i believe i have commented on maybe 3 things in ure collection. theres no need for getting personal or name calling. here all i did was point out that others will comment on stuff, its not an attack on u. i am here a lot and comment both positive & negative on many toys. its discussion, lighten up
13 years ago
NuTTzO, what happens is any toy uploaded to the site appears on the front page so people click on it to see what it is then sometimes a comment will follow. It isn't anything against you alone.
Some things I love get slated - but so what. -
13 years ago
nuttzo: hey don't delete your account don't like it here? don't look easy as that!
the comment box is here for creating discussions and customs usually draw attention of others to post their view.
we have seen better customs ideas and better craft work too around. -
13 years ago
no one "busted balls", this site isn't like that.
13 years ago
dude Wiggs is playing with the big boys now.
13 years ago
I like this one. That's the thing about art, everyone has different opinions. I appreciate the spiral motif and I love the mouth on this custom, plus I think the green/aqua combination is nice.
I understand why NuTTzO might have felt overly criticized because it hurts when someone says "I don't like a single piece of your work" or "there is better work around", but then again, criticism is part of life and you just have to deal with it.
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13 years ago
can an owner confirm the correct size? it wasn't announced so I approximated based on a photo of gumdrop next to a Marshall.
13 years ago
According to Rotofugi, it's 2" tall: -
13 years ago
does anyone know how many were made?
13 years ago
What did this sell for at Comic Con?
13 years ago
so thats $32 then ;) (yeah i added the price in all your posts)
(don't be offended, just good natured humour) -
13 years ago
13 years ago
actually they are running $35 on ebay with shipping so you are close
13 years ago
wowsers, that's a load of dollaz for a wee puppy, still not been able to see quantity any place
13 years ago
rotofugi announced it will be available online soon
13 years ago
It's tiny and cute! I love mine. :)
13 years ago
Added online today!! Just got mine! Glad I didn't bite at post con prices
13 years ago
sold out only 300 made they lost some getting back from comic con
13 years ago
They brought them back to the store but just sold out yet again. :(
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13 years ago
Happy Arbor Day (yesterday). SO GREEN! Jenn Bot saves the world from one more non-biodegradable vinyl toy getting tossed into the landfill. Just kidding! I can't imagine any toys being discarded, let alone a Marshall.
13 years ago
this is awesome
13 years ago
love it!
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92 33 17
13 years ago
i want this so bad!
185 83 831
13 years ago
I think dan wants to sell / trade,