Front view
G.N.O.M.E. Prototype
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432 4 822
14 years ago
This is the AP. Your link shows the wrong image and the wrong Quantity.
171 468 619
14 years ago
The image in the link is just a CAD render so is it just wrong quantity?
432 4 822
14 years ago
In this case, the AP and production piece are night and day. The AP is made of resin (it's super heavy), the production is vinyl. The AP is limited to 50, the production to 500 each. The production pieces will have a more detailed paint job. For example, you can see in the pic in your link that the eyes have some detail painted on them. The AP doesn't have that, they're just solid green. I think they're sufficiently different that the AP deserves its own listing.
777 516 471
14 years ago
I agree with fliphappy here. APs are pretty much the same as production figures. Regarding to this particular figure – I read somewhere that accessories of this figure are made of resin, and the figure is vinyl.
Anyway, I don't think there should be 2 different entries for this figure, if there aren't any significant differences between this AP and the final production figure.
171 468 619
14 years ago
Shankweather may be right but the "production" version hasn't come out yet. Its clear, even from images that they are using the same base body as the Dr Brain. I gather they plan to release a full vinyl at some point.
I would love a full vinyl, it would save on shipping :P
Either way, this entry is still a dupe, it would be nice to get a better image and not use the early CAD render on the original entry.
432 4 822
14 years ago
The production figure will be vinyl with resin pieces. The AP is 100% resin. I know because I've got one and it's solid as a rock and weighs a ton. If it's vinyl it's the heaviest, hardest vinyl ever.
The picture I used is just a picture of the RAJE Toys display at the NYCC. How is that a CAD drawing? And no, the words "Artist's Proof" don't appear in the photo, but since it's a picture of the RAJE Toys booth at the NYCC where they sold the Artist's Proof, it seems like a safe bet.
The picture in the original link isn't a picture of anything. It doesn't match the AP and it doesn't match the production. What is it claiming to be, the AP or the production?
The AP is limited to 50, the production is limited to 500. If that's not a significant difference, I don't know what is. The 50 APs are not just a subset of the 500. They are a totally separate thing.
499 646 2538
14 years ago
Just spoke to Rich (the R from RAJE Toys), and got this...
"These are actually prototypes and the manufacture will change on final production. Due to the sculpt of the figure some parts will be resin but the majority of it is vinyl."
777 516 471
14 years ago
@Shankweather – The picture in the original entry (http://rotocasted.com/toy/8820/) is a CAD drawing, not your photo. It will be replaced, once a good picture of a final production figure is revealed.
My opinion is that APs/protos shouldn't be separated from production figures' entry.
AP is an exact copy of the final version, that's gonna be produced. It's made so an artist can approve everything (sculpt,paintwork, etc.) before the figure is mass produced.
Also, as jazzydan clarified, it's not an AP, but a proto, that RAJE had decided to sell at the NYCC.
171 468 619
14 years ago
To clarify, the CAD rendering is the picture on this entry: http://rotocasted.com/toy/8820/
The main question is: are are both entries the same release version of this toy?
777 516 471
14 years ago
@jazzydan - Can you ask Rich how do they call this version fo G.N.O.M.E?
It's obviously not an AP, and RIch says it differs from the final production figure, but this figure was produced in quantity of 50, so it's kind of a production figure, but not a final version.
777 516 471
14 years ago
@CoMus - According to what jazzydan wrote, it's not the same.
171 468 619
14 years ago
I think this is a unique situation.
RAJE want to release their toys to their fans ASAP (which is great) so they produce a resin cast (that they can produce in their own workshop) rather than the lengthy turn around on the vinyl production.
I would still call something like this an artist proof as they are giving it a tick to be made from vinyl. Yet there will also be a proof from the first vinyl run.
As stated some parts will still be resin is either due to manufacturability.
777 516 471
14 years ago
It's a unique situation indeed. But I don't see how this version is an AP... Let's call it – 'Pre-release version', or something similar :)
171 468 619
14 years ago
@vadimt I have a feeling they are the same version, I blame jargon for this "mixup"
As they are using the Dr Brain body base, they may have made a mix? Had some with the vinyl base and then ran out and made some with a resin cast base? If someone has the Brain fig, it would be interesting to know if you can take off all the parts to just have the body.
777 516 471
14 years ago
My understanding of "AP (Artist Proof)" – it's a first run of production figure, which is made for the artist to approve quality, so the mass production can be started.
Production stages before the 'AP stage' are called proto. At this stage, the figure is cast in resin, different paintworks are tried, etc.
Protos aren't being sold to collectors, and not even being shown to anyone, except the artist.
It's not an "AP", because apparently RAJE say the final version will be different from this one, so it's kind of a unique proto, which was produced in mass quantity and sold to collectors.
432 4 822
14 years ago
I called it an Artist's Proof just because that's what I was seeing it called online. Changing the title to "Prototype" now...
777 516 471
14 years ago
@Shankweather – Do you have a better photo of this figure?
432 4 822
14 years ago
I have a photo of mine, it's not the greatest. I'll put it up.
777 516 471
14 years ago
@Shankweather – Thanks. Can you send me a better (high-res) photo of the figure? I'll remove the background.
432 4 822
14 years ago
Sure! I'd do it myself with my very powerful Paint.NET software, but I'll leave it to the pro. How can I get it to you?
777 516 471
14 years ago
vadimts (at) gmail.com
171 468 619
14 years ago
I wanna play with this guy even more after seeing your picture! I will get the production version when it comes out for sure!
499 646 2538
14 years ago
I could ask Rich if I could borrow his prototype and take some high quality shots.
777 516 471
14 years ago
Photo is updated.
432 4 822
14 years ago
How do you get rid of the background so nicely like that? Also, how do you edit a listing that you didn't post?
777 516 471
14 years ago
1. Photoshop
2. I'm one of the moderators here (I can edit details, incl. pics)
171 468 619
14 years ago
There are so many elements that can effect production cost. It all depends on the tooling and manufacturing processes used, without talking with them, we wouldn't know.
I think its a case of turn around time, they wanted to produce something for NYCC.
On this piece (as there are many components) a production of 50 would cost more to produce in vinyl than resin. Vinyl would be much cheaper if the production was 500.
Vinyl would cost more initially to produce due to high tooling, labour and shipping costs. It is also dependant on their manufacturers as they might have to order a minimum production. So the resin release might be to get funds for full production?
For a small run, resin cast would be cheaper as it has low end tooling costs, cast in house with no use of heavy machinery. The material itself would cost more. Its its a chunky piece, the production costs may be very similar on a small run.
Another reason why they may be doing a resin release is to test their tooling design before mass production, cutting out expensive hiccups on potential tooling problems.
There are so many areas I can think of that would effect the cost, my guesses are all stabs in the dark. Only the Raje Toys guys would know and I gather they wouldn't go into costing analysis details :P
292 67 2
14 years ago
@vadimt: since you are the moderator, can you make this site with friend section...also forum section so we can talk more about designer toys. thanks :)
499 646 2538
14 years ago
jeffers jeffers, is that a hyperdrive reference?
777 516 471
14 years ago
@jeffers, I'm just a moderator, (if you can call that an ability to edit/update entries), not a creator of rotocasted.
But, you can request features here – http://getsatisfaction.com/ro..., and I'm sure Sergey (he's the creator of rotocasted.com), will respond to your request.
171 468 619
14 years ago
+1 for Hyperdrive
499 646 2538
14 years ago
See the chase here...
46 5 3
13 years ago
I look for gnome prototype to sell... any offers?