Front view
Minigod - Case Exclusive
- Artist:
- Marka27
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- Dunny
- Series:
- Dunny Azteca Series 2
- Size:
- 3
- Color:
- Pink
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2011
Where to buy?
- lomoDxx,
- timself,
- seandoe,
- flash500,
- Mintyfresh,
- deadlemming,
- kupooinc,
- NRG_energy,
- GDKos,
- BaZooKo,
- Danimal,
- PlasticPlanet,
- ellafricka,
- jjH8te,
- maxalert,
- poczynek,
- 0mie,
- Smackstoys,
- Cesko,
- gb,
- steve,
- Trademark78,
- Badstainless,
- jacranky,
- fractures,
- snappythingy,
- m_sayonara,
- hova1979,
- Jacob_Mueller,
- turbobert,
- Agent_R,
- philsen,
- skalamander,
- ELJEFE313,
- ghettoaxe,
- antolugo,
- superchan,
- Hovdog,
- gregdeezey,
- DigiboyT,
- bleedingedges,
- deathman,
- Wart,
- LycheeMu,
- lfarnc,
- pequeton,
- furryphil,
- fadeworks,
- makula,
- EECHone,
- sbeauchef,
- Coelho_Marina,
- wwwiehe,
- openblindboxes,
- cleascave,
- sparky,
- Fonzyau,
- jeng,
- mytoybox,
- CarlosDChacin,
- likuta,
- majorproblems,
- dunnydroid,
- heartless,
- tracytho,
- d1rtyb345t,
- shrubs,
- DunnyAddicts,
- Fenneki,
- NerpS,
- Metz27,
- droogie,
- Rya,
- chinarot,
- creatorzenn,
- masher,
- krett,
- LadyMadeline,
- natetyley,
- Draculaz77,
- jecs,
- larry84bln,
- Silly_Fukar,
- iyoshi101,
- rotocola,
- danimaniac,
- temooi,
- jbiele,
- Robot_Brain,
- Larcfield,
- yuyito74,
- Taos,
- Lanafied,
- ocastro6,
- dxjock,
- jasonm304,
- iHump,
- Staveinator,
- xiaobai,
- vinyl_figure,
- TedBurner,
- rush68,
- tonysnow,
- shimrit.y,
- mikes_toy_blog,
- Athyndir,
- goldy1jac,
- ThePlasticPlanet,
- jenX,
- phoqs,
- Colladdic,
- phoqz.
- Oogolly,
- acamacho,
- thenakedone,
- Nathan23Archer,
- Isilme,
- AustinAuth,
- earthnest,
- Patch,
- uberboober,
- makebelieve,
- skitheboat1,
- frankiepelle,
- kahutaki,
- SayIWasSlaine,
- Vero89LP,
- Janeeliz22,
- jrdillgc,
- MrGrumplesworth,
- mybrainforapen,
- gimedos,
- jackmtr,
- edcetera,
- therealharrisguy,
- whoasaywhat,
- lisacoats,
- Modateur,
- isuck,
- airisa,
- louisnguyen97,
- hu8o,
- dramatik,
- alto,
- steezeeeevana,
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- quinntheboss,
- riki,
- orozcoa7,
- ouatEver,
- PowerSan,
- marmalademonkey,
- ThoCrazy,
- scottandbetsy,
- nicedream,
- Dunnydude,
- milesawaygirl,
- E_Nichole,
- Dj_dominator,
- mrnvisible,
- megadaws,
- emmanouil77,
- JimmyP05,
- affykid,
- boombapclap,
- nickfisher,
- kteen,
- bhonestabe,
- astroblast,
- Wilko1212,
- poopiepants,
- otule,
- Owlztoyz,
- Luun,
- MonstaIslandCzar,
- noeleaser,
- kint1r,
- snoolio,
- asap_glocky,
- tremor,
- mimanwi,
- twipz,
- Cinister,
- rsalerno,
- Hurdles587,
- DannyDuoshade,
- modxtoys,
- tina,
- badAnatomy,
- Vertoy,
- TheTrooper.
499 646 2538
14 years ago
Really want to get both colour-ways of this :)
132 689 26
14 years ago
would love to know how rare this actually is. Any scientific guesses?
324 5 12
14 years ago
I just picked this and the original colorway from Markas Store. Both signed and numbered with signed limited edition poster
309 169 8
13 years ago
I got this for free from a KidRobot promo at Toy Street. It had a sticker that said "Marka27 Marketing Dunny."
111 145 7
12 years ago
I trade or sell the Marka27 chase. Please have a look in my wishlish and make an offer...
324 5 12
11 years ago
I have both color ways Signed AP's #1's for sale