Front view
paw! raw
- Artist:
- Mark Landwehr
- Sculptor:
- Mark Landwehr
- Manufacturer:
- Coarsetoys
- Type:
- Platform:
- paw!
- Series:
- paw!
- Size:
- 12.0
- Color:
- White
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2011
- Original price:
- 165.00 USD
Where to buy?
- ralmeida,
- Jont,
- ToyPunkJan,
- blap0911,
- burktodd,
- ikar11,
- acee,
- ihancox,
- ethygy,
- reeorchs,
- fotojunkaay,
- whippie,
- maikba,
- AlPred,
- Chicken,
- artscouting,
- VLN,
- Vasabo,
- paulushyu,
- visualjunkie,
- nogolow,
- Vero89LP,
- monophoton,
- alto,
- midgar,
- CollectandDisplay,
- NerpS,
- jjH8te,
- AdmaN,
- SiriX,
- fatuko,
- goddamnanalog,
- steve,
- Agent_R,
- DollyOblong,
- iampierrot,
- ArnoldAustria,
- tamasa,
- HaynMade,
- superpopstudio,
- heeleyo,
- pulehoopo,
- stepdown,
- 45ers,
- plaStig,
- Mr_Krav,
- nico000,
- tatgear,
- Coelho_Marina,
- karm,
- Hinterlader,
- gregm,
- Simongoff,
- midnitezan,
- jazzydan,
- Punkratz,
- Ya8sama,
- howies,
- TedBurner,
- klnyc88,
- timka,
- Sirin,
- bashprojects,
- monstamorgan,
- Nico777444,
- flippy.
- mytoybox,
- neeonfox808,
- LapNgo,
- lordsketch,
- isuck,
- poptoysgallery,
- JesseFromJersey,
- chrissiv,
- CaioBM,
- jgreds07,
- K_Koreander,
- McFly,
- lowtech,
- ZombieCupcake,
- DunnyAddicts,
- umar187,
- SteveTheRecycler,
- Waar,
- Joshdyan,
- Mindlesskid,
- Casper,
- missa,
- Soldatoj57,
- jeng,
- emmanouil77,
- VinylBeagle,
- Detroit_Denver,
- Bigtoypoo,
- tomasheran,
- Goldberg,
- noop1301,
- Colladdic,
- spacefreak.
40 1999 75
13 years ago
It's a designer? Cool! But it's just a diy toy.
126 27 14
13 years ago
Just a DIY toy or a pretty cool sculpture for my black/white-livingroom :)
54 31 10
13 years ago
Anyone selling or know where I can get please?
499 646 2538
13 years ago
I think The Hang Gang are going to be stocking these.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
If your collecting blanks Karm, I have a blank white prototype by Tan-Ki, this shape. http://rotocasted.com/toy/10507/
54 31 10
13 years ago
hi jazzydan - thanks for getting back to me with this :-) - is yours 3 inch or bigger - what kinda price you thinking mate?
208 34 127
13 years ago
got 3!!!
329 75 1144
13 years ago
@jazzydan - pls answer if yours is 3 inch or bigger, or somebody else will have to answer for you :P
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Mines huge, you can see it from space.
But seriously its a 3" figure.
54 31 10
13 years ago
Ha ha, I'll tee them up...
3's a bit too small mate sorry, 8 inch or more always ideally...
Seriously, this conversation is not going where I wanted it to go!
@amavevera you're getting the blame! :-)
54 31 10
13 years ago
RICO - got 3 paws as in you fancy selling 1? I'm in if you do!
54 31 10
13 years ago
Great hang gang shout btw @jazzydan!
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Hang Gang Rule!
208 34 127
13 years ago
@Karm, I'll keep you in mind if i decided too. I'm thinking of painting 2 and keeping one raw.
50 342 66
13 years ago
Anyone know the quantity on these?
353 606 632
13 years ago
ill be getting a shitload of these and considering they were sold insanely in Coarse their own shop I ay at least edition of 1000
50 342 66
13 years ago
Thanks! I figured it would be a high run as cheap as they are (for a Coarse figure).
353 606 632
13 years ago
yeah but also no paintjob saves a shitload of cash :D
208 34 127
13 years ago
Minty- They sold these out of their gallery or did you mean off of the web?
75 0 121
13 years ago
Off the web. They'll be in retail quite some time after they send out the online orders :)
353 606 632
13 years ago
Well I tried ordering more last week and I was told it was going to be difficult, but they would now more after everyhting is send out to retailers and customers!
FYI, I got my hands on 40 pieces....
75 0 121
13 years ago
You can hold me aside one Minty! :) Maybe I can combine it with another release by then :p
353 606 632
13 years ago
Yeah always possible just send me an email as a reminder, and I'll make a reservation !
353 606 632
13 years ago
\o\ yay /o/ I just got confirmation on the PAW shipping :D should be here soon !!!!
40 1999 75
13 years ago
some stuff already arrived for some kr boardies.
511 109 128
13 years ago
I know that some already received the Paw, but status of my order is still "Awaiting Fulfillment" ((((
511 109 128
13 years ago
>>I just got confirmation on the PAW shipping :D should be here soon !!!!
Prepare for Russian attack, Minty! ))))
353 606 632
13 years ago
LOL i see that ikar11, a big amount of stock is indeed going to Moscow on arrival of the PAW :D
396 106 218
13 years ago
Rijnsburg + Moscow = Raw Friendship(ping)! )))
208 34 127
13 years ago
Got mine. It's my first paw. :0)
353 606 632
13 years ago
AlPred to Compare: 15.000 vs 11.000.000 inhabitants :D
547 486 36
13 years ago
And my order is marked "processed" now.
This is really better than "Awaiting Fulfillment" :))
39 104 34
13 years ago
So crisp and clean......
353 606 632
13 years ago
1st Shipment Arrived today !! after a long process at customs 20 pieces will be shipped today, hopefully more next week !
353 606 632
13 years ago
anybody doubting the awesomenss of this figure >> http://instagr.am/p/H6hWSinMUh/
39 104 34
13 years ago
I really want to get this, just have no money at the moment! :(
162 178 43
12 years ago
After months of waiting, DIY Paw! finally in my collection (:
1479 332 28
12 years ago
FYI: These are back in stock at the moment.
7 4 3
10 years ago
So Pure luv on my white table tops It's so powerful
61 93 254
10 years ago
wouldnt be great a custom attack on titan paw!? :D
171 76 53
10 years ago
Someone get ToyTerror on it, I'm sure he will kill it :)