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  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    12 years ago

    dumb question, if you buy these are you supposed to open them?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Never!! Its Art! The card is better than the figure!

    Seriously though, they come off pretty easy, so I guess its personal preference. There just on with a little bit of cello-tape.

  • bones angel


    132 689 26

    12 years ago

    I wish that carded Art figures like this had a slide in/out front, so that you could take them out without damaging the card. Sucklord should get on that shit.

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    12 years ago

    thanks for that info dan! i was thinking about picking up the 10 d con buff mini flavors but wasnt sure if things packaged like this should be opened or not (and also dont have any money).. although i still would have opened it up either way, i think this would look super weird with a bunch of other opened up figs..

    but IMO, i think the box or packaging is about as worthless as the paper/carboard its made from, all i really care about is the figure/toy. (i think its funny when people get all worked up over a box/packing)

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    12 years ago

    moody doom,

    great idea, seen it on a few thinks packaged like this before, makes you wonder why you dont see it a lot? maybe they just dont want you openeing it at all.

    did you open yours?

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Do not try and remove the art. That's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no art.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    to art or not to art that is the question

  • bones angel


    132 689 26

    12 years ago

    @bbxx2334 - no way in hell i'm opening this one. : )

    For me, ice cream toys can only be served with a good dose of titties and heavy metal.

    losing the packaging would subtract all the wonderful buffness from this piece.

    There's no right or wrong though man. Whatever impulse is strongest (to open to not open) just go with it and enjoy.

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    12 years ago

    i like the pictures and text on the background cardboard more than i like these figures themselfs... so i wont be buying any.. they just look really weird and kinda unoriginal to me, i just wanted to see if people open them or not... i think thats the other reason why i am super turned off by this kinda stuff, you open it to enjoy it for what it is, then it pretty much becomes worthless (in terms of $$$) just because you opened it. thanks for the explanation though!

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Ice Cream! And ... - DesignerCon '12 

Buff Monster
Designer Toy
Sucklord Bootleg
The Super Suck Up!

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