Ditto! But international shipping was INSANE, so I had to buy both grey and yellow... uhmm... to save money!!!! Fingers crossed they don't get caught in customs.
MINTY!!! Please get some T9G in your online shop for us Europeans!
YUP! Insane is the word, i had to buy something else as well... B-) I second ToyPunkJan's motion... Europe is fucked enough right now! We need some fresh T9G toys supply to keep our spirits up.
Grasshut in Portland are having a T9G x Koraters exhibition right now. Some nice T9G stuff. And shipping costs are reasonable!
1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
The Nauga
804 2515 1650
12 years ago
Available only in Japan :(
683 67 183
12 years ago
awww I want one!
158 367 20
12 years ago
I want this what the hell !!! How can they only sell in Japan
1593 19 280
12 years ago
Managed to order internationally from Minority Rev for his show pieces (not this version) http://museumt9g.blog24.fc2.c.... Details are in Japanese but they replied to my English email info@minorityrev.com
158 367 20
12 years ago
nice thank you
158 367 20
12 years ago
never heard back from them
241 379 84
11 years ago
Hey, the yellow and gray PeaKY are available at Toy Art Gallery. ;-)
353 1738 67
11 years ago
Woaw! Thanks Just ordered the Yellow one! Yoohoo
1881 1896 2109
11 years ago
Ditto! But international shipping was INSANE, so I had to buy both grey and yellow... uhmm... to save money!!!!
Fingers crossed they don't get caught in customs.
MINTY!!! Please get some T9G in your online shop for us Europeans!
804 2515 1650
11 years ago
Shipping turned me down. Gotta ask someone for store pickup.
353 1738 67
11 years ago
YUP! Insane is the word, i had to buy something else as well... B-)
I second ToyPunkJan's motion... Europe is fucked enough right now! We need some fresh T9G toys supply to keep our spirits up.
Grasshut in Portland are having a T9G x Koraters exhibition right now. Some nice T9G stuff. And shipping costs are reasonable!
499 646 2538
11 years ago
$45 shipping on a $45 toy which is already over priced, ouch TAG, ouch, why do you always disappoint me!
432 4 822
11 years ago
Geez. I could buy the toy and have it shipped to me, then ship it internationally, and pay total shipping of $22-$25. Why do they want so much?
353 606 632
11 years ago
I'll be having the new T9G stock from now on, new figure coming soon !
499 646 2538
11 years ago
viva la mintyfresh!!
804 2515 1650
11 years ago
You're on top of your game Joël!
381 1089 1433
11 years ago
yay joel!
353 1738 67
11 years ago
Minty, you're ze best!
1881 1896 2109
11 years ago
Joël, our guy in the EU.