!! Amazing color combinations on this one. Jen if I can get a hold of one somehow since I'm here in the states (too far from SD, alas, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve) I will pick you up one too.
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1881 1896 2109
11 years ago
Pièce de résistance.
404 139 55
11 years ago
Find a mule, it'd be totally worth it :D
280 25 634
11 years ago
It definitely would, but I don't know anyone so it's going to have to appear as if by magic.
489 56 278
11 years ago
!! Amazing color combinations on this one. Jen if I can get a hold of one somehow since I'm here in the states (too far from SD, alas, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve) I will pick you up one too.