King of the Deadbeets
- Artist:
- Joe Ledbetter
- Manufacturer:
- StrangeCo
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Mini series:
- Vivisect Playset
- Size:
- 3.0
- Color:
- Blue
- Year:
- 2008
Where to buy?
- Vadim,
- doc18,
- monstafaktory,
- theboywil,
- HaynMade,
- BakerTheZombie,
- puffin28,
- vinylaficionada,
- deanomeano,
- rhombusleech,
- SteveFable,
- monopezopoly,
- Danimal,
- MisterQuiche,
- baldwinsucks,
- winegum16,
- OutlandX,
- ecpica,
- skawiu,
- Schunard,
- SevenCubed,
- Chicken,
- meary,
- CrisR,
- jeremyriad,
- pulehoopo,
- saraharvey,
- lil,
- vinylcreep,
- riseofthemonkey,
- wtfunks,
- SappySaps,
- insomaniac,
- eatyourchildren,
- kittenpotpie,
- CalvinChew,
- theoctopus,
- wastemoremoney,
- earthglass,
- mrnvisible,
- sleepyhead,
- luckycat77,
- PoPoJiJo,
- smokfx,
- Carcrashheather,
- WhatsInMyBox,
- jawas,
- rustedhalo,
- GrownManToys,
- reganomics813,
- BensToys,
- WachineMachine,
- LapNgo,
- monkeywonder,
- hhahahahah,
- CH2CHCl,
- mattio,
- Vero89LP,
- tehlilone,
- weirdwone,
- dotrawr,
- trons_wants,
- NoriToys,
- 2out1law3,
- FetusBacon,
- saltnpappa,
- BaZooKo,
- jenandryanlikestuff,
- kititamori,
- taskone,
- vinyltoyboy,
- jemappellekat,
- wyldaxe,
- vinyltoyz,
- joealmighty77,
- steven,
- ryguy,
- drownedpepo,
- incorrectlyguessing,
- steen182,
- nomokun,
- pinkghost,
- timself,
- time4ride,
- lowtech,
- citrusface,
- pimpsc00by,
- gokunick,
- acmyers621,
- caswunn,
- taltevigila,
- zhurrie,
- VinylFaun,
- oreinstein,
- SiriX,
- NRG_energy,
- TomFreak,
- wizeguy,
- yaiworld,
- evilangell8,
- ArtAttackToys,
- masao626,
- maxami,
- paulsolorzano,
- outtoycontrol,
- HelloKatie,
- GrandPoobah,
- yerflap,
- stacyjean,
- zombizon,
- ELJEFE313,
- J_Walrus,
- mutantshark,
- dratsrats,
- mcq,
- Nerdbomber,
- davidusero,
- eggzorcist,
- thotfulspot,
- tmac,
- atomichijinx,
- geopina,
- Eric2dimensions,
- crazylikeafox11,
- vinyladdict,
- thebrianmanley,
- Josje,
- wyger,
- tommynathan,
- PixelGarden,
- designertoyz,
- geoffcuddy,
- raphmeister,
- dbuendia,
- cleascave,
- BatSquatch,
- bones,
- salters,
- strix,
- marmalademonkey,
- vinylmonster,
- Lorenzo,
- tracytho,
- jerryfleming,
- beetle,
- sharkupine,
- makebelieve,
- vinylhammer,
- blkbx,
- Adulteress,
- powerpuffruth2000,
- Soldatoj57,
- biscuitwheels,
- Silly_Fukar,
- danimaniac,
- KingRizza,
- MurderedOut615x,
- openblindboxes,
- krett,
- Coelho_Marina,
- Staveinator,
- kingjgar,
- Runa,
- ArnoldAustria,
- Lady_Stormwind,
- goldy1jac,
- memehermetic,
- KinglyDecay,
- dpd2,
- czarine097,
- riki,
- Colladdic.
- MrFloyd,
- burning_la,
- dnlumb,
- molaro,
- Meffi,
- vicious_pretty,
- rcoconnell,
- danielfleres,
- devinslist,
- hcgrrl,
- pyrogrl,
- poczynek,
- chrome,
- Sharper,
- DeathSkull,
- evil_ien,
- mytoybox,
- regz,
- uberboober,
- Hellosundae,
- pjskittles,
- lorex,
- rombos,
- Nathan23Archer,
- JJHealey1994,
- ms_snooze,
- kbee,
- Owlztoyz,
- maxalert,
- mechelaguera,
- cholera,
- kahutaki,
- daviecakes,
- bradmorrison,
- Wart,
- PrincessJJ,
- thewingsart,
- smitty,
- missa,
- nickfisher,
- aspiretolive,
- Prettierwhenyousmil3,
- pincushionman,
- agtwonderbread,
- allthethings,
- supercooperberella,
- badAnatomy,
- momthatcollects.
499 646 2538
14 years ago
Have one of these for trade!
119 117 39
13 years ago
10K toy
51 9 368
12 years ago
Spotted him today while walking in the breezy weather: