Over 300 in just under a year, I've been getting carried away. So simple maths shows that if I collected for 13 years at the rate I am now, just under 4000 toys. I hope it never gets that bad. How much cute and quirky can there possibly be for me to purchase? :)
First toys weren't great, I used to collect the MacFarlane stuff, of which I think I only have one piece left. I started very earl with Qee and Toy2r stuff.
Things have picked up recently though. I have no wife, kids, car etc, and a reasonably good job, so I'm fortunate to have quite a bit of disposable income. I was never a fan of saving money.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
I finally have him!!! Rawr!! Best Knuckle Bear ever!!
329 75 1144
13 years ago
@jazzydan: 1001 toys- such a nice, perfect number.
you should "freeze" that number :-)
just imagine your nickname: "the man with 1001 toys"
499 646 2538
13 years ago
I should also do that for my bank balance ;)
I'll have to make it a one out one in situation.
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
wow. 1001 toys! how can you afford so many toys?? share your secret! :P
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Well, I have been collecting for 13 years. Which is only about a toy a week.
388 689 743
13 years ago
I was six years old thirteen years ago. The only toys I knew of were Barbies and Polly Pocket. :P
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
wow, Dan, you were there from the beginning!
what were your first toys? how did you get into it?
388 689 743
13 years ago
Over 300 in just under a year, I've been getting carried away. So simple maths shows that if I collected for 13 years at the rate I am now, just under 4000 toys. I hope it never gets that bad. How much cute and quirky can there possibly be for me to purchase? :)
499 646 2538
13 years ago
First toys weren't great, I used to collect the MacFarlane stuff, of which I think I only have one piece left. I started very earl with Qee and Toy2r stuff.
Things have picked up recently though. I have no wife, kids, car etc, and a reasonably good job, so I'm fortunate to have quite a bit of disposable income. I was never a fan of saving money.
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
I collected some Mcfarlane stuff as a teenager. They used to have good sculpts - I remember a great Marv from Sin City a friend if mine had.
Elissa - I got from 50 to 130/40 in a year so I don't have as many toys as you, but if my collection keeps growing by this factor it will be huge :P
I don't have a regular job at the moment, so it might stop the vinyl flow...