Front view
- Artist:
- Jamie Hewlett
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Series:
- Gorillaz CMYK Edition
- Size:
- 8.0
- Color:
- Blue
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2006
Where to buy?
- m_sayonara,
- doc18,
- monstafaktory,
- sakiwaki,
- theboywil,
- HaynMade,
- pimpsc00by,
- rhombusleech,
- molaro,
- Danimal,
- Marcuzilla,
- jroo,
- ThatGirl,
- Nerderella,
- SevenCubed,
- rotokirby,
- igorventura,
- MApMAp,
- MollysToys,
- saraharvey,
- riseofthemonkey,
- KirstenCupcake,
- unsungzero,
- Fickle,
- akn220,
- krezytoys,
- earthglass,
- mrnvisible,
- Eatmoretoys,
- sleepyhead,
- BaZooKo,
- SteveKeys,
- lmlwsp,
- juanperezx,
- tedwarhc,
- reganomics813,
- mytoybox,
- checha,
- mattio,
- mtoying,
- skillcrane,
- Spaztrick,
- Jgodinez302,
- superham,
- Buri,
- bananaman,
- yourjello,
- RemyZeroZero,
- biozim,
- vinyltoyboy,
- vitalfan,
- spaghettiproject,
- steen182,
- pichu,
- smokebelch,
- citrusface,
- lops,
- drchipohpoh,
- seandoe,
- ciboy,
- SteveBaker,
- ennui,
- paulsolorzano,
- iksentrik,
- littlemouse,
- namal,
- yerflap,
- tamara988,
- Boompooper,
- whoasaywhat,
- jorasp,
- LovefoToyz,
- clintthescott,
- Salmon91,
- gigi,
- KillUrDate,
- Clawed,
- gatiio,
- scottandbetsy,
- jonnyboi,
- orozcoa7,
- Brainiac,
- BitsToys,
- pistol23,
- biscuitwheels,
- buysoap,
- Owlztoyz,
- jibboy,
- elmeaux,
- cubeecraft,
- tatgear,
- Haraku,
- streetflyz,
- Coelho_Marina,
- zizz,
- SandMars,
- coliandre,
- toyattacka,
- cgmb,
- dansignz,
- ArnoldAustria,
- peeesh,
- XK9,
- delyozzy,
- kaiserluna,
- Flashgott,
- mangki,
- Chaffro,
- Ducky123,
- videguy,
- berbentin,
- jeffree,
- Colladdic,
- riki.
- poptart13,
- Rudeone,
- smashthew,
- ThePumKinMan,
- uletelisamolety,
- madpierrot,
- zandorf,
- 3EyePanda,
- icore,
- doree,
- CalvinChew,
- devinslist,
- regz,
- Hizig,
- zombiepuppy,
- Runa,
- FetusBacon,
- taskone,
- Vividtaco,
- GBCh,
- JJHealey1994,
- LoungeCore,
- DaniCunha,
- mightyfine,
- lenazilb,
- modxtoys,
- sampersand,
- washingmachine,
- davidsundin,
- adamj,
- PrincessJJ,
- poggi1kinobi,
- mahsitti,
- ZombieCupcake,
- alybishnu,
- dahomey,
- DannyDuoshade,
- kisakat,
- allthethings,
- mrwestattoo,
- kisakat1,
- atake,
- djbundi.
105 174 45
14 years ago
Additional Information:
Series: Gorillaz CMYK Edition.
Color: Blue
Material: Vinyl.
101 265 128
14 years ago
Me likes! ...But that "Where to buy?- link" is outdated. The toy is sold out!
105 174 45
14 years ago
This guy isn't hard to find. He pops up on ebay quite frequently. I've seen it on Amazon too. A little bit of google searching you can probably find it for around 30 dollars.
101 265 128
14 years ago
Thanks, mate. I'll give it a try :)
196 1256 71
9 years ago
Have one to trade hit me up :)