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  • yourjello angel


    235 215 55

    14 years ago

    Great idea, but easily removable in photo shop. :(

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    14 years ago

    wow, what a great find! I love it when they push the Dunny shape, and I really like Aya Kakeda. I wish her beautiful Dunnys weren't so rare! I loved her entry in Endangered too...

  • Buri


    129 34 57

    14 years ago

    I think the one she made for S5 is just horrible... - HORRIBLE!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    14 years ago

    Awesome toy, congratulations Sam!!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    14 years ago

    Damn, I'm trying really hard to not by another case of these Today! Still want this guy and the raving viking!!

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    14 years ago

    Jazzydan, if you do get another set and you get a dupe Hernandez I'd love to buy it off you... :)

  • doc18 angel


    1593 19 280

    14 years ago

    @Dan then I can have more balloons and ketchups :D

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    14 years ago

    I said I was trying hard, damn you guys!!

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    14 years ago

    this one is gorgeous...
    I ordered a couple of blind boxes for the heck of it, for a tiny chance at this, the Hernandez or the Beast Brothers Dunny, 'cause I don't shell out the big moneys for the little toys on Ebay :P
    I'm saving up for some larger rare pieces.

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    14 years ago

    These will go down in price with time. Some have gone for as low as USD 80. These are 1/400, which is the same ratio as the Easy Hey in the French series, which used to be a lot pricier and now commands around USD 75.

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    14 years ago

    I truly don't understand the appeal of this dunny...

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    14 years ago

    it's just so purrrdee :P
    look at those lovely blues and pinks

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    14 years ago

    I'm obviously not a real girl. The one thing that freaks me out the most is the expression on the face! Maybe if it had a cute face then I'd be won over by it.

  • doc18 angel


    1593 19 280

    14 years ago

    The biggest attraction is that it is rare and it's worth a lot of money. Then some like to complete their series. Not many mini toys that can be sold at such an inflated price as a rare dunny can!

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    14 years ago

    I am not a fan of KR or dunny but I think this one is nice. The design matches the form well :D

    As they would have unique tooling just for this piece, would KR ever re-release this one?

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    14 years ago

    I suppose I'm not a conventional toy collector then, I only go for things like Qees and Dunnys that catch my eye, with the exception of things like the Toxic Swamp series and others...

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    14 years ago

    I'm like Elissa - I don't care about the rarity of things, just if I love them or not.
    And I do like Dunnys a lot, and I really like this one.

    But I don't chase Dunnys and I don't pay high prices for them - I rather save my money for things that actually cost a lot because of high production costs rather then rarity in the market. Which is why I'll probably never own this Dunny. I still like the design.

    I don't like chases at all, and as an artist I'm not going to do them.

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    14 years ago

    Lordsketch, you're in an awfully agree-with-Elissa-able mood today :) Blindboxes give a thrill, and fair enough if you happen to luckily stumble across a chase, but in the cases of old series of toys and such, there's no other way than to track them down on eBay or Doc18's bad ass Toy Boot Sale and suchlike :)

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    14 years ago

    I also enjoy opening blind boxes :P but I have never really understood why people go crazy for dunny. Then again I am not a platform collector. I do have a few funky colour variants but I have never paid more for a chase figure.

    On the note of crazy collector; I have dealt with a few crazies over the years. Once this dude bought every single tomb raider bust (7 in stock at the time) just because he didn't want anyone else to have it. I told the dude I would still order more in, he didnt care and came back and bought the 3 others. It wasn't a rare piece, it was just some shitty tomb raider bust. I normally wouldn't have dealt with tomb raider but a few people custom ordered it so I got a few extras.

    I still don't know why he did it.... ebay I guess, I never followed ebay prices :P it may have been rare but I was able to order plenty from one supplier. Yet I really didn't want this guy to waste his money ...

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    14 years ago

    Maybe he had some disturbing Lara Croft obsession? Or would he have 'flipped' them? I read an old issue of Clutter magazine the other day and I've only just found out what flipping is, so I feel wary of using the word :)

  • doc18 angel


    1593 19 280

    14 years ago

    blind boxes have nothing good for the collectors, just to make them buy more :P it is getting silly now that mini figures are mostly blind boxed and costing so much. For 3/4 minis you can get a nice large figure.

    I try to keep to the artists that I like and a few of them happen to work with KR a lot that makes me buy lots of Dunnys to get them :P Luckily in this series the 1/400 is not one of my fav. artists :)

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    14 years ago

    I guess the Dunnys hit very high prices because there are a lot of people collecting them.

    I don't collect minis very much, except for artists I really like and older ones I think are super cool (like Neo Kaiju Project). But I like Dunnys and they have a lot of cool designs and they're fairly cheap if you're not after everything or the special chases.
    I collect *toys* and I don't have any special sub-category like I collect this artist or that, or this platform, I just like what I like and get it if I can, which is why my collection is pretty eclectic. There are artists I would like to have more figures from if I could afford it, sure, but I'm not into multiple colorways and all that.

    I'm against completeist-ism and I don't think one should pay through the roof for a chase.
    I even don't like the word "collector" cause that implies having something for the sake of having it, and it's really not what I"m doing - I like to have beautiful things, great art and stuff that makes me happy.

  • ELJEFE313


    239 62 43

    13 years ago

    What would someone be willing to trade for this?....

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    13 years ago

    I don't have anything in your wishlist for trade, but have some other stuff. What kind of toys/artists do you like? I have the Beast Brothers Azteca 2 AP's (both the gold and the bloody versions with signed cards on acrylic frame, 8/20) if you are interested.

  • ELJEFE313


    239 62 43

    13 years ago

    I look for Dalek, Baseman, Kaws, Vissel, Biskup........On another note I seen you have a Kronk Treehugger white, would you want to part with that in anyway at all...?

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    13 years ago

    Nope. This is one of my favorite pieces. I'll take a look at what I have and get back to you. I know I have an extra Yeti Qee 8" (Biskup), and an extra Pupik (Gary Baseman).

  • chopper


    69 86 42

    12 years ago

    will trade frank kozik white clockwork gold ticket for this dunny.. contact me

  • maryadem


    477 75 12

    11 years ago

    Mine did not have a string too.

  • Badstainless angel


    270 110 5

    11 years ago

    I don't think any of them came with the string.

  • deathman


    2166 825 8

    11 years ago

    Mine came with the string on the bow. I have heard of a couple other people's came with the string but thats about it. I wonder if it is a QC problem or if only some were supposed to come with the string.

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Aya Kakeda Chase Dunny 

Aya Kakeda
Mini Figure
Dunny 2010

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