is a service for toy collectors.
Its library contains photos and information on 52834 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

vicious_pretty vicious_pretty

She is from seattle, WA

Petit Astrolapin in California (SDCC Exclusive)
  • Luckita


    148 48 6

    14 years ago

    If someone happens to grab an extra i'll buy it immediately!!!

  • vicious_pretty


    135 50 1

    14 years ago

    just got this in the mail today. LOVE IT.

  • vitchum


    165 79 14

    13 years ago

    If anyone doesn't have a place for it anymore please tell me, it was sold out by the time I went to the booth ):

  • jenX


    280 25 634

    11 years ago

    Buy it. If your partner really loves you, they'll understand the need :)

    Edit... I didn't say that right... I mean you still get married after you've got this.

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