is a service for toy collectors.
Its library contains photos and information on 52816 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

Mike Sutfin ‘Devilman’
  • plaguedoctor angel


    120 767 5

    6 years ago

    I got this today it is such an amazing piece. The figures packaging even comes with a little view window .So glad I purchased this. My box said 93/200 so I think this became limited but not sure?

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    6 years ago

    Yeah, I had number 80/200 on mine I think but they have kept the order book open and the factory are still producing now.
    Such a great looking piece!

  • Brainiac


    495 170 54

    6 years ago

    not numbered, even though I ordered pretty much when it was up

  • Brainiac


    495 170 54

    6 years ago

    oops, 63/200 on the outer (packaging) box... lol

  • quinntheboss


    734 487 437

    6 years ago

    Unbelievably impressive in person

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blaastbeet trahjedee LORNE?! Where's dees LORNE..? lohssst in Sendagaya 2017
  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    7 years ago

    Result! Found one on Yahoo Auctions Japan.
    Didn't see that happening!

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  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    7 years ago

    The detail on this is insane especially as its only 9"

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Waver Knuckle Bear
  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    7 years ago

    Hi Leonkoin - Most of these entries are already on here.
    Manufacturer is Wonderwall as opposed to Toy2R.
    I'll leave them here for 24 hrs so you can adjust your sales and then I'll delete them.
    When you put new pieces on here can you check they are bot already here first as otherwise the database will be out of control.

  • leonkoin


    2 1 1

    7 years ago

    Hi Zombiekel,

    Thank you. I searched under the term "Knuckle Bear" before I posted and I uploaded the ones from my collection that I didn't see. I was not aware that others were uploaded under "Knucklebear." It would be nice if they were grouped under one or the other to prevent further incidents.

    From what I can tell from searching again and comparing to my files, only the 8" Waver Knuckle Bear and Jesse Williamson Qee (Egg version) were previously uploaded. I was unable to locate a previous upload of the 8" Touma Toyer Qee and Jesse Williamson (Mon Qee version) that I uploaded (which seem to have been deleted). If you can link me to their whereabouts and any of the other ones I have uploaded, I'll post my sales under those items.

    Side note, I noticed these two Knuckle Bear entries are duplicates:

    Thanks again for the help.

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    7 years ago

    Thanks for noticing the duplicate.
    Its actually quite difficult to keep everything in line.
    It always helps when people notice them so we can rectify the mistakes.

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Small-Pollard blue
  • BrainBow


    219 712 27

    7 years ago

    Tim Biskup should be added a artist also

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    7 years ago

    Done ;)

  • BrainBow


    219 712 27

    7 years ago

    Fantastico :-)

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Sukarubi (First Color)

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Rebel Captain - Kirk Hammett Ver. 2 (Hey Pus!)
  • Brainiac


    495 170 54

    7 years ago

    where/when was this released?

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    7 years ago

    Brainiac - Just filled in some extra info that I found ;)

  • shawnp5


    142 59 21

    7 years ago

    There are more than three of these guys.

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Ho Chi Minh
  • flabby


    289 111 128

    8 years ago

    can someone help label this please?

  • deadpute angel


    336 14 83

    8 years ago

    Name : Ho Chi Minh
    Sculptor: Dave Pressler
    Manufacturer: Ultraviolence
    Type: Bust
    Platform: Ho Chi Minh
    Size: 15
    Year: 2008

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    8 years ago

    Done ;)
    thanks deadpute

  • flabby


    289 111 128

    8 years ago


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Mini Mockbat - Mixed Parts (colours will vary)
  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    8 years ago

    I thought I'd just put 1 random one on here so we don't get overrun with 'mixed parts' photos

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    8 years ago

    Yep. Is it yours?

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    8 years ago

    Not this one as I was in work but will replace with my own photo later ;)

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    8 years ago

    Will be cool co collect different variants under "More photos"!

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    8 years ago

    Didn't think of that! Will photograph all of mine on the weekend then ;)

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    8 years ago

    How many of them you got? :)

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    8 years ago

    5 but 2 have gone out for paint ;)

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    8 years ago

    Somebody stop him!

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Concrete Warriors - beaяs
  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    8 years ago

    I am a fan!

  • AlexandrBudkin


    56 82 39

    8 years ago


  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    8 years ago

    Doesn't look like a good idea with the '@' in the artist + sculptor field.
    Try hitting it!

  • AlexandrBudkin


    56 82 39

    8 years ago

    I agree/ it is impossible to edit ..I tried))

  • AlexandrBudkin


    56 82 39

    8 years ago

    help meeee

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    8 years ago

    Yes, it's because of the weird numbers in the size field. Have to be inches. Or left blank.
    The ratio 7/12 should go in the ratio field. Wonder how many centimeters/inches that is, 7/12?

  • zombiekel angel


    405 0 504

    8 years ago

    Done ;)

  • AlexandrBudkin


    56 82 39

    8 years ago

    Big figure: 9.5 inches
    Little figure: 5.5 inches
    Thanks friends))

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