He is from Colorado
- Collection 42
- Wishlist 93
- Comments 8
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
it says 2010, but this wasn't released... was it?
14 years ago
you are right! it will be ready on FEB!
14 years ago
Postponed? Or where can I find them?
14 years ago
The Figures are ready but Unbox Industries webpage its not ready yet! I will announce it here http://www.facebook.com/TheTe...
14 years ago
I look forward to this!
14 years ago
Ok, thanks Patricio!
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
This is my favorite of all your figures to date :)
14 years ago
thanks so much I have a special love for these two
13 years ago
Guys the wait it over! check here!
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=265846603446423&set=a.112826165415135.10837.112022765495475&type=1&theater -
13 years ago
Where they released? I hopped on unbox and couldn't see how to order them?
13 years ago
have you send them an email or using their facebook?
13 years ago
just got mine today. very very impressed. PO! knocked it out of the park with this one
13 years ago
This is true genius Patricio, love it!!! =)
12 years ago
thanks so much! Im glad you like it!
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13 years ago
Been looking for this bad boy for while now! Does anyone know where i can get one?
13 years ago
i've got two and would be willing to trade.
13 years ago
still have this?
13 years ago
@herkumer yes i still an extra ringleader. if you are still interested shoot me an e-mail at yomingo1984@gmail.com.
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14 years ago
Do people know that this little guy glows in the dark?
14 years ago
nope, thats cool
14 years ago
cool thanks!
13 years ago
hands down my favorite urban vinyl
13 years ago
Anyone interested in selling this li'l guy to me. I'll offer top $$$.
13 years ago
Yeah, me too.
13 years ago
$200 offer to anyone who wants to sell him!
432 4 822
13 years ago
Kinda weird that you're offering $200 for a toy you're currently selling on eBay.
13 years ago
Oh snap
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
troll much?
12 years ago
I'll sell mine. And you won't have to pay $200 for it. :) I'll consider offers. Trades are also welcome. See my wishlist.
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14 years ago
I'm putting this up for sale if anyone is interested.
14 years ago
How much?
14 years ago
$60 including shipping. $65 to UK.
14 years ago
Lucky me! I just won this little bastard on ebay. $29 including shipping. NIB.
14 years ago
14 years ago
Arrived today! Finally!
14 years ago
congrats, cool figure
13 years ago
I might trade mine for something in my wishlist. At the moment I'm mainly interested in Super7, Gargamel, M1 GO, Max Toy Co, Bullmark, Wonderwall etc. Write to boyomega(a)gmail(dot)com with any offers.
13 years ago
still for sale?
13 years ago
Mine is gone, sorry.
13 years ago
Mine is still for sale.
13 years ago
how much for the hangboy ( shipping to france) thanx !
13 years ago
Hey! I'm still into getting his, if it's still available...
13 years ago
*this... not "his"...
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
13 years ago
$80.00? Anyone?
13 years ago
herkumer ... still available? any others?
13 years ago
I'd pay $100 if anyone is willing to sell!
13 years ago
$80.00 sounds good to me-P.M. me if available!
10 years ago
I know this thread is a little old, but I will pay you entirely too much money for this. I've been "sold" one 3 times. It got "lost" in the mail twice and never sent once. So...please, if anyone is holding an extra or is tired of the one they have, I would love for you to take my money.
I don't need any others to complete my set, but if you have a full set and don't want to break it up I'll buy them all if that means I get this one. Help. Please. -
10 years ago
I don't have this figure, but I would love to help you! I will add an eBay link for this figure if I ever find one. There isn't any yet, but I know there's gotta be a couple of these existing on the planet.
10 years ago
I just bought one and they lost it at the post office before they mailed it. No label or postage on it. How?! Heartbroken. :( I'm just hoping someone who has one and doesn't have the entire set will see this and be willing to part with it. It's going to a good home with all his creepy friends! :) anyone who can help with leads or anything please do. Thanks!! :)
10 years ago
I got my money refunded but I'm so upset. I've been hunting this guy for years and always miss him.
10 years ago
No luck yet for me, but I'm still looking.
10 years ago
Me too! I really appreciate it. If you find one (ANYONE) let me know please. Ready to buy.
10 years ago
Where are you located? If in US, I might be willing to sell my complete Cucos set. I don't want to sell it separately, so it's all or nothing. And I will only ship within the US - sorry. Is there any way to PM on this site? Can't see it anywhere.
10 years ago
I don't know how to PM either. I am in the USA and would be interested in buying your set. Please let me know. Sorry for the late reply I was on vacation.
10 years ago
myKRstuff, you may email me directly if you like, kayla32583@gmail.com
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- 1
42 93 8
13 years ago
You stuff is so amazing! I'm late in the game on urban vinyl. How can I get your old figures?
39 30 28
13 years ago
most of them are sold out like this one and the cucos, Paladins check Raje toys page and the Qee by toy2r