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The Rising (Pink)
  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    congrats Dan!
    wicked piece

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    Fugi me sideways - these are nice!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    lol J :)

    i have to agree, i am deeply in love with this little hand, too!

  • MaquetteCity angel


    154 129 400

    12 years ago

    Always handy to have a hand:)

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    12 years ago

    Duplicate entry.

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Grin - Garageworks L.A. Lakers

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Skull Kun Micky
  • rtysmith angel


    308 93 101

    13 years ago

    tommy, always got to get what I got...

  • tommynathan angel


    292 45 101

    13 years ago

    almost always!

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    12 years ago

    Duplicate entry.

  • flabby


    289 111 128

    10 years ago

    great piece. highly recommend especially for bxh enthusiasts!

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  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    13 years ago

    The whole design is really nice

  • steen182


    417 137 6

    13 years ago

    looking to buy this if anyone can help!!

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    13 years ago

    stocked so bad in Europe.... AGAIN !

  • DunnyAddicts


    444 112 128

    12 years ago

    Outland store still has some! Picked mine up today!

  • DunnyAddicts


    444 112 128

    12 years ago

    @ Minty, you're right though! KR stock in Europe sucks ass! 1200 piece release and we have about 200 for europe! It's nuts...

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    PBM only had like 50 or 60, they only supply 5 stores with this stock kinda of monopolizing the designer toy game. But hell, it's nice for them they got stuff other shops can't have.

    But enough other cool stuff around i'm not getting myself worked up about this anymore :)

  • quinntheboss


    734 487 437

    12 years ago

    Just picked this up at Kidrobot SF :)

  • DunnyAddicts


    444 112 128

    12 years ago


  • d1rtyb345t


    129 143 15

    12 years ago

    Just got mine signed and with og wooden staff... goes great with the two from 2011 I just got in artist case from Huck gee

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    12 years ago

    Duplicate entry.

  • amavevera angel


    329 75 1144

    12 years ago

    @hu8o: actually, the other entry is for the AP, which has an extra accesorry

  • chopper


    69 86 42

    12 years ago

    I need this. Who wants to sell/trade it to me?? Email me

  • Lanafied


    118 228 4

    12 years ago

    I have one of these to sell or trade!! Let me know if you're interested :)

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    Whar do you want?

  • CheeseSticks


    102 0 2

    11 years ago

    Yeah what are you looking for?

  • Owlztoyz


    196 1256 71

    10 years ago

    I have one foe trade if anyone needs it

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    10 years ago

    I'm interested owlswag

  • jensr angel


    132 22 7

    9 years ago

    I have one for sale. Signed and with wood stick.

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Ice Bat
  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    13 years ago

    ok,who allowed this?

  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    13 years ago

    i like the original icebat more.

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    13 years ago

    Everybody does!

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Wuss Chimera

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Deadmau5 Puma Edition
  • galvinsc


    28 3 1

    12 years ago

    I have a bunch of these...anyone want to buy one?

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    12 years ago


  • Nismogarrett


    0 1 2

    11 years ago

    Galvinsc - hi there, do you still have any of these yellow puma ones left please?

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  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    13 years ago

    So here it is - my fake Kaws bought before I knew anything about Kaws or designer toys in general.

    The head is obviously a quite nicely sculpted Chum one and the bottom is from the Snorty And Friends series by Steven Lee.

    I'm thinking I might repaint this in some nice way in the future.

  • DMS


    75 34 104

    13 years ago

    Really want one of these, I was offered one ages ago but passed on it and regret it now!

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    13 years ago

    I have a pink one. :-)

  • soks123


    20 17 20

    13 years ago

    get over it they are fakes

  • soks123


    20 17 20

    13 years ago

    get over it is fake

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    no punctuation!!

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Zooth Vs Butch
  • deadpute angel


    336 14 83

    13 years ago

    if anyone can help me to find at least Zooth the dogo argentino...

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    13 years ago

    These dogs are great! I'd love to have them all!

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Joe Kaws
  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    13 years ago

    this just makes me feel meh.... so what

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    to me it's ridiculous... it isn't transformed in any way, it's not the best Snoopy sculpt, slap a couple of X's on it and sell it for big $$$...
    Kaws is so uninteresting right now

  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    13 years ago

    @MisterQuiche: Stupidy strikes back!

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    13 years ago

    This is a preview shot, so this is definitely how it will look like. So no photoshops here.

    Kaws is getting really lamer and lamer, and this release is such a lazy design that there ain't words to describe it.

  • mrpaul


    118 160 32

    13 years ago

    Worst KAWS figure ever.

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    13 years ago

    Yeah, let's stick it to him now that he's not producing stuff we like! Yeah!

  • Nerdbomber


    860 9 87

    13 years ago

    never been a huge KAWS fan, but this really is just slapping X's on a figure. It's all about the brand now. Ron English has done more interesting things with Snoopy

  • jeremyriad angel


    566 356 245

    13 years ago

    Leave Peanuts to Ron English!

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    13 years ago

    @ tristan; i think some folks have been saying this about kaws stuff for a long time, its just a thousand times more obvious with this release. i know kaws collectors who believe this is ace and a must have

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    Weak sauce.

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    13 years ago

    dang, true, i'll get my crayons out now!!!

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    Tristan - first of all, I think it's okay to criticize an artist when you think he's doing bad work.
    but to be fair I've always been sticking it to him cause I don't like his work very much - to me it seems more like brand merchandise then art and Kaws himself more buisnessman then artist.
    this recent work just makes me feel more strongly about it.

  • monsterforge


    280 124 209

    13 years ago

    BRB... making my Snoopy toy into a KAWS toy.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    Snoopy X monsterforge ftw!

  • monsterforge


    280 124 209

    13 years ago

    Ha ha ha! Maybe!

    Nah... I'd actually have some fun and paint it up!

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    13 years ago

    MisterQuiche and lordsketch: I agree with both of you. I typed the above comment facetiously, but with an alarming amount of sympathy. I also feel like the stuff I ought to like is not as cool as it used to be. However, barely one percent of Kaws and Dunny and Bearbricks interest me. Kaws probably didn't think this Snoopy would falter, but many on this forum think so. And here I am, seeing the same qualities in this figure that made me think the rest of Kaws is overpriced and underwhelming.

    When I started collecting blindboxes in Portland and Chicago (on the few chances I happened to be in either of those cities) I had no idea how much vinyl I had already missed, and four years later I'm feeling crotchety and curmudgeonly and bitter that the artists I liked then either aren't producing stuff that appeals to me or they have stopped making vinyl altogether, and the rest of the toys that I like are unattainable due to rarity, expense, or access.

    And the rest of the rest look like total boring shit. The debate over whether something is genuine or bootlegged, commercial or art, goes beyond what I care about. I love my collection, and I'd like to refine it, nurture it like a little toxic garden of non-biodegradable treasures. But increasingly it looks like there is less out there for me. So I feel old and mean compared to my enthusiastic collecting self of just two years ago, and with artists like Kaws I just sit back feel cynical. People are upset about Kaws doing a lukewarm x'ed-out-eyed Peanuts character. I guess I'm upset about caring less about vinyl in general.

    Does anyone else doubt the intrinsic value of their hobby?

  • monsterforge


    280 124 209

    13 years ago

    I like chocolate milk.

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    13 years ago

    @tristan; i know where you are coming from, i have shed most of my collection in recent years but continue to look and hope to find new artists / pieces that excite me. For me recently my focus has been more on the resin producers, small home runs, more artist interaction and a feeling of being involved as opposed to just buying a really really expensive snoopy or tweety bird. (obviously the only factor that ultimately matters is do i like it!)

    @ monsterforge, Blend some ice cream in there and im right with ya!

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    Tristan - there are many many more toys I want then money I have so I don't have those problems :P
    there will always be crap, everywhere. But there is is still a lot of stuff I love.

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    13 years ago

    I normal situations, at least for me, there will always be lots of stuff I would like to have, but cannot based on the price/availability etc. But it's all part of the fascination of collecting, buying fancy furniture and so on: would be a damn more boring if you could get all the stuff all at once!

    We as consumers/collectors have the responsibility to buy and collect the stuff we really like and want to support, and I have started to think about his more and more lately. About the facts how well are the companies treating the artists, in which conditions are the toys made (I don't want no-one to risk/damage their health making my toys) and so on. As one individual you can't do miracles, know every little details of conditions, but you can act via your buing habits and I think I'll do that much more in the future. This all comes to Kaws and how I really think that his toys and art has started in the recent years become more and more about milking the buyers/collectors. That in my mind tells that he doesn't really appreciate his fans a lot.

    I myself have cut up my collecting almost totally at the moment, but in the future I'll surely buy only something really special and might head towards buying more art pieces during the years. For example nice painting/canvas by some brilliant artist.

    For me my toys, although I have a really small collection compared to many here & it doesn't include any "high-end" vinyl toys, are little pieces of art and all have something that visually & mentally describes somehow who I am and what makes me happy.

    But that's my rant about these things. Hat tip to Tristan for starting the conversation. Now others - continue.

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    13 years ago

    Yes indeed, if nothing else, this (in my opinion) poor piece has opened up a lot of conversation from folks

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    13 years ago

    Bump ;)

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    13 years ago

    I haven't bought Kaws releases for some time now, but I wouldn't mind having this one, lame though it is.

  • franko angel


    103 27 12

    13 years ago

    im always trying to get my hands on a new kaws piece as broke as i am but this will def be on the last of my list. still love his art though. im sure he has a method to his madness

  • MaquetteCity angel


    154 129 400

    13 years ago

    I have to admit,it leaves me cold,except for my love of Snoopy,there's nothing to this.
    But again, this is one of the things I like about the toy-as-art world,we all have such different tastes.
    I wonder what Schultz would have made of it ? :)

  • hektor


    28 114 32

    13 years ago

    Bland, Bland Bland. Kaws has wacked out with this little offering. Concentrating more on the dollars than the idea. I've seen more originality in a game of naughts and crosses.

  • Draculaz77


    355 333 84

    13 years ago

    Tweety & this has damaged KAWS's reputation

  • Draculaz77


    355 333 84

    13 years ago

    no way.pinocchio is great

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