He is from Brazil
- Collection 850
- Wishlist 1828
- Comments 326
13 years ago
I had this at one point but gifted it to a friend. Now I want it back! lol
13 years ago
Have one for sale.
13 years ago
Hey Delme, where can I contact you, I want your puncher!
13 years ago
That toy is in your whishlist?
I don't think...
Delme forget that kid
flickr mail me here /> -
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Delme, 100 bucks! :)
/> -
13 years ago
you won ^^ -
13 years ago
Congrats Jan!
100$ well spent! -
13 years ago
Sorry if i pi**ed anyone off, checking the site on my phone today and went with whoever i could see an email address from...Sorry!
13 years ago
Don't be sorry Delme that's the game ;)
and Jan was the 1st on the list so... -
13 years ago
ADB - i've tried and missed on so many things over the years, i feel your pain! I'm selling bits to make space for other toys...and no doubt i'll miss out on many new things. Worst part of the whole toy thing... But if you are looking for anything on this jpeg i'll give you first shot! -
13 years ago
"That toy is in your whishlist?
I don't think...
Delme forget that kid"
Connard... -
13 years ago
Chupacabra! Flatwood monsters! Wish I had some spare cash...
13 years ago
hu8o - there is always spare cash somewhere!!
13 years ago
Let me know where and I'll fetch it! :)
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Aaaaawww, Delme, how sweet you are! :) Bonus toy and lots of stickers! Thank you so much, man! :)
13 years ago
it's very hard to find,
no way to find it anywhere....
congratz for this really good purchase ToyPunkJan !!!! -
12 years ago
Finally Found!
1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
Mega concrats, icky. The best part of this little fellla is his pupils. Is that right in English? I don't mean his students, but those tiny spots in his eyes. Pupils?
11 years ago
Thanks Jan! You're right... The pupils are the coolest... Very subtle. I love this little puncher! Hey... Did this ever come with a header? Or did it come loose?
11 years ago
I'm still looking for it,
if anyone need some bucks, I'm paypal ready toysinparo[at]
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566 356 245
13 years ago
13 years ago
Pre-ordered! Tick-tock, tick-tock...
13 years ago
Cannot wait for this to arrive :D
13 years ago
USPS brought it to my house today, didn't bother to ring the doorbell, then refused to deliver it because I wasn't there to sign for it. UNHAPPY.
172 33 23
13 years ago
Glad you guys like him!!
154 129 400
13 years ago
Dammit !!!
Now I've gone and bought him! I didn't mean to, it was an accident, honest!
Damn you, desirable toys!! -
13 years ago
lol. accidents happen
154 129 400
13 years ago
The Inspector called today! :)
Very nicely produced.I wonder if there is a master criminal to go with him? -
2038 1057 90
13 years ago
Got mine yesterday - What a fantastic toy! - love the packaging art too!
13 years ago
Thanks, everyone! Glad you like him.
154 129 400
13 years ago
Hmm any more characters likely to come to vinyl life from the pen of the great Barringten Chendy? :)
154 129 400
13 years ago
@jontofski-who sculpted the Inspector? Very nice clean bit of work :)
13 years ago
@maquetteCity - There's a few more in the pipeline. :) I'm not sure exactly who did the sculpt. It's one of Andy's team at Crazylabel. I was really impressed by all the sculpts. There's pics on my blog of the earlier versions.
13 years ago
Just got the last one from myplasticheart last week! Wooooo!
154 129 400
13 years ago
@jontofski- Thanks for the reply.I've seen your blog pics hence my question.Great stuff! :)
13 years ago
Great toy! Get it!
13 years ago
Got mine signed at the weekend, apparently the only signed one there is! Wowowow
6 years ago
Hi, everybody! I'm hoping to add Inspector Cumulus to my collection.
If somebody is open to potentially selling or trading him, please feel free to contact me through email and/or Facebook, both of which are located in my profile.
Thanks kindly! I hope to hear from you. :) -
6 years ago
Greg, I have it. If you don't mind waiting (not sure how long), I can go thorugh my boxes and retrieve it.
6 years ago
Thanks, hu8o! You have me very excited. Please feel free to email me! I have it listed in my profile. :)
5 years ago
I am looking to sell my figure if anyone is interested. Please feel free to contact me, thanks.
5 years ago
Hi, Krett! I don't know how to contact you. Please visit my profile and use my email to contact me. :)
5 years ago
@Greg did you end up getting one? Nice to randomly find you on the internet again (<---Gary)
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1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
These wooden toys from Vitra are really something else on the toy scene.
@saigonradio, how big are they? :) -
13 years ago
That's wrong. These dolls are bigger and vary from 6" to 11".
13 years ago
It's wrong. Also notice that all Alexander Girard toys on have exactly the same measures, and they are clearly of different sizes. These are different, but these dolls are roughly the same size:
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Thank you, hu8o. Awesome research :)
I've added the size for the first 11 Vitra Dolls. Now we only miss the rest! ;p -
178 1 77
13 years ago
Yeah they vary in sizes. This one is w3 x h7.
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14 years ago
keiko is so hot! I would love to add it to my collection
$180 is not an outrageous price, just out of my price range :-( -
14 years ago
14 years ago
Jazzydan only wants it because it has boobs :P
14 years ago
no way, he must be attracted by the bear ears :-P
14 years ago
Nice to see the ladies are talking about me when I'm not here.
13 years ago
I desperately want one, but I'm with Ama, the price is just too high (especially right now). Booooo :[
13 years ago
It's definitely interesting. Would like to see more figures like this.
13 years ago
Agreed, this figure has a couple of very interesting points.
13 years ago
baZING! :D
13 years ago
Anyone get this piece?
13 years ago
Still have it at the top of my to buy list, but keep getting distracted by things like Super 7 Lucky Bags, and Cavey Parties. Maybe next month. All though I think next month will be Dunny 2011! So many toys, so little money.
13 years ago
oh no, I was almost ready to go crazy and spend money I don't have but just discovered it is sold out :-(
13 years ago
I have it, its sweet. The claws are held on by magnets, first time I've seen that. -
13 years ago
Desperately looking for one! If you have one for sale or trade, or know anyone who has, please let me know!
13 years ago
rtysmith, sell me yours! ;-)
13 years ago
So would - but her twin just arrived today, and triple is on the way... -
13 years ago
Congrats! I still can't understand why I didn't preorder it! Anyway, I'll have to be happy with the other two for now...
13 years ago
ZacPac has one that is damaged, broken and glued in two points (ankle and head), but I want one without defects.
13 years ago
I'm with you hu8o, I missed this one on the pre-order also, and now I can't for the life of me think why I didn't pick it up. The others don't seem to make sense unless you have this to accompany them. I love them with this, but not on their own.
13 years ago
I have it and it's really a beautiful piece
12 years ago
I'm really glad that I found this amazing girl! Specially after a looooong time being sold out! I feel REALLY lucky! now the 3 keikos look amazing together! :D
12 years ago
I finally got mine through the KR Forum, and at the price I was willing to pay! :-)
12 years ago
congrats, such an awesome figure!
12 years ago
Congrats!! Lucky you, I'm looking for this one on the KR board for over 6 months without luck :-(
12 years ago
Keep calm and carry on!
11 years ago
FINALLY found one!!!
11 years ago
Congrats HC !!!
11 years ago
Where to buy??Who sells it??
Oh my lady gaga -
11 years ago
Try eBay and forums. And be ready to pay premium price. Good luck!
10 years ago
I'm starting to sell out all my Keiko's from Fools Paradise :-(
Feel free to take a look into my collection and if you are interested in one, let me know! I'm sure we can work something out ;) -
5 years ago
Anybody have interest in selling this sexy keiko toy?
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381 1089 1433
14 years ago
14 years ago
I held this in my hands in Portland. Oh, and both Keiko and Kaori were sitting on a nearby shelf. I thought, "I can buy something better with my money." Turns out I was wrong. Worst 3 mistakes of my toy collecting life. :)
14 years ago
There's one on the Bay right now!
14 years ago
Yup. Saw it and passed. I always have a problem with buying something for nearly twice it was originally. Not that values don't appreciate. It's the bank account that has a problem. :)
556 952 193
13 years ago
:D -
13 years ago
The one on ebay was just left for the UK ^^Jon-Paul Kaiser^^
556 952 193
13 years ago
556 952 193
13 years ago
Arrived today, thanks Genco!
804 2515 1650
13 years ago
13 years ago
I'm glad to hear that it made it safe...I was pretty stressed about shipping over seas...
13 years ago
Nice, but too expensive for a 6" toy with an edition of 300.
556 952 193
13 years ago
F* ME! I paid about a quarter of that a few months back!
12 years ago
I sold mine "dirt cheap" to JPK...I should hve waited another year and made a few bucks...
12 years ago
On the bay again! About $20 now, but it's an auction...
6 years ago
Can anyone help with this one?? I have every other one- even infantree and NEED to find a way... Please!
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432 4 822
14 years ago
Hey thrashy, I have a collection of bright orange toys you might be interested in.
14 years ago
black is the new black -
13 years ago
Edition size is 25 (signed and numbered).
13 years ago
It's the Flopdoodle internet exclusive version.
13 years ago
Can we have a search that does NOT distinguish between capital letters and non-capital letters. As it is, if you search for "Pollard" or "pollard", you get two different sets of results.
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13 years ago
I want her so badly! anyone in Japan could help me place an order?
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
I can't find this specific one, but they have a few Suikos at One Up, and they're pretty good with handling international customers -
I think finding a particular color suiko in a particular pose will prove very very difficult... -
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
or, maybe you'd like her driving her pink car? :) - -
13 years ago
thanx a lot for the help, I already tried one-up, asking for the second link ones. "Hi.I am not good at English. Sorry. the article of that place is a sellout." :-(
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
that's mighty nice of you Jan! email sent :)
13 years ago
Funny. I've bought from One-Up and they were very helpful. I paid my items via PayPal.
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13 years ago
One of my holy grails! I have a bootleg one that is almos an exact copy. The only thing that tell it's not legit is the font under the foot which is slightly different from the original. Will do for now... See here:
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95 534 124
13 years ago
why is this one so hard to get and so expensive ! :-(
850 1828 327
13 years ago
Fashionists are to blame.
51 9 368
13 years ago
Over 100 years old fashion house and its brand are to blame.
And not saying for one bit that it would be anyway right or reasonable.
78 56 3
12 years ago
They were not on sale. They were made as decoration for Chanel stores in 2006. You can only have one if you know someone who would sell it to you. Thre has been some in auctions.
95 534 124
12 years ago
yeah i know. Still one of my grails.
There is one on ebay now for 6.3k ....
93 998 15
11 years ago
anyone wanna sell ?????
17 1 15
11 years ago
It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!