He is from USA
- Collection 566
- Wishlist 356
- Comments 245
14 years ago
This is one of the awesome 'halfsies' chases in the Jumping Brains series... here's a photo I found of the whole lot of them - - but I had to take this photo and one of the Black/GID to stick it up on here :)
566 356 245
14 years ago
I have the black halfsie and the red halfsie. If someone out there has the green halfsie, name your price or trade ya for the red! I'll also try to get better photos of these uploaded.They are tricky to photograph for sure!
14 years ago
Apparently they're limited to 1 in every 100 boxes. I got both of mine in the same shop, but unfortunately they're not getting any more in :(
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
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1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
jeremyriad and gojigirl, are you married?
566 356 245
14 years ago
My wife would think that was funny too. Gojigirl, you have a nice collection, but are you sure you have this specific (custom) piece?
566 356 245
14 years ago
Not from the Dragatomi show. Mark gave me this TriPus after one of the times I stopped over at his studio to interview him. For a month, it seemed like I was visiting his house every week. I wrote a lot about him while I was working with Neon Monster. He's a great guy.
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804 2515 1650
14 years ago
It's 2004 again?
566 356 245
14 years ago
I don't know if any of you are from The Bay Area, but b/c of the helmet and the silver/grey, this looks like a Raiders mascot. However, probably b/c of the rhinestone eye, no football fans will touch it with a ten foot pole. Another misfire from KR...
14 years ago
Idk, its the first dunny ive liked in a while...
14 years ago
retro prices too? :P
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566 356 245
14 years ago
This silver Alphabeast: Calli is a "replacement" for the gold edition that had QC defects. Flopdoodle provided these to anyone who sent back their gold edition. The silver colorway improves upon the paint app issues in that the silver is actually silver (the gold edition is actually dark green). However, you can still see the stripes through the eyes and mouth (though not as much as in the gold edition), and as you can see in the picture above (which is my figure), the stripes aren't exactly straight. (Look at the one between the eyes, ouch!)
All that said, I am a sucker for green toys and a fan of Tim Biskup. I was glad to be able to procure the set. It's marked 2004 on the feet, but the official word is that it came out in 2006 for Tim Biskup's show in Spain. If you're not a freak about paint app, this is a shot at getting two iconic green Alphabeasts in one fell swoop.
I got mine from Neon Monster, where there are a couple more sets for sale: -
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566 356 245
14 years ago
There is an interesting story behind this figure. When it was originally produced in 2006 for a Tim Biskup show in Spain, they quickly realized it had huge QC issues. Basically, they issued a recall of the toy, and provided a silver replacement to anyone who sent back the gold one.
A small hole was drilled into the foot of the gold one in order to prevent "clever" people from continuing to send it back in order to get extra silver ones.
I must admit that neither piece has the greatest QC, though the gold one is worse. That said, I actually prefer the dark green color, which turned out here instead of the gold. This figure is really a nice, two-tone green. You might not know it was ever supposed to even be gold, except there are a few gold splotches on the back of mine. The other issue is that you can see the stripes through the eyes and mouth.
Other than that, the figure articulates just fine. It can sit or stand or stack with the silver one. The boxes are true Tim Biskup. I'm glad to have added this set to my collection. It's one of my TB favorites.
I got mine from Neon Monster, where there are a couple more sets for sale: -
14 years ago
You wouldn't mind if I copied this product info over to Vinyl-Creep would you?
566 356 245
14 years ago
Sorry, just saw this. Please feel free to copy it over!
13 years ago
Speaking of QC issues ... mine actually has an extra mouth printed on the back of his head (not kidding).
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804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Special Moon Fox to celebrate the opening of my shop —
14 years ago
Brilliant story to go with him! Love it! Now only if I had the spare $$!!!
Good luck with your shop! -
14 years ago
You've slayed me. I must have him. Gah! I must have more $!
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Thank you.This edition is sold out.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Sorry. There will be more blacks.
566 356 245
14 years ago
This figure is really beautiful in person, and the glow is subtle and nice.
14 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Lovely piece, I can't stop staring at it.
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14 years ago
This one makes me smile.
14 years ago
Nice work Sergey!
566 356 245
14 years ago
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Thank you, guys :)
14 years ago
and now, we all will be waiting for godot :-)
14 years ago
) positive guy!))
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
How to make a Godot (Part 1) —
14 years ago
oh it is still bubbling!!! I want to see more more more!!!
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
How to make a Godot (Part 2) -
14 years ago
Video is fantastic! I can't wait for Part 3.
14 years ago
Will you be posting here when it will be available? I have totally fallen in love with Godot!
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Sure, I will post here.
14 years ago
look forward to it! Do you keep a blog? Would love to keep up to date with your projects.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
I am not a blogger, but all of my news is always in my mail list -
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
I have it on good authority the wait won't be long now... :)
566 356 245
14 years ago
I don't want to use coarse language on this friendly forum, but I fucking love Godot. Hugs and kisses, Jeremy.
14 years ago
Awesome! Been waiting and now its here, fantastic work!
Ordered :D -
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
ordered mine! *dances little dance*
566 356 245
14 years ago
Godot is here! I can't wait for the rest of you to get yours. He's even more alive in person.
14 years ago
:O That is really neat! Mine is still on an adventure, should be here soon :P Till then I am ..... waiting for Godot
14 years ago
By the look of your photos, this photo doesn't do Godot justice :)
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Just a friendly reminder. Only one Lime candy Godot left.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
All gone, thank you!
14 years ago
I was waiting for Godot and now I have him! Its everything and more!
The form makes it a great toy to hold in your hand :)
AWESOME work Sergey -
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
just got back home from my four month trip, and this gentleman was waiting for me patiently in his box.
What a lovely welcome :) -
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Welcome home :)
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14 years ago
Still available! :)
14 years ago
Just arrived. This guy is AWESOME. Photos don't do it justice!
566 356 245
14 years ago
This really is awesome. I probably need to stop spending money on production toys, but when you see one like this, you're just like: maybe I'll stop with the next one :)
14 years ago
Is anyone looking to sell/trade one of these?
13 years ago
so, thx to jazzydan, i just got the only available one from outlandstore... and thx to you, too for shrinking my pockets ;)
13 years ago
congrats, if I had the money I would have beat you to it, awesome toy!!
13 years ago
well, now you can come over and beat me UP instead, so you can run out of the house with this and other toys under your arms ;)
13 years ago
I wouldn't do that, I'm a lover not a fighter.
13 years ago
fine, then love me instead and take your reward home
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
SillyK, We already paired off dan with elissa. We're all pretty sure they're in love.
You'll have to make do with me :p -
13 years ago
He's only my husband. Everyone knows things go downhill once you say 'I do'. We don't even sleep in the same county, let alone the same bed ;P :D
13 years ago
She loves me really, I can tell.
13 years ago
she does, dan, she does!!! adorable you 2
and lord, i had no idea, that this is, how the members on rotocast do it...hopping from one member to the other, in case they are occupied ;) -
13 years ago
You could always join our marriage SillyK :P I'm sure Jazzydan would love having another wife :P
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
no fair! he gets all the toys AND two wives??
13 years ago
all those toy/art discussions are so interesting :-P
may I join you? -
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
ok, how about this - five-way marriage, me, dan, elissa, silly and ama :P
13 years ago
sounds pretty fine to me, but let's get a japanese husband in this marriage too (to help us all get our asian toys)
13 years ago
when i read your offer, lord, all i can think of, is the huuuuge toy collection, we all would have, if we 5 would live together in one house..
to this date it would be 1920 toys in one household...
lets all get married, please! -
13 years ago
hahaha vera... i think, we both had similar thoughts :D
lol -
13 years ago
My boyfriend's Chinese, is that close enough amavevera? :D
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
toy prenup. Just sayin'
13 years ago
hahaha, and poof the romance is gone!
13 years ago
I don't know I go to bed, wake up and look whats going on!
Anyway I only have eyes for Elissa. -
13 years ago
aww, dan, you hopeless romantic! elissa, get him, before somebody else does!
13 years ago
13 years ago
What do you mean 'get him'? He's already my husband!
353 606 632
13 years ago
I see some of you snatched them from Outland but I still have a few of them aswell >>
13 years ago
@ mintyfresh: i just told 2 board members on KR, that you still have 2 of those misfortune cats in stock. i guess, they are gone, soon, too ;)
13 years ago
omg toy...are you serious??????? i will send you an e-mail in a sec...but not about buying it...
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Yep.....not FEEEEEEELING it all.....
13 years ago
i can't believe this!!!! everyones taste is different. i know...but i am sad, you don't like it :(
i won't hit you...or maybe i will... a nice punch on the back of your head to make you think clear again -
13 years ago
probably! it is great, that you even offer it for less money to somebody :-*
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
I have no animals in my apppparrrtttmmmeenntt, but the toy has been exposed to heavy hash smoking for two weeks!
You could get cancer!!!! -
13 years ago
i think, i figured out, why you don't "feel it"...
since you are a big believer of karma, i guess, you are afraid, that this little guy really brings some misfortune in your home ;)
i have 3 of them...the bad luck is floating above my head, i tell you <3 -
13 years ago
toy are you kidding?! 60 $?! i buy it and customize it! i am serious! give me your paypal infos n stuff...
13 years ago
this would be a great platform!
13 years ago
or you other people get it now! 60 $ is such a great price...why did i buy mine for so much more?! :(
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
U have my email addy...Sure u want to customize a 100 limited? That's sooo wild...Only 99 left!
You're a TOY KILLER, SIL! -
13 years ago
i know...this is the's a freaking cheap price! i won't even get the classic misfortune cat (white) for that price...and it is sold out, too i think...
so i would have to switch to the playge version for customization!
i am a toy killer, but i make a total new toy out of it! -
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
My hobby is burning paper money......but I could never RAPE a toy....
13 years ago
i would do a lot of things to this thing :D
wow...raping a toy sounds evil....
you don't rape them, no you just eat them for breakfast...i don't know, what i worse -
566 356 245
13 years ago
Dudes! Get a room! You're killing me with all these email notifications!
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
M U R D E R !
13 years ago
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Want to buy mine, Jeremy???
Yes, it's a notifier! :)
Super cheap....... -
566 356 245
13 years ago
I have one, and I really dig it! It's stayed in a prominent spot near my desk since I got it. I know there must be people after this. What about jazzydan. Sound the jazzydan alarm! Oh wait, he probably got like 2 dozen email notifications already...
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
2 dozen?
Get a life!
;-P -
566 356 245
13 years ago
I'm just giving you a hard time, ToyPunkJan. For some reason I have notifications set for toys I HAVE and toys I WANT. Wouldn't you know it? Right now, the ability to change notifications seems to be spinning. I'll change it as soon as I can. Carry on, toy collectors!
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Now I'm gonna talk .....for ages about my unhappy childhood a gay boy....
Can you set your settings or something?
Here goes....
;p -
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
I was 5 or 6 when it all started...
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
hehe, at least now you have a man and apparently a whole lot of toys, so it turned out all right for you, Jan :p
13 years ago
Jesus Christ, I wake up to like 50 notification emails, all drivel. Is this like foreplay for you 2 or something.
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Do you want this cat or not, Dan?
13 years ago
Toy, I'm tempted to take you up on the offer, but I really want the original version since I already own this one.
13 years ago
Sorry dude, spanked my wad (oooer) on the new Abell Octovan release.
13 years ago
how much is Abell Octovan, I was wondering?
13 years ago
353 606 632
13 years ago
Last batch i got from the distributor !
13 years ago
I need one of these, minus the really bad exchange rate. ; )
12 years ago
Anyone want to sell theirs? :) -alice.
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14 years ago
here :
566 356 245
14 years ago
This just came in the mail. In general, I think these Dolbees are cheap, lightweight plastic, but I REALLY like the design of this Tim Biskup piece, which makes up for the material. The packaging (of all the Dolbees) is also kind of fun. Plus, Flopdoodle shipped it with a sword marked "TBiskup 2007". Anybody know what that's all about?
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1881 1896 2109
14 years ago
When it comes to categorizing a toy like this, would you describe it as:
A) Designer Toy
B) Mini figure
C) Kaiju
D) Neo Kaiju
499 646 2538
14 years ago
244 247 111
14 years ago
Answer : E) Candy
566 356 245
14 years ago
Super7 would lose their heads if this got labeled kaiju. In an interview last year, Brian Flynn said that Super7 doesn't really make kaiju; the people who own it/work there collect kaiju toys. He wants Super7's toys to be considered just "well-designed toys". "Designer toys" won't cut it with him b/c of the stigma/precedent of that term. I think "Neo Kaiju" got stigmatized too. I guess the technical term for this figure category could be "pocket". "Pocket" feels like an eastern version of "mini-figure" which makes me feel like we could categorize it "mini-figure," but I'm sure someone hates that expression for some reason too :) OK who else wants to enter into this semantics fray?!
171 468 619
14 years ago
A) Designer Toy
154 1426 1657
14 years ago
i like answer E a lot.... now i want some
499 646 2538
14 years ago
Whether Super 7 like it or not, I still think Kaiju when I look at these. It's a small vinyl monster, so Kaiju. It's not a bad thing, Kaiju is awesome!!
566 356 245
14 years ago
Not to beat a dead alligator, but this toy doesn't actually fit the definition of "kaiju," which is: Japanese monster. This is a cute alligator, nothing monstrous about it. And it has nothing to do with Japanese lore or history. It's only tie to Japan is that it was produced there. It's an alligator designed by an American. I'd vote for "designer toy" as the definition and say Super7 has to just deal with that.
930 38 82
14 years ago
This is definitely a monster (it's a MUMMY aka a type of monster), and not all Japanese kaiju is strictly horrific. And not all kaiju is connected to Japanese lore. I have one that looks like a blob of goo/a nose-eating monster, what does that have to do with Japan? Nothing, it's just a monster. And there are certainly a few pieces that quality as cutesy, so if you are going STRICTLY by looks, yes, the Pocket Mummy Gator could fall quite easily into the Kaiju realm.
882 206 13
14 years ago
Kaiju doesn't refer to a figure of a monster; hell all the stuff Kidrobot puts out then would technically be kaiju. Kaiju refers to the process that the figure is made in, namely, it is hand spun vinyl pulled from molds and not rotocasted vinyl that is created by machines. Yes, Brian has stated that he doesn't want to be called kaiju, but you cannot deny that his process was directly influenced by kaiju (it's actually the exact same) and that, without a doubt, this is kaiju. If you want to make a distinction between US and Japanese kaiju, fine, call the US ones soft vinyl, but at the end of the day, you're just arguing semantics and this is most definitely a form of kaiju.
556 952 193
14 years ago
Sorry to interrupt, but according the the source of all super-accurate info; Wikipedia, Kaiju translates as "Strange Beast".
566 356 245
14 years ago
Ah, you're right. I kind of forget this figure is also a mummy. I still disagree that this figure is a form of kaiju though, but I don't have a dog in this fight. What would be useful is to have someone on Rotocasted who actually collects kaiju toys chime in on this debate.
499 646 2538
14 years ago
I'm not really to bothered either way. It would be nice for categorisation reasons. If I have to call it, I'd call kaijiu,
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
American design, Japanese vinyl
171 468 619
14 years ago
Toys are in this year
171 468 619
14 years ago
Furthermore, where did SirNarwhal get his view on what "kaiju" is?
Point 2 is where its all at!
121 12 5
14 years ago
I have no idea where SirNarwhal got that from but it highlights the issue of the word 'kaiju' now and it's (mis) use among toy nerds. This is a) Designer Toy
499 646 2538
14 years ago
All very interesting. Do we actually need to differentiate designer toys and kaiju at all?
372 147 108
13 years ago
I want it.