He is from UK
- Photos
- Collection 499
- Wishlist 646
- Comments 2539
14 years ago
Yeah, dude... it's seriously my favorite Dunny ever. It's a conversation starter... people see it and just start asking questions about it.
14 years ago
Gutted I missed this one
14 years ago
This should be in the CUSTOM section, no?
14 years ago
I'd say yes, but I think the mods are still trying to iron out what clearly defines a custom, and I think George made about 20 of these. See here....
http://rotocasted.com/toy/8278/ -
14 years ago
Sorry... It seriously seems like everything I do here is wrong. :/
I figured since they were wax sculpts that were molded and cast in resin in a number greater than one that they were just a low run resin toy. I was considering the cast head sculpt as the actual limited production piece.
I think I'm going to refrain from posting anything else. I don't want to mess up the site. -
14 years ago
Post away, don't worry, the mods are here to tidy things up if nessecary.
there is a friendly debate going on over what constitutes a "custom". I don't think anyone minds, just helps to know what section we should put things in.
It's all good :) -
14 years ago
Cool... I try my best to help out here with pics and info. This is honestly one of the best sites on the webbernets, and I recommend it to everyone I know who collects toys.
I personally think a custom is a one-of-a-kind thing made using an existing toy as a platform... I can see why the Skull Dunny would be lumped in with the customs because of the use of the Dunny body. The skull, however, still makes me think more of a low run resin toy.
I'm fine with it being in whatever section everyone decides it needs to be in... it's a GREAT figure no matter what! ;) -
14 years ago
I am not really a fan of dunnys, but this is awesome. I would like one of his custom skulls, it looks even better with no body!
14 years ago
I'd like to pipe in and say this is a custom. I took someone Else's Dunny and changed and added to it, hence made it a custom. I don't think it should matter how many there are. (which by the way is now more than 20) There was no closed number of these, and more can be made if someone wants. You can contact me through the Toy Break forum.
14 years ago
As I am not an artist (I am an industrial designer) my views come from a production side. I agree with George, once a figure is used as a platform its a custom.
I wouldn't consider it a "custom" if it was a production release by the original company, then again Mark Nagata makes many "customs" and releases them.
I am starting to think there should be a few "custom" categories.
BTW Welcome George :) -
14 years ago
Welcome to the site George, about time (joke).
Dropped you an email about the custom dunny. -
14 years ago
Great to hear the artists view. I have just ordered one of these skull dunnys, and a couple of custom skulls. Can't wait to add these to my collection.
As for the "custom" discussion, I have submitted a few pieces to the custom section. The koibito is a one of a kind color way by the artist. I would say this is a custom.
The blobpus is a one of a kind color way for an exhibition, although it is also part of a limited run of 15?
I'm not sure if the eyezons are custom? They are hand painted
and of a limited run of six.
http://rotocasted.com/toy/839... />
Custom? Limited run? Not sure? -
- angel
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
I think Huck Gee called his limitied releases "production customs".
to me it seems simple - if it's based on an existing toy - it's a custom. if there's more then one, it's a "production custom" or however you want to call it, but having multiples doesn't make it less of a custom. -
14 years ago
makes sense!
14 years ago
Just got a couple of these from George. And a couple of stand alone skulls. Great work! Great Guy!
Cheers George :) -
14 years ago
@Lee Where did you get this dunny?
14 years ago
from George through October toys.
14 years ago
Mine turned up Today, thanks George! Awesome Dunny! This will look so cool with my Drilone dunny's when they arrive :)
14 years ago
Love this! such a great idea :)
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14 years ago
I'm really interested in this one too...especially how well it stays balanced.
- angel
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
I wonder if the string is bendy...
14 years ago
Great dunny!
14 years ago
i have 1 of these guys for trade or sale.
14 years ago
The string doesn't bend. It's actually a really cool dunny. I have several for sale if anyone is interested.
14 years ago
my favorite of the 2010 Dunnys and one i would love to have more of
14 years ago
I have 4 duplicates of these if you are interested in purchasing them off me. Let me know! Sket Ketchup still my favorite but I do have a particular fondness for this one.
14 years ago
I am interested on cheap dups :)
14 years ago
Shipping to UK may kill the deal but let's talk anyway. Still getting used to this site - how do you Private Message someone?
14 years ago
there is no messaging on here. my email is doc18.geo[at]yahoo.com :) why would shipping kill the deal if I agree to pay for it? :)
14 years ago
Kill the deal for you, not me. Cos it will be expensive to ship 4 dunnys from US to UK - no? In any case, will shoot you an email now.
14 years ago
peeps in UK are used to the expensive shipping costs unfortunately :( I am expecting the bill for an expensive import duty to come through today too >_<
14 years ago
Shouldn't be more than USD 10 if shipped First Class.
13 years ago
Have you all seen this?
http://tomopop.com/treachery-is-afoot-the-mysterious-case-of-travis-cain-s-balloon-dunny-12035.phtml -
- angel
804 2515 1650
13 years ago
Dunny makes ppl crazy.
13 years ago
I have one with no string or pin :( anyone got a spare?
13 years ago
Maybe there's a bit of inspiration with that custom, but it's like a Dunny translation of his BFF figure - http://rotocasted.com/toy/4832/
13 years ago
This is a very nice dunny! I managed to get an AP with print.
13 years ago
All things considered this dunny just seems to be a rip off of dunnies done by Das Mo and submitted to Kid Robot. Good thing they stole his design and let Travis Cain do it instead though.
12 years ago
@ Jazzydan, I got a spare, if you didn't already got one?
12 years ago
Managed to find one. But thanks very much for the offer :)
12 years ago
Did it come out of the box without the string and pin? Or did you bought it from ebay?
12 years ago
A present from someone, and I don't they realised there was supposed to a sting and pin. Don't know if it was lost by them, the seller, or me. It was a thoughtful gift though :)
12 years ago
I have only the head of it)
10 years ago
Does anybody have one of this for trade / sale?
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- angel
72 54 10
14 years ago
I have one of these to swap for a knitting dunny form the same series
14 years ago
Hey Holly, nice to meet you yesterday :)
14 years ago
i have 1 of these guys for trade or sale.
13 years ago
Mintyfresh.eu must be using a faulty currency converter cause last time I checked €7,95 did not equal $5,95. Just saying. ;)
13 years ago
Have one for trade if anyone is interested
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14 years ago
Yo shradical7, lets see a pic of yours! What colours did you get?
14 years ago
I got an iridescent looking body with pink splatters! Definitely unique and I'll get pics up in a day or so.
14 years ago
By the way, I don't actually own this piece, I selected it as "have" because I own a Spray2-V2 of a different color.
14 years ago
All good man, can't wait to see yours :)
14 years ago
Mine just has toy written in the description field, but could be read as 107 ;)
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14 years ago
Yo shradical7, lets see a pic of yours! What colours did you get?
14 years ago
I got an iridescent looking body with pink splatters! Definitely unique and I'll get pics up in a day or so.
14 years ago
By the way, I don't actually own this piece, I selected it as "have" because I own a Spray2-V2 of a different color.
14 years ago
All good man, can't wait to see yours :)
14 years ago
Mine just has toy written in the description field, but could be read as 107 ;)
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14 years ago
How do I put this in the custom section?
- angel
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Type should be "Custom". Is it really a custom?
14 years ago
Well its a limited run of 1 offs hand made by the sucklord. So I'd say yes. Shall we see what the general consensus is?
http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2010/07/custom-bootleg-release-spray-2-v2-by.html -
14 years ago
custom? that's a tough one. i have 1. i consider it a one off but there are a couple similar. im stumped
14 years ago
I wouldn't say it's a custom. It's an original figure by Sucklord, not something he customized.
- angel
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
I don't think it's a custom, really.
14 years ago
Not a custom.
14 years ago
A custom would be anything that used another figure as a platform imo and not officially released through the original creator as part of an official series or exclusive release.
Are the legs/body re-casted from R2-D2? If so, then this would be a custom.
"Mashups" are customs too. -
14 years ago
BTW how does he get away with his "bootleg" ways, its his charm but its an interesting standpoint.
14 years ago
If so, than a half of KAWS figures would be "customs", because he uses well-known characters and adds to them his trademark bones and Xs.
In my opinion, custom is a figure which is altered in some way – painted upon, form modified, but which has an original base of another figure.
If the base sculpt is casted by artist, than it's not a custom anymore, even if the sculpt uses parts of another figure. -
14 years ago
This is where we are getting close to intellectual property law and to what extent is considered a violation of it.
KAWS creates original sculpts with the form language of famous characters he reworks, not recasting pre-made figures and adding/subtracting parts.
Sucklord does alter his figures, he recasts them; he buys a figure, recasts it, adds a few parts and sells it as his own.
Silicone legs, resin body with a spray cap he bought from a store. This is a "mashup" custom or is it "ART"?! -
14 years ago
In my view, KAWS' original sculpts are no more "original" than Sucklord's figures.
Seriously, how "original" are Kaws Chum (Michelin man), JPP (Japanese police Pipo), or his latest Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket? The only alterations on these figures are his trademark X eyes/hands and skull.
So why KAWS' figures are called originals, while Sucklord's are "mashups"? -
14 years ago
KAWS may use the characters as inspiration but he is producing his own re-interpreted of that character. He draws it from scratch using the form language. If you look closely, the forms of each KAWS character changes from the original beyond the X eyes/hands and skull. Especially the sculpts.
I am not a fan of KAWS but they are re-interpretations of the original characters.
If Sucklord was drawing his creations, creating his OWN sculpts, then it would be original "re-imaginations" works. But Sucklord takes a figure, sticks it in a box and makes a mould then reproduces it.
I also love Sucklords work.
In your opinion "If the base sculpt is casted by artist, than it's not a custom anymore"
So I can take any figure, recast it and sell them under my own label I would be producing original figures? -
14 years ago
Before things get a bit too blurred, I consider anything a custom if it uses another figure as a platform, even if its recasting parts from it.
Not re-designing a character and produce an original sculpt. -
14 years ago
Sorry, but I'm still not convinced. Take a look at these two – http://bit.ly/kawschum, http://bit.ly/hasheem.
/>How different are KAWS characters from the originals? Not much.
And the list goes on and on...
So, you're basically saying – that the only difference between KAWS and Sucklord is, that KAWS draws his characters first, while Sucklord casts his figures directly?
I'm not here to bash KAWS and defend Sucklord. Also I'm not saying that recasting an original sculpt from another artist makes it your own original creation.
But that's not the case here with "Spray 2-V2". R2-D2 is a culture icon, exactly like Pinocchio, or Tweety (the latest KAWS figures). So I don't see any problem with originality of "Spray 2-V2", as well as with Sucklord's Gay Empire figures. -
14 years ago
Intellectual property law is VERY tricky in regards to "art"
Everything does change when its considered to have iconic cultural significance but Sucklord bootlegs, plain and simple, its what he does. He directly takes the parts and re-produces it, he can be charged with bootlegging.
Sucklord is fun and cheeky, I love it!
Main point:
KAWS creates original sculpts, he doesn't use another sculpt/toy as a platform. Therefore, not customising a toy.
Sucklord uses other sculpts, he doesn't create an original sculpt. Therefore, customising a toy.
In the end I think the custom section on Rotocasted should be used for individuals to showcase their own custom versions that they have made for themselves (or others). This would also go really well with the multiple copies/collection picture section if added. (I gather it is sill in the works?)
If an individual has produced "customs" to sell as "art" then it shouldn't be in the custom section and considered "self produced". -
14 years ago
Ooops looks like I started a debate and then slept through it.
I just thought it was a custom as it was a vintage r2d2 body with a spray cap stuck to it's head.
Is it weird that someone else has this in their collection, I was under the impression that every one the suck lord made was a different colour way. -
14 years ago
@CoMus Kaws original sculpts? i disagree a bit, in a big part of Kaws work he take the body of already existing characters, (is not a custom agree,) but original works? not too sure.. he re-sculpt them, yes, but i mean, if Sucklord instead of re-produce and make molds of existing pieces, he re- sculpt em to make it looks exactly the same as the original and add a bone in the head then you may think different ?...
14 years ago
I was only trying to define the distinction of what a "custom" is, not the originality of the character design. Original sculpts only refers to competently creating a new sculpt.
Yet his designs are still different from the original character designs. You can see this on the two comparative pictures vadimt linked above. He picks up on all the important features and it looks the same but his drawings/sculpts are not 100% of the original character. Very very close! They are copies but are not traced/cloned.
I am not saying Kaws designs are original either. Its pop art and its not my thing at all. -
- angel
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
I don't think this is a custom and I don't think Kaws' work is a custom.
Like CoMus says- it's pop art. Did Andy Warhol "customise" the Marilyn Monroe photo?
I think the sucklord's use of "bootleg" is in part directly to bypass and subvert these definitions.
maybe we should accept that not all works of art fall neatly into our categories :) -
14 years ago
LOL gotta love that last Line :P Collectors OCD wont stand for this!
11 years ago
Should be resin not vinyl, so many tags in this library have been changed! I'll change back.
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14 years ago
How do I put this in the custom section?
- angel
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Type should be "Custom". Is it really a custom?
14 years ago
Well its a limited run of 1 offs hand made by the sucklord. So I'd say yes. Shall we see what the general consensus is?
http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2010/07/custom-bootleg-release-spray-2-v2-by.html -
14 years ago
custom? that's a tough one. i have 1. i consider it a one off but there are a couple similar. im stumped
14 years ago
I wouldn't say it's a custom. It's an original figure by Sucklord, not something he customized.
- angel
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
I don't think it's a custom, really.
14 years ago
Not a custom.
14 years ago
A custom would be anything that used another figure as a platform imo and not officially released through the original creator as part of an official series or exclusive release.
Are the legs/body re-casted from R2-D2? If so, then this would be a custom.
"Mashups" are customs too. -
14 years ago
BTW how does he get away with his "bootleg" ways, its his charm but its an interesting standpoint.
14 years ago
If so, than a half of KAWS figures would be "customs", because he uses well-known characters and adds to them his trademark bones and Xs.
In my opinion, custom is a figure which is altered in some way – painted upon, form modified, but which has an original base of another figure.
If the base sculpt is casted by artist, than it's not a custom anymore, even if the sculpt uses parts of another figure. -
14 years ago
This is where we are getting close to intellectual property law and to what extent is considered a violation of it.
KAWS creates original sculpts with the form language of famous characters he reworks, not recasting pre-made figures and adding/subtracting parts.
Sucklord does alter his figures, he recasts them; he buys a figure, recasts it, adds a few parts and sells it as his own.
Silicone legs, resin body with a spray cap he bought from a store. This is a "mashup" custom or is it "ART"?! -
14 years ago
In my view, KAWS' original sculpts are no more "original" than Sucklord's figures.
Seriously, how "original" are Kaws Chum (Michelin man), JPP (Japanese police Pipo), or his latest Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket? The only alterations on these figures are his trademark X eyes/hands and skull.
So why KAWS' figures are called originals, while Sucklord's are "mashups"? -
14 years ago
KAWS may use the characters as inspiration but he is producing his own re-interpreted of that character. He draws it from scratch using the form language. If you look closely, the forms of each KAWS character changes from the original beyond the X eyes/hands and skull. Especially the sculpts.
I am not a fan of KAWS but they are re-interpretations of the original characters.
If Sucklord was drawing his creations, creating his OWN sculpts, then it would be original "re-imaginations" works. But Sucklord takes a figure, sticks it in a box and makes a mould then reproduces it.
I also love Sucklords work.
In your opinion "If the base sculpt is casted by artist, than it's not a custom anymore"
So I can take any figure, recast it and sell them under my own label I would be producing original figures? -
14 years ago
Before things get a bit too blurred, I consider anything a custom if it uses another figure as a platform, even if its recasting parts from it.
Not re-designing a character and produce an original sculpt. -
14 years ago
Sorry, but I'm still not convinced. Take a look at these two – http://bit.ly/kawschum, http://bit.ly/hasheem.
/>How different are KAWS characters from the originals? Not much.
And the list goes on and on...
So, you're basically saying – that the only difference between KAWS and Sucklord is, that KAWS draws his characters first, while Sucklord casts his figures directly?
I'm not here to bash KAWS and defend Sucklord. Also I'm not saying that recasting an original sculpt from another artist makes it your own original creation.
But that's not the case here with "Spray 2-V2". R2-D2 is a culture icon, exactly like Pinocchio, or Tweety (the latest KAWS figures). So I don't see any problem with originality of "Spray 2-V2", as well as with Sucklord's Gay Empire figures. -
14 years ago
Intellectual property law is VERY tricky in regards to "art"
Everything does change when its considered to have iconic cultural significance but Sucklord bootlegs, plain and simple, its what he does. He directly takes the parts and re-produces it, he can be charged with bootlegging.
Sucklord is fun and cheeky, I love it!
Main point:
KAWS creates original sculpts, he doesn't use another sculpt/toy as a platform. Therefore, not customising a toy.
Sucklord uses other sculpts, he doesn't create an original sculpt. Therefore, customising a toy.
In the end I think the custom section on Rotocasted should be used for individuals to showcase their own custom versions that they have made for themselves (or others). This would also go really well with the multiple copies/collection picture section if added. (I gather it is sill in the works?)
If an individual has produced "customs" to sell as "art" then it shouldn't be in the custom section and considered "self produced". -
14 years ago
Ooops looks like I started a debate and then slept through it.
I just thought it was a custom as it was a vintage r2d2 body with a spray cap stuck to it's head.
Is it weird that someone else has this in their collection, I was under the impression that every one the suck lord made was a different colour way. -
14 years ago
@CoMus Kaws original sculpts? i disagree a bit, in a big part of Kaws work he take the body of already existing characters, (is not a custom agree,) but original works? not too sure.. he re-sculpt them, yes, but i mean, if Sucklord instead of re-produce and make molds of existing pieces, he re- sculpt em to make it looks exactly the same as the original and add a bone in the head then you may think different ?...
14 years ago
I was only trying to define the distinction of what a "custom" is, not the originality of the character design. Original sculpts only refers to competently creating a new sculpt.
Yet his designs are still different from the original character designs. You can see this on the two comparative pictures vadimt linked above. He picks up on all the important features and it looks the same but his drawings/sculpts are not 100% of the original character. Very very close! They are copies but are not traced/cloned.
I am not saying Kaws designs are original either. Its pop art and its not my thing at all. -
- angel
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
I don't think this is a custom and I don't think Kaws' work is a custom.
Like CoMus says- it's pop art. Did Andy Warhol "customise" the Marilyn Monroe photo?
I think the sucklord's use of "bootleg" is in part directly to bypass and subvert these definitions.
maybe we should accept that not all works of art fall neatly into our categories :) -
14 years ago
LOL gotta love that last Line :P Collectors OCD wont stand for this!
11 years ago
Should be resin not vinyl, so many tags in this library have been changed! I'll change back.
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14 years ago
How do I put this in the custom section?
- angel
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Type should be "Custom". Is it really a custom?
14 years ago
Well its a limited run of 1 offs hand made by the sucklord. So I'd say yes. Shall we see what the general consensus is?
http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2010/07/custom-bootleg-release-spray-2-v2-by.html -
14 years ago
custom? that's a tough one. i have 1. i consider it a one off but there are a couple similar. im stumped
14 years ago
I wouldn't say it's a custom. It's an original figure by Sucklord, not something he customized.
- angel
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
I don't think it's a custom, really.
14 years ago
Not a custom.
14 years ago
A custom would be anything that used another figure as a platform imo and not officially released through the original creator as part of an official series or exclusive release.
Are the legs/body re-casted from R2-D2? If so, then this would be a custom.
"Mashups" are customs too. -
14 years ago
BTW how does he get away with his "bootleg" ways, its his charm but its an interesting standpoint.
14 years ago
If so, than a half of KAWS figures would be "customs", because he uses well-known characters and adds to them his trademark bones and Xs.
In my opinion, custom is a figure which is altered in some way – painted upon, form modified, but which has an original base of another figure.
If the base sculpt is casted by artist, than it's not a custom anymore, even if the sculpt uses parts of another figure. -
14 years ago
This is where we are getting close to intellectual property law and to what extent is considered a violation of it.
KAWS creates original sculpts with the form language of famous characters he reworks, not recasting pre-made figures and adding/subtracting parts.
Sucklord does alter his figures, he recasts them; he buys a figure, recasts it, adds a few parts and sells it as his own.
Silicone legs, resin body with a spray cap he bought from a store. This is a "mashup" custom or is it "ART"?! -
14 years ago
In my view, KAWS' original sculpts are no more "original" than Sucklord's figures.
Seriously, how "original" are Kaws Chum (Michelin man), JPP (Japanese police Pipo), or his latest Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket? The only alterations on these figures are his trademark X eyes/hands and skull.
So why KAWS' figures are called originals, while Sucklord's are "mashups"? -
14 years ago
KAWS may use the characters as inspiration but he is producing his own re-interpreted of that character. He draws it from scratch using the form language. If you look closely, the forms of each KAWS character changes from the original beyond the X eyes/hands and skull. Especially the sculpts.
I am not a fan of KAWS but they are re-interpretations of the original characters.
If Sucklord was drawing his creations, creating his OWN sculpts, then it would be original "re-imaginations" works. But Sucklord takes a figure, sticks it in a box and makes a mould then reproduces it.
I also love Sucklords work.
In your opinion "If the base sculpt is casted by artist, than it's not a custom anymore"
So I can take any figure, recast it and sell them under my own label I would be producing original figures? -
14 years ago
Before things get a bit too blurred, I consider anything a custom if it uses another figure as a platform, even if its recasting parts from it.
Not re-designing a character and produce an original sculpt. -
14 years ago
Sorry, but I'm still not convinced. Take a look at these two – http://bit.ly/kawschum, http://bit.ly/hasheem.
/>How different are KAWS characters from the originals? Not much.
And the list goes on and on...
So, you're basically saying – that the only difference between KAWS and Sucklord is, that KAWS draws his characters first, while Sucklord casts his figures directly?
I'm not here to bash KAWS and defend Sucklord. Also I'm not saying that recasting an original sculpt from another artist makes it your own original creation.
But that's not the case here with "Spray 2-V2". R2-D2 is a culture icon, exactly like Pinocchio, or Tweety (the latest KAWS figures). So I don't see any problem with originality of "Spray 2-V2", as well as with Sucklord's Gay Empire figures. -
14 years ago
Intellectual property law is VERY tricky in regards to "art"
Everything does change when its considered to have iconic cultural significance but Sucklord bootlegs, plain and simple, its what he does. He directly takes the parts and re-produces it, he can be charged with bootlegging.
Sucklord is fun and cheeky, I love it!
Main point:
KAWS creates original sculpts, he doesn't use another sculpt/toy as a platform. Therefore, not customising a toy.
Sucklord uses other sculpts, he doesn't create an original sculpt. Therefore, customising a toy.
In the end I think the custom section on Rotocasted should be used for individuals to showcase their own custom versions that they have made for themselves (or others). This would also go really well with the multiple copies/collection picture section if added. (I gather it is sill in the works?)
If an individual has produced "customs" to sell as "art" then it shouldn't be in the custom section and considered "self produced". -
14 years ago
Ooops looks like I started a debate and then slept through it.
I just thought it was a custom as it was a vintage r2d2 body with a spray cap stuck to it's head.
Is it weird that someone else has this in their collection, I was under the impression that every one the suck lord made was a different colour way. -
14 years ago
@CoMus Kaws original sculpts? i disagree a bit, in a big part of Kaws work he take the body of already existing characters, (is not a custom agree,) but original works? not too sure.. he re-sculpt them, yes, but i mean, if Sucklord instead of re-produce and make molds of existing pieces, he re- sculpt em to make it looks exactly the same as the original and add a bone in the head then you may think different ?...
14 years ago
I was only trying to define the distinction of what a "custom" is, not the originality of the character design. Original sculpts only refers to competently creating a new sculpt.
Yet his designs are still different from the original character designs. You can see this on the two comparative pictures vadimt linked above. He picks up on all the important features and it looks the same but his drawings/sculpts are not 100% of the original character. Very very close! They are copies but are not traced/cloned.
I am not saying Kaws designs are original either. Its pop art and its not my thing at all. -
- angel
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
I don't think this is a custom and I don't think Kaws' work is a custom.
Like CoMus says- it's pop art. Did Andy Warhol "customise" the Marilyn Monroe photo?
I think the sucklord's use of "bootleg" is in part directly to bypass and subvert these definitions.
maybe we should accept that not all works of art fall neatly into our categories :) -
14 years ago
LOL gotta love that last Line :P Collectors OCD wont stand for this!
11 years ago
Should be resin not vinyl, so many tags in this library have been changed! I'll change back.
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- angel
179 307 49
14 years ago
if anyone is interested in this, please comment. i'm open to trading or selling. thanks!
14 years ago
I read somewhere the other day about a spelling mistake on this dunny, and I've just received this in the post and found the error. It's on the squirty ear (?) - 'A unique combination of the freshest ingredients for that full OG Freshness that you EXCEPECT in a ketchup'. Shame on you Kidrobot. SHAME ON YOU!
14 years ago
Wow elissa that is some sherlock holmes shit you just pulled there! : )
I just grabbed my dunny and checked it out. As a copywriter, I'm absolutely stunned that KR don't have the sense to pay an edit monkey a few bananas for some proofing. -
14 years ago
I know, right? I love the English language, and I proof read at work (work at a printers, we print things like leaflets, letterheads, etc etc.) and I can spot a mistake a mile off. I find it ridiculous that such a big company wouldn't check it. Shows lack of professionalism tbh.
14 years ago
I emailed the artist and he said it was a little joke
14 years ago
nuff said ;)
14 years ago
Too right, I don't believe that that's a joke.
- angel
432 4 822
14 years ago
I'm a giant failure at everything I do, but it's OK because I was just joking.
13 years ago
I have about 3 of these for trade
13 years ago
Hobbes, what would like to trade for?
13 years ago
Any dunny I don't already have. As long as it's in New condition. Mine are.
13 years ago
Hobbes, do you still have another up for trade?
13 years ago
best common out of 2010
13 years ago
12 years ago
also agreed. love it!
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381 1089 1433
14 years ago
hey, we just talked about all-clear dunnys the other day! cool :)
777 516 471
14 years ago
I really like this one.
70 47 6
14 years ago
Very nice. Loving the Day of the Dead (festival) influence.
1593 19 280
14 years ago
how does one strip a transparent PVC figure?
70 47 6
14 years ago
Keep licking it :P
1593 19 280
14 years ago
We can witness Will's Dunny licking skill next week? :D
1593 19 280
14 years ago
well or if I have a dup :P
70 47 6
14 years ago
Now 'pulling' a toy has more than one meaning...
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
yeah, this one will probably be popular with customisers :)
you should ask George how he did it with the UK dunny for his custom - it seemed to be a very clear stripping! :P
499 646 2538
14 years ago
I didn't realise there was going to be dunny licking at the meet up, I'll bring some dip!!
170 89 13
14 years ago
i have 2 of these guys for trade or sale.
109 5 384
13 years ago
I don't like mini figure series like Dunny or Qee, I've no idea why but unless one stands out they just don't do anything for me...
329 34 53
13 years ago
so what who cares !!
"the view"
109 5 384
13 years ago
Hey sorry, I'm just saying...
329 34 53
13 years ago
prolly right