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Shankweather Shankweather

He is from Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

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Astro Boy Baby Atom 10" PVC Figure

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Battle-Damaged Keiko Trooper (Mintyfresh Exclusive)
  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    Isn't she lovely ? I will update the image as soon as it's fully revealed :)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago


  • vinylcoholic angel


    162 43 56

    11 years ago

    What's new besides the fact the figure is Dirty?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    What do you mean besides? Dirty topless girls are where it's at!

  • vinylcoholic angel


    162 43 56

    11 years ago

    I don't see much added artistic value compared to the regular version who was also topless ;-)

  • DunnyAddicts


    444 112 128

    11 years ago

    Except the fact that this one been into war? Fighting naked chicks, give me more!!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    @vinylcoholic - Repetition is Art,

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    I agree that It's basically a colorway of the excisting Keiko (which was open edition)

    I love myself dirty and weathered stuff more then clean so to be honest... I asked Alan for this exclusive because I want it myself.... and now I will have 199 to share haha :)

  • vinylcoholic angel


    162 43 56

    11 years ago

    I didn't say I disliked it, I would just like to see new pieces rather than multiple re-run's and colorways. This being said I really appreciate all the efforts from Mintyfresh to help put Europe on the Art toy scene

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    There will be more new pieces no worries :) This is just the start of something big ;)

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Waiting for the Total Recall version.

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    That's great idea, Three Boobs is better then Two !

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    wish these werent so much, id pick this one up. i really like this one! and i dont collect figures that are humans or resemble humans..

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    "Makes a Man wish he had 3 hands!"

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Robb Stark
  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    what does issue actually mean?

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    It's supposed to track the releases of a specific toy. Like Zags or Greasebats, etc. I don't think it fits with this series.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    I think it do fits here. This piece is #8 in the Game of Thrones series:

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Booska Giant Marusan Glow
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    I'm working on filling out our M1GO library, so be prepared for many strange monsters.

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KAWS Boba Fett
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    This is so good, it makes me want to buy this one then go find Darth Vader and Stormtrooper. To heck with the mortgage!

  • gregm angel


    309 7 69

    11 years ago

    If I can get one of these I have no doubt I will go after Vader and the Stormy even at the crazy prices!!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    Not sure it works by itself, kinda needs one of the other 2 (or even both) to make sense of it. Which I think is the problem with the current spat of releases, all they serve to do is bump up the price of the previous releases because they are more "companion" pieces than stand alone releases. I think thats why Astro Boy was so awesome! It kinda works all by itself, and for a piece of that size, quality and limited numbers, what a great price.

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Agree on the previous releases, but I think Boba is iconic enough to carry a shelf on his own. Part of me is now worried that KAWS might release dozens of $300 Star Wars figures, do the whole catalog. And another part of me thinks that would be awesome.

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    11 years ago

    I think this is by far better than his last releases, it's not just putting some X-eyes and bones on some well-known characters. But I believe they will be very pricey. By the way, shouldn't the year be 2013?

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Ha, yeah sorry. I'm an accountant so it's still 2012 for me.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    I think if I knew it was gonna be part of a range, I'd buy it so I could add some more Star KAWS and start another collection/obsession. But I'm pretty sure I'd never afford the Storm Trooper or Vader, so I'd give it a miss if this is the 3rd and final Star KAWS release. What to do, what to do....

    Looks a little over complicated compared to his over releases, so much more going on. I think I prefer his simplistic designs.

  • Draculaz77


    355 333 84

    11 years ago

    you can pick up stormtrooper for about £300( i paid that) ,the vaders are the problem . if i get this and have a stormtrooper it wont be the set with out lord vader :(

  • TheBlotSays


    239 158 124

    11 years ago

    I'd kill for this one, but it being a Japan Exclusive means I'll probably never get one. :( oh well

  • ELJEFE313


    239 62 43

    11 years ago

    For the people that dont know already KAWS is closing up Original Fake in May and his partnership with Medicom Toys .....

  • RICO


    208 34 127

    7 years ago

    Anyone selling? Need receipt of purchase to confirm authenticity.

  • das_mo angel


    146 14 162

    5 years ago

    Anyone selling?

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  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    The Nauga

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    Available only in Japan :(

  • kittenpotpie angel


    683 67 183

    11 years ago

    awww I want one!

  • huaynoamargo


    157 368 20

    11 years ago

    I want this what the hell !!! How can they only sell in Japan

  • doc18 angel


    1593 19 280

    11 years ago

    Managed to order internationally from Minority Rev for his show pieces (not this version) http://museumt9g.blog24.fc2.c.... Details are in Japanese but they replied to my English email />

  • huaynoamargo


    157 368 20

    11 years ago

    nice thank you

  • huaynoamargo


    157 368 20

    11 years ago

    never heard back from them

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    11 years ago

    Hey, the yellow and gray PeaKY are available at Toy Art Gallery. ;-)

  • superpopstudio angel


    353 1738 67

    11 years ago

    Woaw! Thanks Just ordered the Yellow one! Yoohoo

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    Ditto! But international shipping was INSANE, so I had to buy both grey and yellow... uhmm... to save money!!!!
    Fingers crossed they don't get caught in customs.

    MINTY!!! Please get some T9G in your online shop for us Europeans!

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    Shipping turned me down. Gotta ask someone for store pickup.

  • superpopstudio angel


    353 1738 67

    11 years ago

    YUP! Insane is the word, i had to buy something else as well... B-)
    I second ToyPunkJan's motion... Europe is fucked enough right now! We need some fresh T9G toys supply to keep our spirits up.

    Grasshut in Portland are having a T9G x Koraters exhibition right now. Some nice T9G stuff. And shipping costs are reasonable!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    $45 shipping on a $45 toy which is already over priced, ouch TAG, ouch, why do you always disappoint me!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Geez. I could buy the toy and have it shipped to me, then ship it internationally, and pay total shipping of $22-$25. Why do they want so much?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    11 years ago

    I'll be having the new T9G stock from now on, new figure coming soon !

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    viva la mintyfresh!!

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    You're on top of your game Joël!

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    yay joel!

  • superpopstudio angel


    353 1738 67

    11 years ago

    Minty, you're ze best!

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    Joël, our guy in the EU.

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Hug the Killer
  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    11 years ago

    INSTANT LOVE!!!!!!!!!

  • Yardarm51


    90 175 160

    11 years ago

    That is awesome! The grin reminds me a little of the Instinctoys Liquid Erosion. That's a good thing in my mind.

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    I just guessed that it was resin, but the website doesn't say. It's a 3D print design (at least the prototype is).

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    Seems like there will be no teeth and transparent eyes.

  • Vadim angel


    777 516 471

    11 years ago

    That's exactly what I was gonna write – the real figure looks very different from the picture here. Looks like the picture here is a 3D rendering and not a real figure.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    11 years ago

    Scheiße, well, show us the real piece then!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    It's hard to say. The pic I uploaded, the first one, is the one they use for the product description. I have to think that will be the general look of the finished toy. Surely they wouldn't show the one with the red eyes on the sales page and then send one that's unpainted black. The link I posted above is to the artist's website, not the manufacturer. The Where To Buy link takes you to the manufacturer's website.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    11 years ago

    man, what?! i loved the shiny, mega polished one with red eyes and spikey teeth!
    kinda misleading avertisement! nowadays you really have to read everything very carefully before buying :(

    i also saw baby pink and baby blue with black eyes! those were very cute as well!

    not so much a fan of the blank one. removed from wishlist until i see the end result!!!

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    sooooo who put it up for sale on mighty jaxx? it isnt in their store...

  • jenX


    280 25 634

    11 years ago

    It's on the Project Rewards page.

  • MrLongbaugh


    131 392 100

    11 years ago

    Think i will probably get it whether it looks exactly like the 3d model or not, should be great.

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    found it.. oh my god.. that 10k deal would be so awesome... if it wasnt 10k.. lol

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    11 years ago

    blindbox, i freaking thought the same! getting flown in the studio and making your own color way + having it named after you & released that way!!

    i wish i had that money to spend on stuff like that!

  • MrLongbaugh


    131 392 100

    11 years ago

    Loving what they're manufacturing tbh. Would do anything to get my hands on the love bomb. Where is there money laying around when you need it :(

  • MelancholySpawn


    143 2057 263

    10 years ago

    Just got this today, absolutely stunning toy.

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Bad Apple GID
  • VLN


    510 483 36

    11 years ago

    The best variant of Mighty Jaxx rewards - nice and exclusive

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Sold out!

  • VLN


    510 483 36

    11 years ago

    It looks even cooler in real than in photo

  • MrLongbaugh


    131 392 100

    11 years ago

    If someone could add the GiD Hug the killer too that would be awesome :) (which looks amazing I have to say) Really pleased with the quality of MJ so far :)

  • Casper


    236 89 11

    10 years ago

    Anyone have one for sale/trade?


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Michelangelo Lifesize - OG White
  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    11 years ago

    My Holy Grail!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    Because of the Winky?

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    11 years ago

    Dan, I am speechless...
    you don't deserve an answer, however: winkies can't be holy grails, because they are so easy to achieve. and free.
    on a side note, right now I am reading a book by a very cool British guy (no, not you!)- Will Self- entitled "Cock and Bull". see? that just demonstrates that I don't have a dirty mind (like you do)

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago


  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    11 years ago

    I knew it was the Winky ;)

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Operator (phone)
  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    11 years ago

    Video here

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Nice job ikar. The whole set looks good, love the Dunny phone.

  • sergeySafonov angel


    804 2515 1650

    11 years ago

    One of my fav movies. Great job!

  • AlPred angel


    396 106 218

    11 years ago

    Ikar, you know it, but i'll tell you anyway - you are AWESOME!

  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    11 years ago

    I'm glad that you liked it! )
    Strange, but most people liked exactly the phone,but not other characters. )) Maybe because it's Dunny...

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    No, they're all great, the twins especially. Are you going to sell the set or is it just for your collection?

  • AlPred angel


    396 106 218

    11 years ago

    Sure, the whole group is Amazing!) I don't know why i wrote my words exactly here))

  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    11 years ago

    "The Matrix" is the one of my favorite movie and this idea stuck in my head. So I made this for my collection.

    @AlPred: You don't write. It's the Matrix makes you think that you write )))

  • AlPred angel


    396 106 218

    11 years ago

    Damn.. i need those color pills! Urgently!

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