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Its library contains photos and information on 52814 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

Shankweather Shankweather

He is from Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

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Toby & Disciple
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Got one of these today. Kidrobot has caught some flack for QC issues, but these are nice. Good construction, clean paint with lots of detail.

  • saigonradio angel


    178 1 77

    12 years ago

    Like everything except the eye on his belly. Maybe I'll paint over that.

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Greasebat - Cotton Candy Machine
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Oh mighty Roto Cloud, into your depths I humbly submit my request for this jewel. A Holy Hook Up is required, that my earnest obsession with the Real Fighting Greasebat might be sated. Leave not this gory hole within the soul of your servant!

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    thats quite the elegant plea, i wish u luck

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    Shakespeare, Shank?

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    No, just Shank.

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    shankspeare!!! any luck getting hooked up? fingers crossed mate

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    No, no luck yet Quiche.

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    12 years ago

    I would like the other version. Blue body with peach arms and head.

  • toysaresanity


    394 66 65

    12 years ago

    shank i feel like ive heard this grease bat love of yours elsewhere hmmm... i really love these pieces i want the cadver kid so bad although heard they didnt mixpart... shame

  • TheBlotSays


    239 158 124

    12 years ago

    Good luck with your hunt! I think either version is pretty killer! I wish I could have added one to my collection. I called CCM on Sun morning but no dice...they were already all sold out.

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    No doubt, toysaresanity. Sometimes I ask strangers on the street if they have an extra Black Unpainted.

  • toysaresanity


    394 66 65

    12 years ago

    lol i do that with skull pirates... "hey man know where i can score a skull pirate?" "... this is a burn ward in a hospital."

  • JeffLamm


    62 2 10

    12 years ago

    I don't even have one of these!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago


  • TheBlotSays


    239 158 124

    11 years ago

    Dude, so jelly right now Shank!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Now I just need the black Horcrux, errr I mean Greasebat, and everything will be complete!

  • ickytiki


    169 279 45

    11 years ago

    Score... Great find, man!!!

  • ickytiki


    169 279 45

    11 years ago

    Man, oh man... I just added this to my collection today. It's has a blue body with a pink head and arms though... So COOL!!!

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Taoking - NYCC '11
  • BoxingXius


    18 9 294

    9 years ago

    Not really feeling this one. Will trade for something in my wish list. Reach me at boyomega(a)gmail(dot)com

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    9 years ago

    Well it took about 2 months for you to get it, maybe that tainted it for you. :)

  • BoxingXius


    18 9 294

    9 years ago

    Maybe it did. :)

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1:1 Jaws - Loser
  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    12 years ago

    No one likes this?

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Coarse is a little too Dragonball Z for my taste.

  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    12 years ago


  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    i can see, what shank is referring to... (guy on the very right here specifically)

    and i found some more homoerotic pics of them here, not originals from the series, but still, those pics might be comparable the best way with coarse...,r:19,s:36

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Yeah I just don't like the style. I've never been a fan of manga and anime, and Coarse leans into that pretty hard.

  • ullar77


    114 20 104

    12 years ago

    I love it, I just know I'm never gonna own it so why wish list it.

  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    12 years ago

    I have a bunch of manga and anime,but my coarse doesn't even look like it.

  • Draculaz77


    355 333 84

    12 years ago

    proper art

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Menta-Kun - Pink
  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    Is it meant to look like a veiny dick?

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    absolutely it is!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago


  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    What's the diameter of this toy?

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    Oh Jan, I see where this is going! :D

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    I hope someone new joins right now and only looks at the first three commented toys.

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    And realise that we're a big set of vinyl loving pervs.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    How dare you, I'm a saint.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    Hurray for depravity!

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    Dan, you lie.

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    We're all a bunch of jolly pervs!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    @DAN: i just wanted to say something regarding to your statement and scrolled through your whole collection to prove you are not different than us...but no.... out of 1227 toys, i only found one with a pervy hint

    i guess, you are a saint after all ^_^


    STILL 2 out of 1227 is nothing...

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    Don't be fooled by his mostly innocent toys. He's pure filth.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Thanks SillyK :)

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  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    full spinning image & (non rude) box shots here: />
    I also added all the releases as series :Kidrobot Black so we can see them all together

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    This is the first one of the Kidrobot Black releases that I like.

    Lilitu is really statue-like and the whole "rising from water" idea of the base is more than great. As a whole its at the same time really mesmerizing and creepy.

    If I would have the money I surely would buy this. It really is a great piece of art.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Good work as usual Quichester, and agreed Mr. Walrus, this is a must have!

    also boobs.

  • dvlbny


    1 172 2

    12 years ago

    Where to buy?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    ha, just noticed 'should not be purchased by minors' !!!! boobs indeed

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Easy Jan, I only put it there as its not actually released yet.

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    i added a where to buy, sorry didnt think earlier, no idea when it will b for sale though

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    a patch of red down there ;)

    fantastic sculpt, clearly the best of the KR Black bunch.

    I don't have 250$, and Uncle Six Eyes is finally getting released so not for me. Wouldn't fit in my collection anyway :P

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    full view here:

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    KR Black with all the hotties. First the Doze Green Goddess, now this.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    SOLD OUT! WTF? or is it still just not available?
    i am a bit confused at this point...

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    For me it doesn't show as sold out?

    Just keeps redirecting to Kidrobot EU, but not soldout.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    It says big fat SOLD OUT in orange on KR-BLACK to me and not even the pic of Lilitu is up their page.... i don't know if it is just shown as sold out, because it is not for sale, yet or if something happened over the last few hours and they are all gone.... hmmm :(

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    nope, says "buy" when I click the link

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    that is fucked up!!!!!!!!!

  • saraharvey


    900 1011 36

    12 years ago

    Says "buy" on my end as well.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    -You're probably just banned, Sil ;)

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    sooooo....since you guys all have the buy button up, i thought, i refresh the page a few times and after the 3. try or so...tadaaaaaaaaaa, there was the pic and the buy option avaiable!
    @TOY: seems like KR changed their mind :P

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    did you get one, Silly?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Got Mine :) Can't wait to touch her shiny nipples ;)

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    @Lord: Mmmmmhhhh :D
    i want to pet her muff...

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    Still says BUY. I'm so freakin' tempted.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    do it, your wallet/purse compels you.....

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    How much will I get stung for customs fees?

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    Dunno with you UK pervs, but here it's like 40 bucks! :(

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    12 years ago

    I don't think I can do it. I'm still jobless :/

  • PixelGarden


    151 10 2

    12 years ago

    Trying to buy, but receive following message when I click on "BUY":

    The full quantity you requested is not available. The maximum quantity allowed has been added to your cart.

    Seems to be sold out :(

  • Chicken


    144 100 4

    12 years ago

    Yeah, sold out...damn!

  • PixelGarden


    151 10 2

    12 years ago

    Damn indeed! :(

    If anyone wants to part with one, I am looking to buy!

  • lomoDxx angel


    1217 471 28

    12 years ago

    hairs not quite 'shocking red' enough for me, looking back at the original artwork ;]
    hey, I'm not ginge'ist, just sayin.....!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    link can be removed. congrats to all who got one :)

  • sampersand


    41 297 15

    12 years ago

    such an AWESOME toy… *smile*

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    Congrats to all who got it! :)

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago


    the "water" is a translucent gray, she has shiny, polished nipples and mouth and appears so elegant!

    you really should see "lilitu" in person! she is a stunner!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    From now on, I'm only interested in girls with glossy nipples.

  • Shellie


    109 5 384

    12 years ago

    This is just *expletive deleted* awesome!!! =)

  • Shellie


    109 5 384

    12 years ago

    She looks quite a bit like the ghost out of the Ring or the Grudge movies, except her hair and eyes are a russet colour...

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    You who have this, take good pics and post them here :)

    Would be great to see other pics than just the official ones.

  • J_Walrus


    51 9 368

    12 years ago

    I have to comment here about the KR's newest "improvement".

    They shut down the site "to make things better" for the international folks and now the main site works for both the US and international customers.

    Just checked that one certain t-shirt costs 18.48 euros and the shipping costs for it? 19.94 euros. For * sake. The whole thing went just from bad to worse and this is their idea of taking better care of their international customers?

    I'm starting to be done with KR for good.

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    I agree SillyK or maybe Shellie, could you post some photos of Lilitu?, i mean now that we can add more photos, it´s almost a duty. ;)

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    BTW any wanna sell? :)

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    10 years ago

    @sugoi: i'm happy to take pics of this hottie first thing tomorrow when the sun is out :)

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    XD cant wait!

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    ;) SillyK

  • superconductor


    212 444 33

    5 years ago

    anyone selling??? $$$ aero.zachritz@gmail

  • malinablue angel


    522 28 126

    4 years ago

    Long shot, I know, but anyone selling one of these?

  • dirtypacifier


    7 4 6

    4 years ago

    Is anyone down to sell this to me?

  • dirtypacifier


    7 4 6

    4 years ago if you're down to sell. thanks x,

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Mutant Chaos - Rainbow
  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    Has anyone here an idea of what the hell 'Sofubi' means? When you're on ebay all kinds of Nintendo figures show up!!!

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    my understanding is soft vinyl but i could be wrong, quick someone educate us

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    12 years ago

    i think Mr. Quiche is correct. Sofubi stands for soft vinyl.

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Sofubi, soft vinyl, and Japanese vinyl are all the same thing. Kaiju is a subset of that. Kaiju can be sofubi, but it's specific characters. The newer stuff like RxH and Super7 and Greasebat isn't really Kaiju. Really, I'm not sure even Zagoran is Kaiju, strictly speaking.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    12 years ago

    The reason I'm asking is that Gatchabert uploaded a ton of RxHs years ago and put them as 'sofubi' : />I just had the feeling that sofubi was 'punk' toys that didn't really fit into the Kaiju ie Strange Beast niche, but still were more 'twisted' than your usual Touma or whatever Japanese toy.

  • monsterforge


    280 124 209

    12 years ago

    Technically RealxHead figures are not kaiju toys. Kaiju are usually monsters based on and inspired by the old tokusatsu (special effects) movies and shows like Ultraman, Godzilla, and Power Rangers, to name a few. RealXHead figures owe more to "fight figures" than they do to kaiju figures. Fight figures were first started by artist Takeshit with his Fink Shit fight figure.

    Takeshit was a big fan of (and participated in) shoot fighting (kind of like the Japanese version of MMA mixed with pro wrestling) and created a stylized figure that brings to mind the look of Japanese boxers with his shorts and boxing gloves. Companies like Secret Base, Gargamel, and others started making figures that were similar to the Fink Shit figure, and there was a big boom in the fight figure style. Mori Katsura stepped into the ring with his own take on the fight figure and it has evolved past the fight figure realm. I think his characters have the most involved backstories of all the fight figure styled figures. I'd be hesitant to label all of the RealXHead figures as "fight figures"-- certainly some fit right in with their fighting trunks and fight figure stances, but they have really evolved into something that is all their own. They have a bit of the kaiju flair to them, but they aren't really kaiju in the true sense of the word. I believe the "sofubi" tag works best... it's general enough to encompass all that RealXHead stuff embodies and specific enough to not include kaiju and other types of figures.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    thanks monster, that was really eye opening! I had no idea there was this tradition in Japanese toys

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    12 years ago

    It is a new Japanese word created from English words -

    Soft Vinyl -> Sofoto Biniru -> Sofu Biniru -> Sofubi

    Kaiju is just Japanese for strange/odd/not of this world beast. Yet in reference to toys Monsterforge is correct - They are old tokusatsu beasts.

    The lines of what makes a Kaiju toy "kaiju" are blended, as people are creating monster toys inspired by Japanese toys inspired by old Kaiju toys.

    If anything, Mutant Chaos is a Kaijin (humanoid monster)

  • monsterforge


    280 124 209

    12 years ago

    Kaijin is a pretty good term for them... it doesn't take away from the fact that they are like fight figures and doesn't quite put them in the same range as kaiju. (You start going into crazy territory when you start calling things "kaiju." People will cut you over that! Not really... or maybe really... I'm scared! Maybe not.)

    I know a lot of collectors of Japanese soft vinyl call ALL of it "sofubi" because it is a generic term. I wanted to err on the side of safety. (No knife attacks from crazed kaiju purists for me, good sir!)

    In my opinion, people can call 'em whatever they want... I prefer to call them "AWESOME!" :D

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    monster - I also love knowing the right terms for things as much as I can. I get slightly annoyed whenever people call anime mange or vice versa, and I'm not that big of an anime or mange fan :D

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    is there anywhere I can read more about fighting figures?

  • monsterforge


    280 124 209

    12 years ago

    I like knowing the proper terms, but I think it behooves one to not get all buttdestroyed over people who are new to things not getting it right. People learn a lot more by encouragement than they do by chastising. I agree though... sometimes hearing people call any comic book a "graphic novel" makes my spine rattle. But then I get all over it and stuff and keep on keepin' on! XD

    I first found out about fight figures in an old issue of Super Seven magazine and started looking around online for more information. You can find out a LOT about Japanese toys by looking at sites like:

    Skullbrain is a forum, but you don't have to join to search for terms and read stuff there. Those guys are a big source for information about most Japanese vinyl.

    Hope that helps! :D

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    this type of conversation & knowledge sharing is a big part of what adds so much awesomeness to this site, thanks to all involved above for both great questions and super in depth answers :)

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    12 years ago

    Don't you just hate jargon!

    Mark Nagata has some good posts about Kaiju works -

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    12 years ago

    Also, check out this link -

    Don Kratzer teaches us the meaning of "Kaiju,"

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Zagoran - Clear Blue
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Big fat sale at Super7! Your Kaiju await.

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    That giant clear Godzilla is awfully tempting.

  • Lowbrownie


    241 379 84

    11 years ago

    Would have loved to buy this Zagoran, but $40 for international shipping kind of ruins it.

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Super7 shipping is always stupid high, don't know why they do that.

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Hong Kong Lactose Corp Dropcloth - MILK Exclusive
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    12 years ago

    Oy, more robots. Somebody give me a booma.

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Greasebat Custom D-Lux

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