He is from Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
- Photos
- Collection 432
- Wishlist 4
- Comments 822
432 4 822
12 years ago
Holy smokes!
EDIT: The link doesn't work now. The auction went off for well over $200, can't remember the exact price. -
12 years ago
Platinum Greasebat!
11 years ago
Finally got one - It's a beauty!
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1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
Shank, say something about KAWS' new piece!
432 4 822
12 years ago
Best thing he's done since Astro Boy!
432 4 822
12 years ago
His licensed stuff is so hit or miss. Pinocchio, Astro Boy, Vader/Stormtrooper all worked. Tweety, Snoopy, Woodstock, not so much. I think it has something to do with the level of detail, because those last three are such simple figures, and the first four are pretty spectacular. If he wants to keep using the same design, he better nail it every time, and Woodstock is not nailing it.
That being said, I mashed up the Snoopy and Woodstock in this pic, and I still think this would look awfully nice on your shelf. I can see how people would like it, even if it doesn't appeal to me.
But if those yellows don't match I'm done with KAWS forever! -
12 years ago
Yep I agree with shank . I'm a big KAWS fan but I skipped tweeties, partners , snoop & Woodstock . Resting place & astroboy super cool . I picked up a '99 companion in brown a few weeks ago .
432 4 822
12 years ago
My grailiest of grails! I will have it, one day...
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1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
By Danish street artist HuskMitNavn (RememberMyName). One of his funniest wheat pastes is this one:
432 4 822
12 years ago
This is an American website, we don't speak French.
12 years ago
I thought it was a Russian website, and that's Danish.
432 4 822
12 years ago
Of course the German would say that.
12 years ago
That's true.
12 years ago
wait wait, what's with us germans?!
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381 1089 1433
12 years ago
this feels like a very blatant rip off of Kidrobot...
804 2515 1650
12 years ago
And 100% boring. :(
353 606 632
12 years ago
I hope the Transformers will be cooler !
804 2515 1650
12 years ago
Why people buying those? Just for nostalgic value?
I am from behind the iron curtain, so I didn't grow up with GIJoe and Transformers, so these properties doesn't speak to me at all. -
337 2257 77
12 years ago
I grew up adoring both the shows, but I still find these figures completely unappealing. Something about the way they are designed- yes, very close to the Kidrobot aesthetic- disappointing.
12 years ago
agreed, lordy! those bodies throw me off sooo much! what the fudgepacking shoot where they thinking? why is everyone getting so goddarn lazy and uncreative nowadays?
381 1089 1433
12 years ago
These specifically do nothing for me. But some things I buy for nostalgia, other things in those realms just have their aesthetic seared into my brain and I find it cool
12 years ago
The arms look really, really weird! the hands are so big and the arms so skinny but it's not distored in a good way.
432 4 822
12 years ago
Not everyone can ball like this:
For some, G.I. Joe Dunny Muggs are as good as it gets. -
12 years ago
Dunny Muggs! love it ^.^
12 years ago
It's official! We dub thee Dunny Muggs!
To me they look more like the offspring of a Mighty Mugg and a Mez-Itz: -
12 years ago
I approve of this dubbing.
381 1089 1433
12 years ago
Dunny Mez-Mugg
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432 4 822
12 years ago
Best I can do for now krimsky! You can add to the library yourself, you know.
432 4 822
12 years ago
There, that's better.
110 160 23
12 years ago
Thanks Shank! Sorry, i don't have a pc right now, only a tablet and you can't add photos and stuff with that(
Cheers! -
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12 years ago
Ooh I spoke too soon, liking this one too.
12 years ago
dat flake.
12 years ago
i got such a purple rainbow effect as nailpolish and love it!
12 years ago
Stunning! Cant wait to get a D-Lux RI Custom myself.
12 years ago
zombiekel... have you ordered one?
12 years ago
jenX... No not yet as his comission list has just closed. I'm on the look out for one that I already have so I can send it to him to paint. ;)
12 years ago
Yes, I saw his closed note. It'll give you more time too to decide on your colour scheme. Love to see what you get done.
12 years ago
damn that sucks.. i was talking to him two weeks ago about getting a damnedron commissioned but he wouldnt do the eyes i wanted to do so that fell through the cracks =/ i noticed he didnt update his blog about his commission list being closed. is he on fb or twitter or something?
432 4 822
12 years ago
12 years ago
He's on flickr too
What were the eyes like you wanted? -
12 years ago
damn, i dont do social media.. anyways, like this, although i didnt make the lines on the damn thick enough, i wanted it more like the painting on the right
basically he said that he doesnt like to do designs/patterns on damns eyes, he just doesnt think it looks good.. no hard feelings, just bummed... ill get a custom rainbow damn from him one day.. i just bought a d-lux damn not too long ago as well =) -
12 years ago
I don't class flickr as social media in the social media sense of the term.
Shame about the lined eyes, but fair enough if he doesn't like to do them. By the way, you should put that custom in the library, it's cool. I like the green slime. -
12 years ago
i dont either.. its a picture uploading site. i have a flickr. i need to upload my photos somewhere!!
and i will when i get some time (my shift ends in 2 mins, and its my friday, yayyyy), ive been good about uploading things that i get that arent in the library. i think its mainly cause im trying to keep a tab on the # of toys i have. -
12 years ago
Jen - Spoke to Dan and 'it's on!' As soon as my current purchase arrives its gonna be making it's way over to him ;)
12 years ago
Excellent, I can't wait to see it!!!
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278 281 19
12 years ago
Oh oh oh… when and where were these for sale?
432 4 822
12 years ago />
The guy I bought it from said they only made 5.
432 4 822
12 years ago
Of course he might have said that just to get me to buy it.
278 281 19
12 years ago
Did you buy on E-bay? There was one two days ago. This Osaka special is really great.
432 4 822
12 years ago
Yes that was me.